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Two years ago


Senior Registered
Nearly three now. My oldest son was 3 years old. I had been pursuing my search for welsh lore, and by then I had discovered a new dimension - the welsh language. What a breakthrough for me - a lover of languages, words spoken and written, ancient cultures… I had began to study welsh in a more serious way, and found it surprisingly (or maybe not so much so…;) ) easy and intuitive, at least for me. At first, the words look like long strings of consonants with no vowels at all…. :laugh: but when you(I) hear it, it no longer feels that way.
I had in fact begun to explore a particularly interesting issue, related to the word “hiraeth”. HIRAETH. I love this word, the way it sounds, the way it looks… This word has a peculiar meaning, in the sense that there are very few languages that have an exact synonym. It means LONGING, but not quite. Homesickness, but not exactly. It’s all those things and more. You know the aura that every word carries, that goes beyond their signification? Hiraeth is a state of mind, a feeling, a noun, not a verb. Hiraeth. In Portuguese, my native tongue, we say “saudade” (sowdahduh). Yes, we have that same concept. And that totally delighted me, because apart from the Portuguese, I knew only of one other language that has it - the Romanian (and of course it shares plenty of common background with the Portuguese).
Anyway, before you all fall asleep :eek:, I wrote some short essays on the subject and, while researching on the internet, I came across a site of a University in Wales that had Welsh as post graduate studies - and so I decided to email them and share my findings, out of sheer curiosity.
Christmas came and went, and the winter set in. They didn’t answer me, and I forgot about it. All the while, the longing, or should I say, the hiraeth, was growing stronger.
And then it happened. Saturday afternoon, sitting at home, having tea. We all felt relaxed and confortable, just being lazy… my husband was reading the paper, I was lying on the floor playing with the kid. A kind of harmony had set in, and I remember smiling when my husband said “Check this guy out! He sounds cool!”
He handed me the paper and I read through a small article about a welsh man (you would have guessed by now…). For privacy’s sake, I won’t go into further detail. It had a very blurry picture of him. He did sound cool. And strangely familiar.
I threw the paper aside, and as I often do when things puzzle me beyond explanation, I “filed” the information and forgot about it for the moment.

A month later, I incidentally came across some more information about this man, and this time it hit me - I wouldn’t call it recognition, because I was so overwhelmed by the strangest feeling, a sense of loss, a kind of exhaustion, mixed with relief and… hiraeth. I saw him on TV, and there it was, that glow. That warmth.

As days passed, I sometimes wondered about that strange feeling, so confusing and so strong. But as you will understand, I brushed it aside and blamed my romantic nature for the infatuation. I’m not going to join a fan club at this point in my life, I thought to myself - it was never really my thing.

About two weeks later, I got an email from the University. Someone had read my paper and they wanted to help me further my studies. Could I pay for my plane tickets? If so, they would be willing to arrange for lodgings at their campus and provide me with a partial scholarship. This would be a short term stay, a month or so, and I would attend some seminars they were having later that year. I had to take a Welsh exam to qualify for this, would that be a problem? Could be done online, blah, blah….

I panicked.

There’s no other word for it. Panic - that cold grip on your stomach, and then the icy sensation from your shoulders and hips down to your arms and legs. Where did this come from???? I’m just curious, my line of work (I’m a tenders and acquisitions lawyer) has nothing to do with this, what sense does it make???? And since when are things supposed to be so easy???

At the same time, my husband had become aware of my “obsession” for this man. I told him that it felt as if something from a past life was calling to me. I don’t think I realized the extent to witch this was true. He was understanding about it, but growing restless.

I think he was genuinely proud when I told him of the invitation I had received, but I know that it made him even more nervous. He told me I should accept and that he was very happy for me - I wanted to believe him, and I arranged for a leave of absence from work. I never booked the flights - it was soon obvious that this would be a severe strain on our relationship, and I decided I couldn’t risk that much.

So I called them at the University and said we’d have to reschedule our plans - maybe the next year? They where disappointed but charming, and we stayed in touch by email. If nothing else, I had made some new friends :).

One of my new friends emailed me one day, about an event that she believed I would like to attend. It would be great if I could come over for a long weekend, they knew one of the “speakers” (let’s call it that) and had arranged for drinks after the event. She was sure I would love to meet this guy, he was so nice and…. I panicked again, this time even worse than before.

