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Past Lives in Roman Republic and Empire

So ive been wrestling with this for sometime. I have had vivid dreams for years of being a merchant in ancient rome. It is always the same i am walking in the upper level of a market i pause and look at the people passing me and the people below me. Seeing pillars or columns during the day has brought me to a dream like state where the same scenario takes place.
This was one of the first past life memories that I had:

Roman soldier in the 3rd centrury, fought against the "Barbarians" in the Northern Balkans. Got pretty old (40-50), was killed by a sword to the stomach.

This lifetime always seemed "closest" as if it was the most recent one, even though I do have a sense of later lifetimes as well. This one seems to be indicated in my astrological chart as well when looking at past life indicators (South Node in Aries and in the 8th house of death, sex, transformation).
I'm always cautious when someone claims a so famous past life. But I'm curious to know what are your memories of Caesar. I'm especially interested in the Gaul wars as I was a roman centurion at this time. I tell about it a few posts up.
Julius, I might have met you or not. As a public slave with an "administration" job (had to write lists, like incoming wares on ships, inventory lists, such stuff) I rarely ever met any of the "big guys" in person. My life was not bad for a slave, I got clean clothes, enough food, even was allowed to visit the temple of my choice (too bad I was of Jewish origin) and the baths. There was some soldier or what ever, maybe a guard who showed me around. Anyway, one day I was called to the house of one of the "big guys", much to my surprise. I also was surprised that this powerful man looked so old and tired. Had to note down a letter for him, and something stroke me as odd. Who ever this man was, he had enough influence to make sure I was set free. There was something in the air, things going on, an odd feeling... I decided to leave Rome, together with my wife (?). Not sure how and why I was allowed to marry her, but my two sons must have been born in Rome, because they have both Latin and Hebrew names. Anyway, I would be interested in learning who this man for whom I wrote the letter was. He was pacing the room with his hands folded behind his back while he was dictating.
I know the chances are low that an important, powerful Roman will remember any other public slave, but maybe somebody here remembers the scene... they called me "Marcus", but that was not my name. As my name I get "Malachi(as)".
Or maybe Lucius/Nathanael is here? My second son. If so, have you found the one you believed to be the returned Messiah (so either John the Baptist or Jesus himself)? I am sorry I did not believe you.
I remembered, through regressive hypnosis, a past life during the transition from Republic to Empire.
I was from a patrician family, I sat in the Senate when Caesar became the sole master of Rome.
When he was murdered, I sided Octavian even though I despised him, because I believed he was "the lesser evil": I considered Antony a whoring drunk unfit to rule Rome.
When Octavian won the war, disappointed by the fact that Rome had become an Empire (I was a republican)I retired from public and political life and moved to the country.
I remembered I had two wives: the first, chosen by my father, was a mean, unfaithful woman whom I divorced before having children; the second was a kind, sweet, smart woman I had fallen in love with. With her I had three children: two boys and a girl.
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Does any of you people remember, exactly, how Iulius Caesar was assassinated? Gaius Iulius Caesar, did you plan it because you were growing tired? Marcus Iunius Brutus, did you kill him because you thought that he was a tyrant or because he, himself had asked you to do it? That's just a personal interest of me, because I just love history.
Does any of you people remember, exactly, how Iulius Caesar was assassinated? Gaius Iulius Caesar, did you plan it because you were growing tired? Marcus Iunius Brutus, did you kill him because you thought that he was a tyrant or because he, himself had asked you to do it? That's just a personal interest of me, because I just love history.
I do know certain details of Ceasar's death, only googled AFTER I suspected something that I thought could be a memory to see if it was correct, I'm not gonna add details that I haven't already posted so that Ceasar can't be influenced by them
I actually have a hard time reading the bigger latin numbers I get I V X but if they get to big like with the L involved I get lost
I'm not trying to steal anyone thunder by any means but it is quite interesting to read about others past life regressions in the Legions. I only started looking into it 2-3 months ago and do not have much to go on but here is my experience so far:

I remembered walking on a beach, full battle armor with a gladius in my right hand. It seemed like it was after a battle but I couldn't be sure (possibly in Gaul?). Regardless, the memory didn't last long but it was vivid.

