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For a place or time or person or memory...does it every really go away? Even after "moving on" or "Coming to terms"does the feeling go away absolutely?

In my case I have moved on from much of the lives Ive either suspected or figured out and every now and then and all it takes is a certain light flicker or smell and it all comes back. Its not as strong as originally when I first started but it still has that deep to core ache.

I have found myself upset or jealous of those who get to be at the place where I was or touching things and places I was or was an old possession. I know its not healthy and maybe Im not as "over it" as I thought?
I do feel longing for past places and people, but it doesn't interfere with my current life. I am not troubled by things that happened to me. I think you said that you have only been exploring your PLs for a short time. Once I figure one out, I integrate it into my self image, and lose interest. Does anyone else have experience of this? Will Rustic Kid lose his longings?
I'm like you in that way...that I don't usually let it get in my way in life. I may not have been doing this for very long but some of what Ive figured out were "obvious" ( my interests and dreams from a journal I kept for a psych project) in a way once I actually paid attention. What is really interesting is the way you integrate your lives. I do the same as in I have learned more about me and who I am and what I find myself capable of or what explains myself I hope that makes sense? I don't necessarily lose an interest I just stop looking. I do wonder if these feelings not necessarily go away but become less of a pain or loss feeling. Kind of feel like a time traveler who has met and known a lot of people throughout time and watched them decay and disappear with time while I still get to live with the memories.
The part in your post about the time traveler was rather beautiful, Rustic Kid. I know what you mean - I don't really lose interest, I just stop looking. I have had some PLs that were hard to accept, and harder to integrate into who I am. You have made a lot of progress in your search since joining the forum.
I've had a little experience with what you are describing, and it tends to lessen once you've discovered where the longing comes from. It may go completely, becoming a part of your subconscious, and won't cause undue longing. Or, it might hang around and be triggered by things like you describe. I think it all depends on how much you hold into the feelings and longing for that life or time, either consciously or subconsciously. Another reason, if you're still getting these feelings of longing even after you've uncovered that life, is it could mean there are still things you need to explore or resolve there, and once you've done a bit more exploring the feelings will pass. At least, that's what I've found, a feeling of longing or nostalgia means that I need to uncover what is causing it, after which it will fade.
helz_belz said:
if you're still getting these feelings of longing even after you've uncovered that life, it could mean there are still things you need to explore or resolve there, and once you've done a bit more exploring the feelings will pass. At least, that's what I've found, a feeling of longing or nostalgia means that I need to uncover what is causing it, after which it will fade.
Bingo, Helz. Thank you for your insight - I didn't realize that the "longing" meant more needs to be uncovered until I read your post. :)
I've only experienced it a few times, but I've read on the forum that others have had similar experiences, sometimes going years without giving PLs a second thought, but then they'll get the nostalgia, meditate or regress, uncover something that's affecting them now from that PL, then move on. I guess through life you'll always be coming across situations that ring bells for some aspect of your past, no matter how much you uncover there will always be something new to discover ;)
Thank you Helz- That could very well be the best explanation for this. We may feel we have solved what we have discovered or all that we feel we could or should have. Then we realize that there is still much more to uncover. One of my life times I am very confident that I have figured out who I was I felt I had completely been able to accept and for a lack of better words "moved on." By that I mean that I know who I was and what I did and where I had been and it solved a lot of mysteries in my life so in a way I was "content" to know it but not seek it further and any other details to come through was pudding. Then a few nights ago I came across a historical picture of one of the places and it brought an intense "longing" for the place. Which I don't care to admit too because that life wasn't the greatest in terms of happiness and my own choices. Yet there was a certain nostalgia that I guess for a lack of terminology or specifics I missed the "being" the people and the walls. I see some of the brick and mortar and I wish to be able to touch it again. To feel the cold and warmth and the sights. I remember back then looking into the sunset when it could be seen and I want to see the sunset the same again. I hope this makes sense because I can see and am limited in how I can convey the feeling and thought.