I decided to think about it - the event was still two months away, I had time to digest all this. Or so I thought, because shortly after that the dreams began.
Gwydion - A brief note on privacy

As you may have noticed, I have been deliberatly trying to avoid any reference that may indicate the identity of the man in my story - let's call him Gwydion.

It's not easy to go into details in this sequence of events without offering inappropriate information. So please forgive me if some parts of my story seem as if I rushed by them, but I see no other way of doing this.

If anyone is interested in knowing more, because they feel they can help with information or any kind of guidance, please PM me.

Thank you for understanding!
Ah so! You have already located your special someone and not surprisingly, he is in Wales.

You don't have to go in to all the 'gorey details' or invade the privacy of your family. Let's just call him Gwydion, indeed. You can even 'make up' a profession and another city for him if you like, to disguise his identity further. You can keep your remarks about your story general enough not to offend any people you may know in real life and still get the general message across.

Meanwhile, tell! Tell! :laugh:

1. Have you met in person yet? Is he married?

2. How did you feel? Did it feel the same as when you saw him on TV? More? Less?

3. How did he feel? Do you think he may have 'recognised' you (or not)? Did either of you feel anything like static or an electric shock?

4. What are you going to do? Obviously you are feeling a powerful longing to reconnect with this person (if it's really him) and I know, in the case with X there is no way I could or would have resisted such an urge.


Just because you know someone from a previous life (even if it was a very happy one) does not mean you are going to live 'happily ever after' in this one. Sometimes quite the reverse. Tread carefully. Treat everyone involved with utmost care and respect (including yourself). Things like this can all too easily 'end in tears' as my mother is fond of saying.

You say you also felt a connection, recognition or familiarity with your present husband when you met him. Have you ever explored any past life memories in relation to him? He sounds very nice. There may be some 'karma' the three of you need to work out together.

You should get some more info. A professional regression (with counselling) is definitely in order here I would say.
Hey Tanguerra!

Well, this is a strange story that is far from over, and I will go into further detail later, but I can tell you that it has been difficult to manage. Specially because it's quite an unconventional situation. Yes, he's married...

My husband is a peculiar man - very soulful and deep. At once very rational and very emotional, and yes, a very nice man. I think I agree with you, there may be some karmic issue here that binds the three of us, but I'm not sure yet how to deal with it. It's sensitive ground, and I know that, like you said, it must be trodden carefully, or yes, it will end in tears, as your mother would say... :eek:

I know that only too well... it nearly did. But I'll get to that later.


Welsh at Heart
Dear Heart, Thank you for sharing your words. I too am reading along with great interest. Your story is very familiar, and I have been in these same places...our paths must have the same map. Your word hiraeth, I believe I know it, and the feeling quite well. I have put a lot of it away for some time now...but you are bring it to the forefront again. I hope to learn from you.

Thank you...more later.

And then….

I wanted to go to Wales. Part of felt that none of it made any sense, that I’m probably just “making things up” in my mind, that the rest are just coincidences. Gwydion? He is a married man himself, and has children. Happily married, or at least so it seems. Like me, he has a life of his own… I must have gone nuts, me, a decent married girl with a child, longing for a man I don’t even know…

But then I have always believed that there’s more to life than what we see at its surface, that coincidences are in fact synchronicities that the universe uses to show us signs; that the universe is, in its nature, a whole, an entity in which we all participate, and where everything flows as energy - and so our feelings are never solely our own, because they must surely affect the “whole” of witch we are part. And if so, the intensity of my emotions had to affect my Gwydion in some form.

Anyway, I decided to go - I had to. Nothing would come of it, it was probably my imagination running wild, so why not? At least I would visit Wales, attend an event that I would surely love, and get the chance to meet my friends from the University. So I told my husband about this, half hoping he would like the idea, but knowing inside that he wouldn’t. He didn’t - told me that he understood that I must explore my linguistic skills and get acquainted with the country and the people from the University, but he thought it best that I should go alone. I knew he would say that.

Well, I pretended all was very well and emailed my friends and let them know I was coming over, and this time I booked the flights.

