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Past Life Memories vs Mental Capacity?


Always Searching...
I'm not sure if this belongs here, and I'm not sure if this has already been posted, so I apologize if this is in the wrong place or if this is old.

My question is: When people die as adults and come back as children, why is it that children (especially small ones) are unable to read, know the alphabet, count, etc. I mean, we carry this knowledge throughout our lives. Why should we forget it when we reincarnate?:confused:
One explanation I can think of is being born into a new culture and a different language and alphabet then the last life...
Good question.

Here are some thoughts.

Most people are not born with perfect recall, although it happens.

Not everyone knew how to read and write in their former lives. It's actually quite a new thing for the majority of people to be literate and literacy is still relatively rare in some countries. However, that said, some little kids are remarkably quick at picking up reading and writing. I know of several people who claim to have 'taught themselves' to read at the age of 3 or so.

Some little kids show remarkable facility with things like languages and playing instruments and doing all kinds of things. Perhaps if we changed our attitudes to what babies can and can't do we might find ways to harness some of these innate abilities, instead of assuming that babies are a 'blank slate' that need to be taught from 'scratch'?
I would say it's because in our spirit form, there's no need for reading, writing, counting or the alphabet. Other animals don't use any of these things, but the human brain has adapted these 'tools' for it's own advantage, so I would guess that (being a physical object) every new human brain would need to be reprogrammed (or taught) to coordinate the eyes and hands to read, write and count (all physical aspects of life). It's a bit like having a computer and then wiping the hard drive, the software doesn't work anymore until you reinstall it. I hope that makes sense? coffee
If you read any books about reincarnation this is discussed. Some people describe it as "crossing the river of forgetfulness". It's because we are supposed to concentrate on the current life lessons.
Do agree Argonne. Personally I do think we are meant to forget and not remember our other lives for to concentrate on the present life with it's issues. I think those that do remember their other lives is more abnormal and not the usual way of things. But for us that forget, how many of those past life way of things of us individually do remain right under the surface so to speak it seems.

Now think how it would be if we remembered everything in the present life from our other lives with both the joys and all of the traumas and how a mess it would become. Again do think that we are meant to mainly not remember the other lives for to be able to just concentrate on the present one.

Wishing Everyone the Best!
TheCuriousOne said:
My question is: When people die as adults and come back as children, why is it that children (especially small ones) are unable to read, know the alphabet, count, etc. I mean, we carry this knowledge throughout our lives. Why should we forget it when we reincarnate?:confused:
This reminded me of my parents. As a child with 'recall' and constantly giving them an ear full of what it was like to live before in a different body - they couldn't understand why I didn't know how to write sentences, tell time or add and subtract. My Mom once said,

"It is hard for me to wrap my mind around what your saying when I look down and see you with your shoes on the wrong feet. Didn't you learn anything from these previous supposed lives you lived?"

Then the shoe was on the other foot. I forgot everything about reincarnation as an adult and one day I had an experience with a friend and ''saw" many of his past lives. He was only a teenager and I assumed he should have had a PhD in life several times over.

I found this quote by Cayce that sums this up.

"The reason we don't remember the lives we lived before is both simple and complex. The simple answer is, 'Because we have not lived before.' This is because our current conscious mind, personality, and body are new; they have not been alive before. Nor have they reincarnated in the true sense of the word. However, our souls have been alive before - this is the distinction - and they have reincarnated. The memories are those of our souls' - not our own conscious memories." (Edgar Cayce)
As a teenager, I had came to this same conclusion. I didn't feel the 'memories' belong to me as much as they belonged to my soul. So, I don't really look at it like 'past life recall' as much as vague memories of the 'soul' and of God. Just as I inherited my eyes from my Dad's side of the family, and my brown hair from my Mom's side of the family - I realized that I had 'inherited' a Soul - from God's side of the family. As a child, I didn't look at my soul - as 'myself.' I looked at it more of as a mysterious 'guardian angel' type.

As a child (around the age of 4 or 5) my parents asked what it was like when this sort of 'memory' came to the surface. I told them it was like looking over the shoulder of someone - other than me - and knowing it used to be a part of me in the past.(This became a very big distinction in the future. There was a part of me and the whole of me. The whole of me was my current body and mind, and a part of me was the part that was in both.) It was like I suddenly found myself 'emerged' into the body and mind of another - and I could see, hear and feel everything that was going on in that moment. If this 'other person' had gone to school, -- I wouldn't have access to his school days or former days. Just what ever moment I was viewing during that episode of 'recall.'