And thank you BriarRose- the feeling of the traveler of time I think describes exactly the feeling I have when thinking of my pasts and futures and those whom Ive crossed paths with, good or bad.
I have not uncovered any exact details of my past lives, but I have always felt like I don't belong in this one. I was raised extremely poor, but have always longed for a nice home with nice things. to the extreme that I dream and imagine it all the time as if I really have those things. I am obsessed with architecture and beautiful homes, and even very talented in creating my own home plans and ideas. I used to draw pictures of what I imagined when I was a child and was really good at it. I lost some of my natural talent as I got older. The weird thing about all of this is I was raised so poor that none of my family has the slightest idea of what having anything nice would be like. and they really don't seem to care.
My family was the same, angiebaby, and I am like you - almost obsessed with interior design, and houses. I discovered "House Beautiful" in the school library when I was sixteen, and I never got over the obsession. My family always had gaping holes in the sofa. My mother covered them with old bedspreads. My youngest sister used to put gnawed chicken drumsticks in the holes. Our minister, who was a portly man, came to call, and fell into one of the holes. He was towed out with a drumstick stuck to his behind! :laugh: Now, I have many beautiful things, and they mean nothing to me. The sense of humor that I got from my ramshackle, shameless family has served me better. I never thought of my house obsession as being PL related, but the ways that I am different from my birth family undoubtedly are. It's the sense of not belonging that is marking you off as "different". Do you have theories as to how the karma that placed you in your family was set in motion?
I have no idea. All I know is that I have had issues with myself for as long as I can remember. I am just not happy with who I am. Iv'e always felt like I should be someone else. When I was a small child (before the age of 5) I lived as a little boy. I dressed and acted like a boy. I hated for anyone to know I was really a girl. I felt like a boy. Even then I had my fascination with houses. I remember when I was about 3 I had this toy barn, it was my favorite toy. I called it my house lol. My parents used to think it was funny. I would argue with them about it.
There are a lot of possibilities for why you feel that way, but the definitive answer has to come from you. Perhaps you were male in your last life. Perhaps your soul intended to occupy a male body this time, but something went wrong, and there was a last minute change of plans. Men can be as obsessed with houses as women. I have a male friend who visits open houses every weekend. He owns two, but always wants a better one. I dealt with my family situation by emotionally detaching from them at an early age. Bad things happened to them - it had nothing to do with me! We all cope in different ways. I hope you can discover why you long for houses. Maybe they represent something else? Perhaps, safety, or respectability, or a better self-image? In dreams, a house symbolizes the body. Do you dream about them?
Yes I do. I also dream alot about an old abandon mansion. It has 3 floors but I can't go to the top floor because I would fall through. so its like a mystery and the house is creepy but there's a familiarity about it like I have lived there once before when it was grand. It is always a little different but the house is similar.
Rustic_Kid said:
For a place or time or person or memory...does it every really go away? Even after "moving on" or "Coming to terms"does the feeling go away absolutely?
No. It never goes away. That's how you know it's 'real'. How could it not? It's like grief. It fades, but it doesn't 'go away'. Would you really want it to?
helz_belz said:
I've only experienced it a few times, but I've read on the forum that others have had similar experiences, sometimes going years without giving PLs a second thought, but then they'll get the nostalgia, meditate or regress, uncover something that's affecting them now from that PL, then move on. I guess through life you'll always be coming across situations that ring bells for some aspect of your past, no matter how much you uncover there will always be something new to discover ;)
Good answer. Yes, this is my experience.
tanguerra said:
No. It never goes away. That's how you know it's 'real'. How could it not? It's like grief. It fades, but it doesn't 'go away'. Would you really want it to?
Yes, I would want it to "go away", totally and completely. I don't want to be haunted by my past, either my immediate one, or those from long ago. Why live with pain, if you could choose not to? You can choose to "let it go". Pain impedes our ability to live in the present. It poisons our joy. The best gift is the ability to engage totally in the present moment.