My welsh friends were very happy to hear that this time I would make it, and started to make plans for the weekend. They sent me photos of themselves, and I sent them one of mine, so we would better recognize each other (I can’t imagine myself holding one of those name cards in an airport… :laugh: ). My husband began to be reconciled with the idea, and I began to relax.

And then it got weirder.

My friend emailed me again, saying that I would surely be happy to know that Gwydion had accidentally seen my picture and, on learning that I much appreciate his work, said that he felt honoured to have such a lovely fan. She told me this as a bit of a joke, and said he had stared at the photo with a funny look on his face. “You really struck a chord there!” she said..

I’m not sure I can describe what I felt. It seemed as though Fate was telling me I can’t escape the wheel - I set it in motion and now I can’t turn away. The dreams returned, with no more visual detail than before, but bearing more and more information. I had imagined that my Welsh husband had died at sea, and that was why I was mourning him at the beach.

But no. It was not that simple - the sea was a refuge for me. Not that I wished for a watery grave - at that stage I could wish for nothing, not even death - but it felt like the only companion that could scream louder than my pain.

There’s also a sense of being injured by some treason - being in shock at someone’s betrayal; not my husband’s but a supposed friend’s. I feel that my Gwydion died at the hands of someone whom he revered. At the time the rest of the story eluded me, but I was left with a feeling of having been robbed of my most precious love.


My incredibly sensitive (present) husband then began to show his growing uneasiness. Little things turned into arguments and for anything and everything he would start a quarrel. He was desperate - my heart aches for him every time I remember what he must have felt like. Things got so bad that he sat me down one day and said we should get a divorce. I tried to make him see that it didn’t have to be that way, that I didn’t want a divorce, but things where so strained that after a while I agreed. I told him that although I loved him, I couldn’t live in permanent conflict.

And my trip to Wales was soon coming. And the feeling that if I did go I would reach a point of no return haunted me more and more….
Aargh! The suspense is killing!

It's OK though, just take your time. I know this is a serious matter. (argh! :) )

About a week before my flight, the dreams changed. I was alone on a large field, near home, walking towards the sea - that was the first time I realized that my little cottage was near the sea. I strolled about - it felt lovely, the weather mild, the air heavy with scent from the earth, the pastures, and the sea. My chores were done - something you just know, when you are enjoying free time after having done your job… ;) . There’s a boulder in front of me, a rather large one, by the edge of a cliff. A man is leaning over it, looking at the sea. I run to him, I feel ever so light. There he is, my sweet husband to be. He looks so young it feels that he could live forever, and I too. He was a quiet young man already… and so intense. I’m in his arms now, looking into his eyes, and there they are, my Gwydion’s eyes, so blue, so warm and bright. I immediately recognised a certain humour, a slightly mischievous look mixed with that dead-serious faithfulness and integrity. I jumped - in my dream and out of my bed too. Whose eyes were those? Gwydion’s?? My welsh husband?? Both?

Later that day I checked my mail and there it was, a message from my welsh friend from the University, a long row of question marks on the subject. I felt queasy as I opened it - she just said hey, have you two met before?????? Gwydion and me, of course. He had been at her office again and kept looking furtively at my photo all the time… She even said that she felt like he had gone there for that sole purpose, all the rest was small talk…. And he doesn’t have that much time for small talk these days, she says. I know he doesn’t. She then told me that she had already asked him the same thing, and he said he didn’t think so in a strange way - so strange she didn’t believe him. I replied saying that we had never met, I would surely remember if we had…

Of course I did remember, more and more, of all the time we had had together before, and I began to accept the fact that somehow he did too.

Have you ever felt like you are being pushed beyond belief? Believing is counterbalanced by the possibility of not believing, it’s a choice. You can choose to believe in reincarnation - or you can have it shoved in your face. That’s what it felt like - not like a choice at all.

On the other hand, I had never felt so empowered, in the sense that I felt my destiny lay in my hands, that my decisions would be “entirely consequential” (Tman.. ;) ) ) I could decide which road to take, and live with it. That’s when I realised, in a more mature way, that empowerment of this kind brings a tremendous burden of responsibility.

