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Womb twin


Senior Registered
A search in this forum did not show much reference about the phenomena womb twin

A womb twin survivor has been born from a pregnancy where one or more of their siblings in the womb did not survive .

I personally am finding knowledge of my womb twin who passed on one month in utero ... and past life womb twins to be essential to my healing journey . Due to our strong emotional link the feelings of how I relate as well as the twins emotional and physical feelings has affected my sense of responsibility, and safety . Our relationship intertwins in our past lives and combines to have left its affect on my soul.

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I have heard of this and have wondered myself if I could of had a twin that was miscarried especially since my mom is a fraternal twin so the chance of her having twins herself was there. By the way how did you find out about your womb twin? Do you remember being in the womb?
Womb twin is rather common .. I shall find out the percentage ..

I do not have specific memories of being in the womb. I just "know " she left me in the womb when she was around a month old..

I had done regression work and remembered all sorts of lives but not heard of womb twins. I have a chronic health condition and was interested in some help through a psychic in 1996 . He was the person who told me about my womb twin .. He put it that I had a twin around me .. I later found out about womb twins ..

Sort a long story so will try to shorten it.. Just previous to finding out about the twin I had had an experience with a ghost in my apartment . The ghost was confirmed and I being in touch with the ghost did a prayer another psychic told me about . I felt the ghost was not around anymore..

.. Since I had had the experience with the ghost already I decided to see if I could contact her . I did and I felt her presence and guided her on to letting go of her attachment to me and helped her transition to her next life.

So one of the kickers is that I had a memory about my near drowning accident come to me . I had nearly drowned as a three year old. IN the regression I remember going into the tunnel , through the near death wondrous peace filled light and I met my twin sister there.. I believe that it could have been there that she reattached to me and had remained in spirit around me for those years between age 3 and age 45 when I found out about her..

I have a memory of her and I being together as twin sisters in a very traumatic life dying in 1944 .. I was reborn near immediately to the same location and again died traumatically .. After that life I remained a ghost and did not want to return .. I remember my twin sister coming to me in the ghostly state and inviting me back . With my strong love for her I felt it easy to feel safe and secure and so returned to be born this life as twin sisters .

SO I suppose we both have helped each other in the same way by letting go and supporting the person in transition to another life.. It just dawned on me... how lovely to see the work I have done which has seemed very difficult has had its rewards for us all.. it is making me cry ...Now to forgive myself for something that happened between me and my twin in a previous life...
What a beautiful story, @soulfreindly

My youngest son had a womb twin as well. During pregnancy I lost tissue and a strange ‘object’. I put it all in a small glass container and went to my docter. I thought my pregnancy was over, but the doctor send me to the hospital for an ultra sound and there was somebody still alive in me.

I’ve read a book about womb twins. I don’t remember in what language.
Thankyou Fireflydancing

Also a blessing too coincidental not to be a gift from the universe ... the woman/ my neighbour who supported me with her interest in ghostly matters turned out to have been in a life either just prior or in the previous life with my twin ... She was my mother in one of those lives .. I may find out which life it was out of interest .She had told me she had had one memory of past life where it fit in totally with my memory { the two lives were in the same setting / I was reborn quickly }

... .. Without her I doubt I would have had the courage to have believed in ghosts and then not in my womb twin
Thanks for the information I watched a video on the characteristics of womb twins and it seems to fit me very well, which has me wondering if I could of had a womb twin. I would have to have a regression done to be sure.