Sorry, that's just my "take" on it.

Angiebaby, I dream of three story houses all the time. I don't know if it's PL related. The attic represents your mind. The attic in my dreams is beautiful and airy. It has long white curtains, blowing in the breeze, green ferns and polished wood floors. For some reason, my grandfather sleeps in it. He must represent my conscience. The rest of the house is totally, terrifyingly haunted, just like yours. It could be that we are being "haunted" by our past lives. I have never really figured this one out. Are you familiar with lucid dreaming? Go into that attic, and make it what you want it to be. I will try to exorcise my "ghosts", too. :)

I am reading a book by Lois Wetzel, who is an Akashic reader. She compares the body to a bus. Your current incarnation is the driver of the bus. The passengers are your past life selves. She says that you would never let a passenger from the back of the bus, come forward, push you from the driver's seat, and take over control of the vehicle. She says that's what you are doing if you let your past lives rule this one. I found this to be incredibly wise. They will always be there - integrate them into who you are now, and move on!
I have had a couple lucid dreams but I have been unable to control them. As soon as I realize I am dreaming I wake up. This is very interesting though. I have always wondered what these dreams represent. Maybe my subconscious trying to tell me I need to be enlightened about something?
Great thought, Angie. Maybe someone else has book recommendations, or techniques to help with controlling lucid dreaming?
BriarRose said:
Yes, I would want it to "go away", totally and completely. I don't want to be haunted by my past, either my immediate one, or those from long ago. Why live with pain, if you could choose not to? You can choose to "let it go". Pain impedes our ability to live in the present. It poisons our joy. The best gift is the ability to engage totally in the present moment. Sorry, that's just my "take" on it...
Well, everyone's different. The way I see it is that 'grief' and nostalgia are part of love. If you deeply loved someone and you can no longer see them, you will miss them and you will grieve. This doesn't mean you have to roam about dressed in sack cloth and ashes weeping all the time. It just means you will sometimes feel a little 'pang' of longing and that's OK.

Emotional pain is part of life, just as physical pain is. It happens now and again, it serves a purpose and that's OK. Personally I don't think it's necessary or possible or even desirable to be 100% happy all the time. I like a bit of 'light and shade' myself. I would not want to lose the 'nostalgia' if it meant I lost the emotional connection that goes with the memories.

There's a line in my book 'How to Find Love'. I wrote under the heading of grief and nostalgia, something like..."If it wasn't worth having, it's not worth grieving over, so don't be hard on yourself when you feel sad about a loss. Respect your own grief. Deep grief is an expression of deep love and deep emotions are sometimes difficult, but that's ok ..."
Rustic_Kid said:
...Yet there was a certain nostalgia that I guess for a lack of terminology or specifics I missed the "being" the people and the walls. I see some of the brick and mortar and I wish to be able to touch it again. To feel the cold and warmth and the sights. I remember back then looking into the sunset when it could be seen and I want to see the sunset the same again. I hope this makes sense because I can see and am limited in how I can convey the feeling and thought...
I miss the fresh air, the clean water, the quiet, the taste of food before it was ruined by industrial farming. I miss the quality of old things that were made to last and were satisfyingly heavy in the hand. I miss the amazement of the brilliant stars at night.

There are other things I don't miss that are good now of course! Rotten teeth, outdoor plumbing/no plumbing, casual violence, routine sexism, illiteracy, being cold all the time ... the list could go on ...
Hi Rustic kid

I am glad you brought this up. Great thread.. I needed to hear everyone's opinion's . I have struggled with this. I used to dream of objects my whole life that when I would wake up I would wonder where they had gone to. As a child I would actually go looking for these lost objects never finding them and quickly forgetting until I would dream again... I actually found some of my dream objects in an auction on line. When I found out about my past life I did suffer from pain and sadness from longing of my old life. It does haunt you if you can't let it go. It makes it very difficult to move on.. When you are able to come to terms with your loss it does get easier. It makes me feel better that I am not the only one experiencing this.
I miss peace and quite

able to see all the stars.