My husband was away on business; my boy was having a sleep over at grandma’s. And so I had the day all for myself. I could get some badly needed rest - last night’s dream had kept me awake for hours…

So I took an afternoon nap, which is something I NEVER do, because it gets me cranky. But I felt so, so tired. I was half asleep when I started dreaming again - that’s one way of putting it, anyway. I felt completely conscious, but detached, feeling the dreams and at once being aware that I was dreaming. The house was quiet, and I felt so comfortable, so loose. A wonderful feeling of love and exhilaration filled me, and I travelled back to my cottage, and suddenly I was lying in my “other” bed. There was a smell like straw from the mattress, the sheets were harsh but felt so clean and crispy. I kept my eyes closed and felt my husband by my side, felt his smell, the warmth of his body. I felt tears run down my cheeks, the love was so immense and so profound. I feel his touch, and then I become aware that I’m travelling again, and I want to feel him with me so much, I try to cling to that Moment, but I can’t…. and suddenly I’m at the empty beach again. I’m looking at my own eyes, I am the mourning woman again. Only this time she pauses and looks at me dead on. She/I wasn’t startled at all, but I froze my present self with that look - I was a young woman then too, but my eyes looked old as the ages… as dark as they are now, in this life.

And then I fell out of that trance - back in my room again. I lay there, and I cried and cried, as I felt so very clearly in my heart the message from myself as the woman on the beach. She said nothing, but the way she totally gave herself to that man and their/our love was absolutely hieratic. On contemplating my own feeling and also the loss I had suffered, the significance of my actions appeared to me in yet another shade - how could I risk bringing misery into the life of my dearest love? As good as being reunited could be, damage would come with it. I simply knew that, without the smallest shadow of a doubt. Two families would be torn apart - and having lost him before, I certainly did not wish for that kind of Karma in our eternal lives.

I know, you can say that it wouldn’t have to be like that, but I know I did the right thing. I called my Welsh friend the next day and told her that something unexpected at work had come up and I couldn’t go to Wales. Again. She could hardly believe it, and to this day, although we never talked about it again, I think she knew. She was charming as usual, and said that an old girl like her knows that everything has its own time. She wished me well, and asked me to stay in touch. We have, occasionally.

That night my husband came home and I told him. He looked at me as though a cloud had lifted off his face.

A week later, the event was taking place and I couldn’t even think of it without breaking into tears. My decision had not been peaceful, I’m not that enlightened….

And then his email came:

“I’m sorry you couldn’t be here this time. You will, someday. Love, Gwydion”
Wow! That was very brave and noble of you W.A.

I think you have done exactly the right thing, although I understand how difficult it must have been.

My decision had not been peaceful, I’m not that enlightened….
Nobody said this stuff was easy! Quite the reverse usually!

No doubt though, you will run into each other in due course, when the time is right. Hopefully (maybe once things settle down a bit) you will be able to have a most satisfying, but platonic friendship, without any fear of hurt, dishonour, jealousy or dishonesty having to compromise your own or families' happiness.

Indeed, this is very much the 'good karma' way to approach this situation. As I have said before, just because you may be 'soul mates' does not mean you have to have a consumated, romantic relationship in order to be happy.

MarkDP wrote in a while ago with his story about a similar sort of yearning, repetitive dreams, etc. about a 'soul mate' although he too is married. He met the woman in question after a while (I don't know why, but this seems to happen!) and she is now his friend (nothing more) which he is very happy about. You may enjoy reading his story.
Hi Tanguerra!

Thanks, your words are kind. I must say it was a crushing moment in my life. So much so that until a month ago or so I simply "erased it" - deleted all the emails, cut all my research site links off my favourites list, buried everything as deep as I could and labeled everything a "weird episode", over and done with.

However, it couldn't stay like that forever.... and so here I am, and the story is far from over..

And I'm yet to find out if we are to meet physically in this life - if it is actually possible to get past all the issues involved.... I really don't know.

You know, there was so much pain to come - the little ones, his and mine, out spouses, the whole families.... I just felt responsible for all this, and had to live up to it. I made a choice, feeling I had no choice at all, If I wanted to stay true to this love and honour it. Does this make any sense?

I was riveted by Mark's story, thanks Tanguerra :thumbsup:, in some points it is similar to mine.. I hope he continues to a have a journey of light and healing..

oh and girls...

Aargh! The suspense is killing!