Another vision was on a ship at the helm, then climbing up to the crows nest to observe an incoming vessel immediately before battle. I did not see the battle unfortunately so I could be mistaken but that was the initial vibe I got.

I recall walking up steps after returning to Rome. Seemed like a walk of victory. I sat on a throne(?) And observed a massive crowd for a moment.

My wheels started turning at this point and I was very curious to see what happened next. I wish I hadn't. It was the Ides of March. I remember it like it happened yesterday. I departed a villa, walked the streets of Rome, received the warning, ignored it, walked into the Senate hall, knew something was wrong, and proceeded to be stabbed 23 times by my colleagues with the killing blow dealt by a friend. The worst part about it is that I actually recalled pulling my tunic above my eyes to hide my shame.

If that isn't weird, my first wife swore she was Cleopatra in a previous life and my second wife has an uncanny resemblance to Athena.

I'm not going to outright claim that I'm Gaius Julius Caesar as I do not fully understand these experiences but my life up until this point has some interesting parallels. Successful military background, no kids, spouses with similarities to Caesars, an odd connection to Rome and the Caesar dynasty, humble beginnings from a formerly successful family, etc. I do not expect any of you to believe me but my own experiences and feelings lead me to believe that something is there.

Either that or I have a very vivid imagination......or I'm crazy. Either way, it's interesting to think about and consider when, in all honesty, we will never know for sure what's true and what isn't. Interesting topic. Thank you OP for bringing it up as I found this website through a Google search on a similar topic. I look forward to further discussions with you folks.

Funny, premonitions of my own death are what sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with. I'm pretty positive that I cheated death and have possibly met the same blockade that you speak of. It's strange how life always comes back around and we are able to choose to repeat our past mistakes or learn from them and forge a new path. Please, let me know if you do manage to find a path around the blockade. I am surely at a loss at this point.
That seems to be the trend with historical and religious figures. Three come to mind immediately in Siddhartha, Jesus, and Odin in their own ways. I've done my fair share of meditation and it has seemed to bring about a form of enlightenment but clarity is still a challenge. Perhaps it isn't my time to put it all together just yet but I will continue to search until the day I stop breathing. Thank you for your responses as they have brought a bit of perspective that I was missing.
Anybody else here who just loves Latin numbers and to whom they come naturally?
I also have a fascination with the AVC calendar.
Yup. Learned or relearned them when I was a Kid and the school system still taught it.
I = 1
V= 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
M = 1000

2018 would be MMXVIII
2019 would be MMXIX
2020 would be MMXX
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I don't remember much about myself but I keep feeling Ive met someone before, he was a slave in Rome. He wore a short gown of a cheap material resembling a potato sack and cotton mix.
A Young Greek man who was a junior architect/construction foreman of a Roman temple (maybe to Apollo). There was a bad accident where one of the workers was killed, and had this guy been more attentive, it might have been prevented. It was basically a career buster and bad omen. However, the night before he had stayed up drinking with a depressed friend who had just lost his wife—the wife and baby died in childbirth. He didn’t want to stay up so late but he felt badly for his friend.
I was a woman with a husband and children. I’m white or lightly tanned. We have sew together skins for clothing and live By the coast or on an island. I’m running to the beach with a gnarly, hardened club to fight some men—just a few launches—that are invading us. Our men have stayed back to protect the children.

I face off with what I think is a Greek soldier. He’s wearing something like a cotton or linen short tunic and skimpy leather armor. He has cleanly trimmed brown hair and beard, and carries bronze weapons. He is surprised he must fight a woman and doesn’t know what to do.

We are at least knee to waist deep in the water and my back is to the shore. He has two short, bronze swords. He throws one at me and I get cut, but I grab it out of the water. He has a different code of fighting like it would only be honorable to fight me if I had a similar weapon. All I want is to save my children and people from attack. I don’t care about codes.

A wave wrests the sword from his hand. A grab the second sword. He expects me to give it back to him. I throw it behind me. I strike a single blow into his jugular.
I was a woman with a husband and children. I’m white or lightly tanned. We have sew together skins for clothing and live By the coast or on an island. I’m running to the beach with a gnarly, hardened club to fight some men—just a few launches—that are invading us. Our men have stayed back to protect the children.