I get tired of hearing ambulences every other day,

going down the streets

A world where you did not have to lock your doors

walking at midnight without looking over shoulder.

A world without being preoccupied with technology.
I've not seen other people that have same feeling like i do - saw only in this forum. I really needed to share my exp. with someone that would not tell me im crazy or mentally unstable :D .

Many times in my life i get nostalgia when i see some things(scene), i cldnt remember all but i will share what i can remember. First and only memory that i had was very strong a scene of my last death. I remember this not when i was a sleep but when i was awake and making pancakes :D :

Im walking with a company of 4-5 people beside 1 is helping me walk or smthing( faces are blurry) and we are going from a village (i dont remember electricity anywhere) to a big bridge we go below the bridge and there i die but cldn't remember how, from what and why but next thing i remember is that voices tell me that this would be the only memory that i shall remember from this last life the exact thing they said was ( we will let him remember this ) or maby they did not say it cuz it is not possible to speak in the place we are before we are born i guess ;d. Maby i was left with the knowage to remember it like this i dont know what to think. But it is very strong memory that i cannot forget.

Also i get nostalgia when i walk among big woods that dont have much buildings specially when i see old rocks beside the woods or wooden house, get a very good nostalgia some warm feelings like im so close to something and at the same time so far away, but im happy anyway. I dont like to be in cities much as being in a woods every time i get nostalgia that cant explain but feels like im right where i have to be....

Also want to share with u memories from my baptism. I was few months old when i was baptised i remember almost everything, how my mother and father and grandmother looked then and every detail! When i was older like 13-14 i told my parents about it and explained my memory. My parents told me that i my grandmother told me what happened, when i told her she told me that dont believe me and my parents told me what happened. Truth is noone told me i just remember with details my baptism... :D I decied not to share more strange things that i have seen and felt in my life...

Sooo that is what i want to share and i did it, sorry for my bad english but i've learn it from watching cartoon network when i was kid :D .

I've not focused my life on that things and not sharing them with people, i just wanted to share them with someone that dont know me anonymous ;d.

I have many more stories but this is not the thread for them.
Hi Torbalanec

Welcome to the forum. Nobody here would think that was crazy! Your English is fine. We have people in the forum from all over the world, so don't worry about it.

First and only memory that i had was very strong a scene of my last death. I remember this not when i was a sleep but when i was awake and making pancakes
It seems to be about 50/50 more or less people who remember things in dreams and those who have waking 'flash backs'. I will often have a flashback when my mind is in 'neutral' - not doing anything much, but just pottering about.

Having a good present life memory seems to go together with being able to remember past lives with relative ease.

Please feel free to start a new thread about your experiences. Everyone will be very interested I'm sure.
Welcome to the forum. You are not crazy. :)

I agree having a "flashback" memory while making pancakes is not that unusual. Flashback memories and "daydreams" happen when your mind is on "autopilot". The "voice" was probably your "guides" or "angels" talking to you after you died. You were out of your body. Have you ever tried doing a past life regression? There are videos on YouTube you can watch or listen to. What time period do you think this memory was?
argonne1918 said:
Welcome to the forum. You are not crazy. :)
I agree having a "flashback" memory while making pancakes is not that unusual. Flashback memories and "daydreams" happen when your mind is on "autopilot". The "voice" was probably your "guides" or "angels" talking to you after you died. You were out of your body. Have you ever tried doing a past life regression? There are videos on YouTube you can watch or listen to. What time period do you think this memory was?
Thanks guys or girls for answering. I have not tryied cuz i am afraid to play with my mind like this. If i do, atleast i will want to be instructed by someone that i am sure knows what he is doing. And i really think if it is something that i must know, somehow i will get the info in my head without doing anything :D . Im glad i found people that knows the feeling that im talking bout', anyways. I will share other stories when i have the time. Wishing you everything good *dance*