Thanks dking. That's what I think too. I have "my memories" from this life and my soul's memories seem to "download" into my mind, on occasion. I use the term 'download' as that seems to best describe the process for me.
Cryscat said:
Thanks dking. That's what I think too. I have "my memories" from this life and my soul's memories seem to "download" into my mind, on occasion. I use the term 'download' as that seems to best describe the process for me.
I think that is an excellent metaphor. Sort of like a 'network' connection to another computer where 'files' are stored and how those 'files' get transferred - or - are available to view through the 'network connection. It is not 'my information' as much as it is 'shared information' I have access because I belong to the same network. After the age of 15, that is exactly how I came to look at it. I had my 'hard drive' with my stored information - and knew that 'copies' of all my files were being 'duplicated' and stored on another (mainframe) 'hard drive' elsewhere and that in the future - someone was going to have access to my 'data' just as much as I had access to the data from other hard drives in the past.

As a child, that was always the struggle trying to make sense where the 'download' was coming from - as well as how and why.


At least the computer age has given us a way of understanding the process. Sort of like you said. Only I might say that the memories stored in my hard drive upload to the "cloud" storage and that is where they will be, if my hard drive is damaged.

Cryscat said:
At least the computer age has given us a way of understanding the process. Sort of like you said. Only I might say that the memories stored in my hard drive upload to the "cloud" storage and that is where they will be, if my hard drive is damaged.
I was thinking of this when I wrote the reply. I didn't grasp how 'cloud' storage would be a great metaphor to "the cloud in the sky" type of storage the 'soul' actually is.

Good one.


TheCuriousOne said:
My question is: When people die as adults and come back as children, why is it that children (especially small ones) are unable to read, know the alphabet, count, etc. I mean, we carry this knowledge throughout our lives. Why should we forget it when we reincarnate?:confused:
I think it's just related to how our brain functions. We "store" emotions (and at least short term memories) in the Hippocampus and inner brain areas. While knowledge like reading and count are stored in the cortex (outer brain areas). Mechanical procedures like riding a bike are stored in the cerebellum.As for long term memories, it is still unknown where they are stored. I say "stored" because they are the areas most related to those functions, and if damaged one loses those functions. But we shouldn't think of them like boxes stored in rooms, it's more dynamic.

So maybe during life there is some knowledge that it's passed from the brain to the soul, like strong emotions, while other's don't, and that's why we remember some things while we forget others. Although it's also true that with the right preparation we can remember tons of other things, so maybe it's not quite like that, and all information is passed from the brain to the soul, it's just that we have to form the right neuron connections to access those memories. Perhaps neuron connections in the new body are formed easily with the "inner pl brain" than to the cortex, which actually makes sense, after all the inner brain existed first.

The brain has plasticity anyways, if I remove someone's whole hemisphere, he can recover the lost functions by doing some exercises and creating new neuron connections to replace the ones lost.
when I figure out a new thing (usually spiritual kind of things) I try to locate what it is a function of, so I test, if I mess up my brain (tired, drinking, ect...) does it still work as well ?

and after testing, I am convinced that language is a function of the brain and not one of your spirit
It may be different for different people, also. After all, there are those who are able to "download" PL knowledge from the "cloud", as DKing has mentioned in regards to tracking and fighting skills in other threads. Maybe we prime different files for easy access, depending on the life we choose.

Some do seem to access language more easily. I'll admit, I hope to someday find myself speaking fluent Japanese or something without realizing it. I have this feeling that it will only happen if I really need it, though, and for now my best bet is to keep studying.

wine**If I had access to everything I'd probably become uselessly distracted, after all it's so interesting! I'd want to do it all again,... at least the skills I became confident in. *grin* Even without the skill I have to keep reminding myself that I have other lives in which to become a dancer and a wilderness explorer so I keep focused on my primary goals this time around. coffee Obviously internet exploration counts as a life goal, here.... :rolleyes:
The belief in children's recall of previous life memories are of course filled with controversy

The assumption that the functioning structures of young children's brains are able to comprehend such complex memories pre-exists within the structures of their brains is unrealistic. You are right. If a child's brain had developed to the point where it could comprehend and communicate adult memories then that brain would also be capable of far more than another child's brain at the same age. Our brains develop over many years and reach's its maturity during the third decade of life
I think it is rare to remember past lives, not so much the norm. Or is it rare to realize it is past life memories and not just a dream? Hmmm .... ;)
It just occurred to me that an experience I've had repeatedly may apply here. I doubt I'm the only one...

Basically, it is the difference between "knowing something" and "having a skill or understanding integrated into who you are."

Phoenix (my inner self) has all my lives of experience and spiritual development on hand, and isn't nearly as flustered or overwhelmed by life as I am. When s/he began breaking me free of the trapped thinking trained into me in this life, I often wondered if I was crazy because there were "two of myself" ... I got around this by thinking of it as "the voice of the spirit" (I'm so thankful Christian thinking still has a few cracks in the wall against mystery.)

