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Search results

  1. P

    Could children's memories just be their imagination?

    I'm confused. The researchers deduced that the story was made up because they think the little girl read about it in the newspaper/ I don't know many three year olds that can read. Great research. Biased? Obviously.
  2. P

    Past life in Maine?

    Ahh Maine! The land of my ancestors. A little digging revealed that my original North American ancestor arrived in the Casco Bay area (Portland) in 1632. He was later wiped out by indians but not before (luckily for me) he had a son to carry on the line. Returning to Maine is always like...
  3. P

    Is it wrong to remember?

    Remembering past lives would ruin the fun and screw up the wagering.
  4. P

    Yet Another Theory

    I don't really know where I fall in with these interesting theories but I did notice fiziwig's "this or that" reaction. Isn't it possible that, on a deeper level" we know far more but not necessarily "everything"? We may use introspection to keep us on track but not to provide all the answers...