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A new name


New Member
My daughter, who will be 2 in April, has recently given herself a new name.

Her name is Mary Madison but every time we address her ... she turns to us and says "No ... Patty". It's also "Patty up" and "Patty down" and "Patty's Hat" and Patty's ball."

We have no idea where she got this but she is insistent that she is not Mary Madison, she is "Patty".

Has anyone else heard of a child so young adopting her own name. Anyone got any ideas why this is happening?

I personally would assume that in the case of a child so young, she was actually giving you a name from a previous lifetime.
Hi Dave

Welcome to the forum Dave,

Actually, it isn't that uncommon. If you have some time, you might want to look through some of the posts in this section. You will find, you are not alone. I encourage you to keep an open mind. Perhaps start a journal and take notes of her comments over time. You might be surprised at the running record and how the pieces might fit together. She is at the right age to start expressing her memories. Ages 2-5 years -- is the most common age for past life memories.
when i was little i used to rename my self all the time. a new name every week. my cousins did it too. but considering your daughter is so young (not even 2) and is chosing a name simple such as Patty, i would say the possibility of it being linked to a past life is very good.

From the time my grandson could first talk until well into his fourth or fifth year of school he kept insisting that his name was not Steven, but James D. He even wrote James D. on his school papers which was a very confusing situation for his teachers.

Now that he's a teenager and about ready to graduate high school he doesn't even remember having done that when he was younger. But a few months ago when we were coming out of the movie theater together as we walked down a long hallway past dozens of framed pictures of movie stars new and old I noticed he paused for a while, staring at one of the pictures. I asked him if he knew who that particular movie star was. He replied that he didn't know who it was, so I identified the picture for him. It was James Dean. He denied any significance to this coincidence.
Mmm fiziwig gave me goose bumps! Like the prickly all over arms kind... nuff said
same here!

strange.... am having past life regression this week hopefully, looking forward to it and hope it works...
i dont know if this fits but recently i was in hospital after taking an overdose and slipping in and out of consciousness i had a million and one different visions/dreams (non of wich i can seem to remember) but after that i seem to have adopted the name Theo. first i thought it was another personality of mine but as i progressed with my life lately ive been feeling hurt when ppl call me by my real name (sami) but if im referred to as Theo i like it. its not all the time just sometimes.

i was thinking of changing it by deed poll but i dont know.

my partner asked if i wanted him to call my by it but i dont know - sometimes it feels weird...

S-witch lots of people change there names or have nick names. So try it out for a while. What could it hurt. And I am sorry about you oding. If you ever need to just chat you can talk to me!

AOl- AmandaDuh4007
Yahoo- Amanda4007

thanks hun - im still on the road to recovery. I told my family im thinking of changing my name, they were a little confused as they thought it ment i didnt like the name they chose for me, i do, i was gonna keep that as a second name. (theo samantha-jayne) im not sure how friends will react and with whats happned lately my self confidence has plumited like a lemming thats why im uhm-ing and ahh-ing over it...
That is rather neat Fiziwig :). While I do not know whether I insisted on being called by any particular name when I was younger, I have thought of changing my name on a number of occasions. I always thought what a trip it would be to change my full name to Caesar Augustus or my spirit name(and the name I am known by in my home plane), Gardapthia Arioulus.