It's OK though, just take your time. I know this is a serious matter. (argh! )
Curious girl:
Tanguerra, are you just as patient as I am

We love to read you, Welsh at Heart, it's a good sign
... thanks for the encouragement :D


Welsh Heart
You know, there was so much pain to come - the little ones, his and mine, out spouses, the whole families.... I just felt responsible for all this, and had to live up to it. I made a choice, feeling I had no choice at all, If I wanted to stay true to this love and honour it. Does this make any sense?
That makes absolute sense. In fact, it is the most sensible thing I have heard all day (all week? all year?).

There has been more than one occasion with X (not just this life) where it has ended in tears because of this obsessive/compulsive longing that I feel towards him. It is such a relief that these days it has calmed down, I can't begin to tell you! Mind you, these days, after much hardship, sadness and angst, I get to see him every day, so what's to 'long for'? So that makes it very, very easy. Lucky me. :)

Poland and Japan spring to mind as examples where it led to absolute disaster! If I could go back and make a different choice then, if I knew then what I know now, much tragedy and unhappiness for all concerned might have been avoided.

The Buddhists call it 'desire' - when the urge to be 'attached' - whether to money, ambition, a lover or whatever it might be - outweighs all other considerations. It's not love. It is a convincing counterfeit, but it's not love. It is one of the main causes of suffering in the world.

You have done very well to stop and take a good long look at your situation before leading everyone into a maelstrom!

There was a period of about seven years when I did not see X at all (except in my dreams pretty regularly). I had pretty much given up hope that I would ever see him again this life, let alone that we might be friends. I used to get the occasional bit of news about him, so I knew he was alive and well, which was better than nothing (and I know what that's like). But one day I was at a party and I looked up and there he was! You never know. Chances are you might be walking along the street one day and will just bump into your Gwydion. In fact, I would not be the least surprised if it doesn't happen some time soon, such seems to be the way with these things.

Yes, MarkDP's story is a great one and has many similarities with yours. I thought you would enjoy it.
I know what you're saying to a degree. I am currently finishing up a lifetime w/ my previous husband. If I am correct, My Current husband was also my husband 2 lifetimes ago. ((I have posted about it here on the forum.)) In that lifetime he was very controlling, and unfaithful numerous times. Caused a lot of heartache and turmoil. In this lifetime he started out using those same tactics. But, fortunately, this time around I am much more strong willed. And, I believe he is able to work off some of the bad karma, and is nowdays one of the most amazing ppl I know. I can honestly say that we have a undeniable connection, and can see us connecting again somewhere in the future. ;0)
Hello there!

What I think, because this is how it works for me, is that remembering a past life and reliving the pain isn't enough to heal the pain. Remembering, understanding and seeing patterns is only a part of the process.
Thanks for sharing, Curious Girl.. I agree with you entirely. But it's a big step, I think. The more I read and find out the more I feel that I've only just begun a very long journey. And I'm very happy to have started. ;)

Recently I've come to realize that there's still some unfinished business I want to let go of. I've talked to some of my friends who had a few past life regression sessions, and I'm amazed by the results they had. Not what they remembered is amazing, but the healing process is. Within a couple of months the pain, the guilt, the anxiety was gone, at least most of it. That's why I'm considering to do a couple of sessions myself.
So am I - just whish I knew how. I'm not sure how I can find someone I rely on over here...... I've tried the IARRT, but Portugal is not on their list. :(

So maybe this is something for you to consider as well. A little help and guidance can make life a lot easier. I know...it's your life and it's up to you which road you take, and I wish you all the best
Your advice is so very welcome - and your best wishes too! May they return to you a hundred fold..! :)

Sunny, hi!

I'm happy to hear how your experience and PL connections have been healing in this life, both for you and your husband. That must be very fulfilling!! :)

Soulfriendly, thanks for sharing! And I'd love to read about all those connections you have come across, and how your journey so far has been - I'll be ready when you are!!

T - a maelstrom indeed. I'd never forgive myself, and never is a really long time.... but some things you just can't really avoid forever...

Love and Light!
W.A. Heart said:
So much so that until a month ago or so I simply "erased it" - deleted all the emails, cut all my research site links off my favourites list, buried everything as deep as I could and labeled everything a "weird episode", over and done with....
Heh heh heh! :) I have been there W.A. and it's no fun at all. :(

I totally sympathise with what you must be going through right now. This is very, very difficult stuff, but don't lose your cool.

