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Recent content by Hathaway

  1. Hathaway

    What do you miss the most from a PL?

    I am interested in knowing what kinds of things you miss most about the way things "used to be." I loved baseball, and one of the things I miss most is the atmosphere at the ballparks in the days before Jumbo-trons, floor shows, gimmicks, and all the other annoying "Bells-and-whistles" that...
  2. Hathaway

    Past life influences on fears

    germ phobia came and went When I was about 8 years old (c. 1975-76), I suddenly became gripped with a phobia about germs. At school, I spent so much time washing my hands before lunch that I sometimes did not have time to eat. Everywhere I went, I was afraid of infectious germs. Just...
  3. Hathaway

    Birthmarks and unexplained scars (Merged)

    Yes, I may have such a birthmark In my life before this one, I was an American man named Hathaway (1910-1942) and I was KIA during World War II while fighting the Germans. I believe strongly that I was in the US Army Air Force, possibly as I pilot, navigator, or bombadier. I have a...