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The In-Between


New Member
Hi there...this is my first time posting and I'm very new to this subject, so forgive me for not really knowing what I'm talking about. My boyfriend believes in past lives and I badly want to.
...I do have one memory that I'm a little confused with. I have remembered this my entire life. Even as a child I told my mother I remember this. I remember what seems to me to be the in-between, between lives.
I am in a place. It seems like I'm being created - almost with clay. I know that there is another person/soul there with me. From what I know now, I believe this other being is my twin soul. (And there is no doubt in my mind who that person is in this life.)
In this memory, I am talking over my next life with a greater, larger being/soul who I take to be God. We talk about choices I have to make and what's going to happen. As I leave I am saying goodbye to the other soul (twin soul) and indicating that we will find eachother again "out there" (in the world). It's a comfortable thing and it seems that I understand everything and even though I feel extremely attached to this other soul, I am okay leaving because I know that maybe my job in this life is to find that person (I believe that I have).
Then it's dark and comfortable...for a long time...then there's pressure and movement...then light. And I remember being born and the first things I saw.
Any thoughts?
I would recommend Journey of Souls and Destiny of Soulshttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1567184995/carolbowmanatchiA/104-8083400-6334317 both by Dr. Michael Newton.

Dr. Newton regresses his subjects to the between life state and has a lot of interesting things to report on that place where we go when we are planning our next incarnation.

In a nutshell, we have free will to choose what lessons we wish to tackle in this life, and we lay out a general life plan to accomplish those goals. Sometimes things that we think are "fated" to happen in this life are really things that we ourselves planned to have happen. Sometimes things that appear to the work of karma are really the unfolding of our life plan.

We still have free will in this life, and the ability to change our minds and go against our life plan, but if we are wise we stick with the plan. That's why sometimes the future seems already carved in stone. It's not that the future is predestined, (it is not) but rather that we have made some definite plans for this life and, unless we radically change our minds, those plans will bring about the "fate" that we designed for ourselves between lives.

In other words, once we choose to enroll in a certain class the wisest choice is to see the lesson plan through to graduation.
I'm very sorry for adding a second post, but my mind is working kind of randomly lately. My boyfriend started calling me Valencia about 3 months ago (that's where I got my screen name). At the time the name seemed strangely comfortable to me, but I didn't think anything of it. Everything with him has always seemed strangely "perfect". We met nearly 6 years ago and we'll go 8 months without seeing eachother and then randomly run into eachother again and BAM! Sparks...we finally decided we should be together. He has done some regressions and has a past life memory of being married to me as Valencia. We had two children, Ala and Damion. He describes parts of the life to me. It explains some things between us...the love...the deep connection...even the fear of losing eachother (apparently I was killed). Any thoughts?

Fiziwig - just saw your post. Thank you for the recommendations. I will definitely look into those. Do you have any thoughts on these? Does what I remember follow a general in between life pattern?

I don't think there is any such thing as a general pattern that is the same for everyone. Every life is unique. But what you describe certainly does sound familiar. I'm sure many other people on this forum have very similar stories to tell.
In between lifes

I have seen many post about past lives. But what about the time between past lives. Who has this insite?

Thanks Jason
There are quite a few different theories on the time between lives, and quite a bit of testimony that claims to be first hand accounts from various psychics and mediums.

A lot of those accounts are quite different in many of their details, but the interesting thing is that they pretty much agree on the basic principles.

At this link you will find an online book that summarizes a lot of different views on the subject.

You might also try Journey of Souls by Michael Newton PhD, Realms of the Living Dead by Curtiss (pub 1917 and hard to find), Raymond by Sir Oliver Lodge, Edge of the Unknown by Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame), Conversations Beyond the Light by Kubis and Macy, The After Death Experience by Ian Wilson, Talking to Heaven by Van Praagh, Mysteries and Realities of This World and the Next by Da Silva Mello, (Published in Brazil and hard to find).

There are a lot more. Those are just a few titles picked at random from the "between lives" section of my bookshelves.

Oh, and Here and Hereafter by Ruth Montgomery, Questions from Earth, Answers from Heaven by Margolis, and Journeys Out of Body by Robert Monroe.

One thing is absolutely certain. Don't believe anyone who says they know for certain what it's about. They're just kidding themselves.
In my new member intro I menitoned having a preconcieved idea of what the "time inbetween lives" is like. Afer reading two of Van Praag's books, I felt a confirmation of these ideas (rather, truths I felt in my soul).

First, I think the most important thing to remember is that "time" is an earthly concept and doesn't exist in the afterlife. But since there is a major lack for a better word, during this "time" I think we decide what we are going to do in the next life to achieve a more well educated soul... and how we plan to burn off bad karma from other lives.

Just my 2 cents worth of opinions :)
I merged the two threads

Just for easier access to material already noted. ;)
Memories of an intermission period

Dear Valencia,

Your in-between memories as you call them certainly seem classical. I have myself studied several of such memories in young children, just visit this site: http://www.prebirthexperience.com/
Would your mother be willing to confirm the story you told her as a child (via e-mail or normal mail)?

By the way, Valencia is also the name of a Spanish city famous for its tasty oranges. It seems ironical that an important international conference about survival and reincarnation research was organized in this city in 1991. Two important speakers were Dr. Jamuna Prasad and Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, both colleagues of Ian Stevenson. It's a remarkable world.

Best wishes,

Titus Rivas
For the record

Two other speakers at the memorable Valencia conference were Dr. K.S. Rawat and myself. Just for the record :)
