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Search results

  1. W.A. HEART

    What's in a photograph?

    Photographs - what is there, what is it they carry that survives time and distance. What is it that we see in them? How much of a person's soul is imprinted on a photograph? I know - my musings are not very original. Long before now people have wondered, delighted at, and feared the power of...
  2. W.A. HEART

    Memories of motherhood

    Hello all! Being a parent, IMO, is one of the most powerful experiences one can go through. Having recently unveiled a very sweet memory of having been a mother in a PL, I thought I'd share it here. This memory is of great comfort to me - it was not the easiest of lives and I did find endless...
  3. W.A. HEART

    Possible Iron Age past life?

    Hi all! Lately I started researching into European history, began with researching through the kings of the Scots, got to Kenneth MacAlpin, then Alfred the Great and then the Vikings and by now I think I made a big mess of it all :tongue: The thing is I am really at a loss here, and I would...
  4. W.A. HEART


    Hello everyone! I have recently began researching a PL as the wife of a Scott - I am still putting all the little pieces together, or trying to, and I'll be sure to share my story as soon as I can. Anyway, I just had to share this much with you - I remembered a name! Bracca was my husbands...
  5. W.A. HEART

    Two years ago

    Nearly three now. My oldest son was 3 years old. I had been pursuing my search for welsh lore, and by then I had discovered a new dimension - the welsh language. What a breakthrough for me - a lover of languages, words spoken and written, ancient cultures… I had began to study welsh in a more...
  6. W.A. HEART

    Since I can remember...

    Hello again... OK, here I go. My earliest memories... (I didn't call them memories at that time) .. I was 13, or so. No more than that. With no apparent reason (I'm 37 now - there was no internet back then, information didn't come about quite as easily..) I developed a peculiar obsession...
  7. W.A. HEART

    A Welsh life

    Hello again... OK, here I go. My earliest memories... (I didn't call them memories at that time) .. I was 13, or so. No more than that. With no apparent reason (I'm 37 now - there was no internet back then, information didn't come about quite as easily..) I developed a peculiar obsession for...