Luckily : angel, you are among friends, who as fortune would have it are pretty well-placed to advise you on this 'weird episode' in your life. Curious Girl and everyone have given you some wonderful thoughts. It is always nice to know you are not alone in suffering (and to have the advice of someone who has been where you are and found a way out).

At one point with X (this life, some years ago now, when things weren't going too well (!)) I erased everything to do with him from my life. Photos, emails, letters, gifts....I threw out the drawings of him I used to do as a child... and I embarked on a conscious effort to erase him from my mind, my dreams, my memories (all of them) and my life. I extended my (not inconsiderable) mental powers to the task. All to no avail (obviously :) ).

That which is yours will come to you W.A. In the meantime, your job is to use all your resources, and seek all of your wisdom and summon all of your patience and 'behave well'. In the meantime, try to relax (impossible, I know. :) )

Nowadays I share an apartment with X. We live just like brother and sister, only more fun. The other night he was reading me a funny story out of the paper while I cooked dinner (a very wise distribution of labour in our household, I assure you. :) ). We were both giggling away, as we do sometimes and I felt so very happy, it is hard to contrast the feelings I felt those many years ago about it all.

But then again, this situation has been created, in no small part, by absolute 'right behaviour' on my part even when X has behaved quite badly (mostly this life, but it took some practice of course). It hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it.

Similarly with soulfriendly, somehow I am assisted in this patient task by having the certain knowledge that I simply love him (although even I don't really understand why completely). But it doesn't go away and I can't get rid of it, so I have learned to live with it (literally). It's much better that way.

I only want him to be happy and well. All he has to do is breathe if that's what he wants to do. I only wish for what is best for him and will give him the most joy. This is 'love without desire'. It has taken hundreds (thousands?) of years to get to this insight.

Don't 'bury' Gwydion. Don't worship him, long for him, wish for him or 'desire' him. Wait for him. Even if it doesn't happen this life...have no fear, it will happen.

Meanwhile, this life is the important one. What you are doing now is all there is (ultimately) This life is vital. What you do this life is what you have control over, everything else is just memories (sometimes regrets). There are people in this life who also need your love.

You are doing a good job. Keep it up. :)
I've been wanting to respond here for sometime, but like WA I have tried to put a lot of this behind me, or at least out of sight to some extent. Living the life now has been important and hasn't always been the best. My heart goes daily to that special person and that, depending on my state of mind, can be quite distracting...but none the less, it is daily. Reading what you all have written, it seems you are speaking directly to me. I thank each of you for your words. I too have made some hard choices, but I know they were for the best, and indeed part of my life lessons. I continue to be blessed with synchronous events and visions/dreams of that life-then and now. And Tanguerra I too wait, dream, hope and pray for that day, this life or the next, when we are reunited.

Thanks again WA for sharing your story, it certainly has been a help to me, as well as others here.

Hello my friends.

It's so good to know you are here - being here has been of great comfort, and things haven't indeed been easy.

Oh, Tanguerra, I know sooooo well that all our efforts are in vain... though it did work for a while, a year and a half or so, eheheh.... :D next thing I know every little bit of welshness and all things related was shoved in my face again..

Now the rest of the story goes a little astray of posting guidelines, although it is enough saying that you can't really ignore the bonds you carry from your past lives. They always find their way back, like boomerangs. My problem was when the boomerang came back I was looking the other way and got hit in the head...:tongue: forgive my little joke, but I sometimes laugh at myself for being naïve.

I suppose sometimes we need a break. It was important to put the whole of my energy in another direction for that period of time - and not useless at all in many ways, if not all.

My marriage survived, and we learned how to better deal with stress and confusion. It's a work in progress thing though - or maybe, like a gardener's work, it is never done.

Having to choose brought a higher significance to my present relationship, obviously, and made me realize that I would not give him up either. In this life, I belong with this man. He may not be easy, not perfect, but I love him very much. Very much. And letting go of Gwydion made my feelings in this relationship all the more pungent and intense. It's funny the way it works - and perhaps that is the difference between "desire" and true love - when love is true, it breeds more love, even if not in the most orthodox way...

Tinkerman, I am humbled by your kind words - finding comfort and giving comfort back is the greatest reward. I'm ever so happy to find you are a part of my journey. And I can only say that I know - we all know - how distracting it can be sometimes. I couldn't bury Gwydion if I wanted to. I don't. But this is where I am now, and where I want to be.