I face off with what I think is a Greek soldier. He’s wearing something like a cotton or linen short tunic and skimpy leather armor. He has cleanly trimmed brown hair and beard, and carries bronze weapons. He is surprised he must fight a woman and doesn’t know what to do.

We are at least knee to waist deep in the water and my back is to the shore. He has two short, bronze swords. He throws one at me and I get cut, but I grab it out of the water. He has a different code of fighting like it would only be honorable to fight me if I had a similar weapon. All I want is to save my children and people from attack. I don’t care about codes.

A wave wrests the sword from his hand. A grab the second sword. He expects me to give it back to him. I throw it behind me. I strike a single blow into his jugular.

From the description, you could've perhaps been Celts?
From the description, you could've perhaps been Celts?

Interesting idea! I never thought of Celts living in such a temperate climate. I suppose if the living were relatively easy, pockets of these people might get isolated, and not keep up with technologies of others in their ethnic group (they didn’t have metal.) I should look at maps of their migration. Thanks!
Interesting idea! I never thought of Celts living in such a temperate climate. I suppose if the living were relatively easy, pockets of these people might get isolated, and not keep up with technologies of others in their ethnic group (they didn’t have metal.) I should look at maps of their migration. Thanks!

Actually, I think they were more like Slavs, or some other European who was still at a mostly hunter gatherer stage when the Greeks drove them off or took them as slaves. It seemed to be in Eastern Mediterranean. Interesting that in this present life, my blue eyes come not through my NW European ancestry but via my S Italian (which was once considered Greater Greece.)
I was a centurion during the Gaul wars, probably in legio XII. I was not made to be a soldier, I just wanted to please my father. I have memories of battles, probably at Bibracte and more surely at Aduatuca. Aduatuca was a slaughter, hard memories... but I survived and finished my life in a sunny land, in north Africa or near east.

I also remember two lives in ancient Greece. One of a simple worker who wanted to learn sculpture in 5th century BC. And one of a philosopher who studied under Aristotle in Athens. In this life I was born in Rhodes and returned in this island at the end of my life. I had time to see the beginning of construction of the colossus.

Can you tell more about your Greek lives?
I don't know many more about the first one. My job was to wash statues around a big monument in a city, and I wanted to learn sculpture to copy the masterpieces I worked on everyday. I had family in the countryside, some peasants.

I know more about the second one. I was born in Rhodes island where I had family and friends. It was probably in the city of Lindos, where there was a temple on top of a hill. I moved to Athens when I was adult. There I studied sciences and philosophy, and I recognized Aristotle as my teacher. I didn't recognize him physically, but his name came to me. In Athens I lived in a room I rent from a woman. I have a memory from watching a play in a theatre.
Later in this life I returned to Rhodes where I met again old friends. I became teacher myself and had a few students. This time I was certainly in the city of Rhodes as I saw the colossus under construction. In this life I died by a heart attack while I was walking on the seashore with a student.
I found that some of my memories match with one of Aristotle students we know today as Eudemos of Rhodes.
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This is just a place for people to list their past lives in the Roman Republic and then the Roman Empire. Feel, free to go into the details if you can recall them. Also, if you had one in Carthage, or Greece, feel free to list them too here.
I’ve never really been fussed over this until a few years ago. I’m not one for details, so I will get straight to the point. All I remember was some centurion on the Rhine, in Germania. I don’t remember it all much, or what legion ( or Auxiliary cohort) I served with but the II Augusta always makes me feel very proud for some reason. Weird thing is though, I also remember deserts of some sort... not sure where that comes from. Maybe a transfer? As for how I died, I prefer not to think about it. But I’ve always felt a weird stabbing sensation on my left stomach, something that’s bothered me from a tiny kid.
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Welcome to the forum Vulpes, there seems to be quite a few of the younger people coming aboard with memories or suspicions, or questions. It sounds as though you have narrowed it down pretty well, how did it all come about?
Welcome to the forum Vulpes, there seems to be quite a few of the younger people coming aboard with memories or suspicions, or questions. It sounds as though you have narrowed it down pretty well, how did it all come about?
Since a child, I always loved Roman history, especially early Empire. I’ve always had a really strong interest in the Roman army. Not the fighting, not the killing, the logistics and how it all worked out. It seems normal almost. Only in the last few recent years have I started having some dreams (only occasionally) but everything in it doesn’t seem like it happened 2000 years ago. It seems like it happened in a parallel yesterday, if that makes any sense to you. I also used to have a really terrible phobia of woods and forests as a child, but not sure if that’s related.