And being here in this life right now also means "being there" for you. I am.

I have been reciting a poem in my mind, and thought I'd offer it to you:

And all my days are trances

And all my nightly dreams

Are where thy dark eye glances

And where thy footstep gleams

In what ethereal dances

By what eternal streams

.... isn't it? :eek:
It's funny the way it works - and perhaps that is the difference between "desire" and true love - when love is true, it breeds more love, even if not in the most orthodox way...
This life business is hard work sometimes, isn't it! :laugh:

I am very glad to hear you have worked things out with your husband and that it has improved things between you, if anything.

There was a period of seven years or so when I did not see X at all, as I have said. Like Tinkerman and others I used to dream about him all the time (and long for him and feel sorry for myself and sometimes cry) and wonder how he was doing, was he happy with 'that woman'. I (mostly :eek: ) hoped he was.

But, I comforted myself with the knowledge while I did not see him, while he preferred to be with someone else, at least I knew where he was, what he was up to and whether he was alive and well. I would even catch a glimpse of him walking up the street or something now and again, so I could see with my own eyes that he was perfectly fine.

I wrote here about a life where he just disappeared and I never heard from him again. Knowing him as I do, I suspect he simply met someone else he liked better but couldn't be bothered (or was too ashamed) to write. In that life (while, of course, I also entertained that possibility) I used to be tormented with ideas that he was drowned, or dying of fever in the jungle or whatever melodramatic scenarios my imagination could come up with.

A folk song about a woman waiting for her sailor to come home used to haunt me (both lives) and it is this verse that does it to me the most:

"Well, if he's sick I wish him better

And if he's dead, sure I wish him rest

But if he's alive, I will wait upon him

For he is the young man that I love best"

Patient waiting is very trying, but is made easier when it is motivated by 'true love'.
One truth for me is that the ultimate test of love is the ability to set it free. To release it from personal needs and control was a very difficult thing to do. In the area of past lives this is particularly hard because for some this is or was the trigger to remembering. I can see the beauty of the past in ways I cannot expect her or others in my current life to understand. It is a personal journey. A sobering factor is the idea they might not understand or accept the principles of reincarnation. I know my love once did. But the reality of our lives here and now is so separate and distant that any regard to NOW is a quandary and a futile exercise. It would place a burden on both of us to some how acknowledge an infinite and soulful bond. We've each built barriers to protect this life, this reality. To do otherwise would almost imprison the spirit. Yet the certainty I know and the love I've witnessed then and now can't be thrown away. In the anguish of my journey I learned from very wise sources that to deny the love is perhaps the greatest sin/betrayal possible. And the greatest act of love is acknowledging it in this creation, to the universe and then releasing it. I'm sure there are many that cannot understand this, but for me it is fundamental.

Tanguerra I've followed your journey over the years and I do indeed envy your proximity to X. And I too have found great comfort in the happiness of my own twin soul. I know she is well, she is cared for, she is happy and successful. There is a soulful satisfaction there. Once I cursed God for taking her and my two sons in death. Yet now I should AND DO rejoice in the idea that, that death was not The End. It was not...and that is so profound to recognize in this life about that life 100 years ago.

I also resolve that I cannot and do not know the future. The synchronous and surreal path of our lives has been anything but usual. So who is to say what or where it will go. Tanguerra your span of seven years must have seemed forever, yet look at where you are now. I simply resolve to follow the advice that she herself gave me, and that is to simply "trust." To step back and trust that these revelations are there for a reason. WA I think that would hold true for you too, release it and allow it to meld into the creation in front of you. Certainly IT is not finished with either of us

What a wonderful place to be able to work these things out. We are fortunate friends, to know these things and each other, even if it be faceless and cyber. Reincarnation offers many challenges and for me this is the greatest I know.

Namaste to each of you...sincerely.

I am touched deeply by your story and honesty. I was going to reply more, but first I have to wipe my tears... Not tears of pain, but tears of complete understanding.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Take care,

Julie, thank you. I feel it will be very good to have you here.

Knowing that others understand you is one of the most comforting things one can have, and so I can only thank you, for your feelings and for sharing them.

Thank you.

Love and Light