Maybe one of the weirdest parts, when I was a child I did actually have 1 dream (only once) or being stabbed right in the left side of my stomach. I never saw the blade in my dream, only felt it. Sure enough, there’s a huge birthmark around that place. I still remember it today, but I prefer to not talk about it- it weirds me out. I actually prefer not to think about it.

I may sound crazy, but I genuinely believe I had a past life in this period, and the cold, wet environment of Germany makes me feel a bit sad. Or scared. Or homesick that I know I’ll never get back. I’m not sure. Like I’m missing a second home. But it doesn’t seem half as exciting as you think it would.. not all the action, it just feels like another reality to me, something I’ve had to live with. I think that’s all I can make out really.
I recall one life as a Roman and one life from ancient Greece. In the Greek life I recall being an adolescent boy. I overheard my parents discussing if I should learn to be a soldier. My father was involved with the military. My mother pleaded for my safety. I was sent to serve at a temple as a novice. Fighting broke out with some enemy. Soldiers were slaughtering the priests with short swords. I was attending with a votive dish and was run through with a sword.

The Roman life is more detailed. I recall being a lawyer recently posted in Pompeii. I know I had a brother in the Roman Legion that I did not get along with. I arrived and settled in a small villa within the city with my wife and daughter. I recall attending a dinner party with my wife at someone's larger home. I remember strolling through the garden at night lit by torches. The columns were painted red on the lower half. Previous to that I recall searching through an expansive baths for someone. I suspect that was in Rome.

My strongest memory is the day that Vesuvious erupted. I had gotten an early start to my day..I'd spent time watching athletic competitions in the paelestra. After that I went to the baths to serve wax tablets to a patron. He was a big chubby guy in a pool covorting with a group of younger men. He disgusted me but I did my job. Afterwards I recall standing on a raised second story walkway..I looked towards the mountain as I heard the ripping sound and saw a plume of smoke rize from the peak. The ground shook. I thought to myself that maybe I should get my family and leave..but I reasoned that my job needed to be carried out..after all it was just a smoke cloud, and earthquakes happened all the time.

Next memory I am at my house door. The sky is dark and the ash is choking and stinging. I argue with my wife to leave. The servants are busy taking statuary down to avoid breakage. We leave the servants to continue their tasks and step out into the cobbled street..

A sharp cracking sound is heard and throngs of screaming people rush past me and I lose my family in the crowd. At that moment I feel extreme heat. My tunic is smoking. My hair is smoking. My eyes burst. I feel my spirit leave out of the back of my head while I am still standing. Darkness.
My curiosity for a past life in ancient Rome started when I visited the Prado Museum in Spain. I saw the bust statue of Antinous, and suddenly felt overwhelming nostalgia and melancholy. I wandered around the rest of the museum but kept purposefully coming back to his statue, at least three or four times. I was on tour and after Spain we traveled to Italy to Rome and Florence. I kept looking at the ancient structures and statues thinking "things have changed." I didn't like the change. I felt sad and felt a strong longing for the structures and streets to be whole again like they used to. When I returned from my trip, I fell into a depression, I bought multiple books on ancient Rome, listened to replicated music, and even took a class (I was finishing up my senior year in college) trying to soothe the nostalgia for something out of reach, a past and a deep love I thought I would never see again. I had an intense dream about reincarnation, I was talking to someone I couldn't see because we weren't bodies on Earth at the moment. He was going to be reincarnated before me, and I asked him "Will you remember me when we go back?" He said, "I don't know."

I am not sure who I was in my past, or even if I was someone in ancient Rome, but I am excited to find this forum and learn about others experiences as well as share my own.