I was (and sometimes still am) terrified, running, and willing to do anything to fit what people expected of me. This quality was the natural product of this life's experience: minute control of religious perspective; severe emotional abuse from teachers, church, and husband; and (abusive) physical discipline in boarding school. Maybe the residue of past trauma as well.

Phoenix is very confident of reality, truth, and light ... and there was no way s/he would allow some person caught up in their own avatar's perspective to define us. She's always been with me since childhood, though I don't think she was quite so separate back then. I used to intuitively act on her instincts and hear her commentary as my own insight.

That internal strength and wait-and-see-the-light attitude is "who I am" while the fear and reactionary tendency is "something I know." Things I merely "know" can be consciously overcome, lost, and destroyed, even in this life. They don't have anchors in me.

Language, skill sets, beliefs, etc. are "things I know" ... I can stop using those skills, thoughts, perspectives, etc. and still remain myself. I believe the residue of those abilities remain to the extent I consciously disciplined myself in their development (at a spiritual level) in one life or another.

That conscious effort of making something a part of who I am in a past life meant it became "integrated into who I am". These instincts remain with Phoenix. I, on the other hand, can cut myself off from those resources to some extent, even though they still seep through. When the beliefs I was taught didn't line up with Phoenix's awareness, they always felt shaky and easily threatened to me (which often made me viscious in their defense because I thought I'd lose myself somehow).

Also, I'm told I "move like a dancer" even though I've never danced.(Martial arts?) I am naturally open to foreign perspectives and culture. (I really wish I had done house-cleaning in a past life. *sighs* Male past lives come with their limitations.) I picked up on reading and writing much earlier than most children. (I was well educated in several past lives.) I was naturally good at long distance running. (Chaski messenger.) and so much more.

Everyone has these inherent abilities in some area, as I see it. We call it "gifts" because that's what it looks like, and why not? One doesn't have to be "genius level" to have brought the residue of a skill along.

Well, that ended up being a ramble. Hopefully it's enough to provoke discussion, though.

Rather than asking myself "why don't we remember how to count and read?"

coffee I tend to ask, "Why do some skills and perspectives come as naturally as breathing?"

"Why do some of us feel like a fish out of water when it comes to culture and actions everybody else seems to do so naturally?"

I think those questions are related.
Mere Dreamer

Your description of your Phoenix is almost identical to my description of my pure identity and awareness. The point I was trying to make to you before was imagine given the proper circumstances your Phoenix reincarnated with substantial memories of each reincarnation. Each incarnation would always be the second, Each incarnation a combination of many incarnations, reincarnates always making the next only the second. Imagine that. That is what I believe can happen given the proper circumstances, or freak of nature may be a better description. Never, never discount the possibility of freaks of nature in your thought process. We are surround be freaks of nature. With the billions of souls on earth who all reincarnate the possibility of a freak of nature occurring during the reincarnation process would be extremely rare but never,never dismiss the possibility
Ah, are you talking about reincarnating fully conscious of "being Phoenix" right from the start?

I don't know this for certain, of course, since I only partially understand even my own experience. But it seems to me that everyone goes through this process of living, dying, and then somehow gathering what they've learned into the next life to add to that collection of experiences. That's why we have instinctive abilities, inexplicable affections and fears, and memories of other lives.

If I understand you, John, you seem to be saying it's rare to be born aware of all experienced lives, rather than basically starting over? I think that's why this site exists ... because some children are born with their memories, though perhaps not all of them.

I think it's very probable that more could do this, but perhaps we don't do it that way for a good reason. It might prevent certain kinds of developmental life experiences if we arrived with full awareness ... hmmm. Or that's one way of looking at it. *shrug*

It seems to me that we do have a recorded history of several people who seem to have accomplished living as their whole selves. They tended to change the world.
Mere Dreamer

Yes I'am saying pure identity and awareness in your case your Phoenix can given the proper circumstances reincarnate with awareness

I'm not saying previous live memories may be or are rare. What I'm saying is, I don't understand how people can separate memories from imagination.

Pure identity and awareness or Phoenix memories have no connection to the physical world and the realities of the physical world. It is pure memory nothing more. That is where the philosophers and scientists have gone terribly wrong. Pure identity or Phoenix memory requires a physical brain to bring the realities of the physical world to their memories. The physical brain brings everything back to a physical level so the physical entity can function and grow to the benefit of his Phoenix.

As you know your Phoenix is not your soul. They are separate just as your physical identity and awareness is.

It gets back to what I believe. We are three separate entries in one. Physical, Phoenix and soul

It all begins with a freak of nature during the reincarnation process.

The results of the freak of nature could all be very different to what could ever be imagined

It is certainly not like a time machine where you could find yourself in a different time and place. It could very different to that, very different, that you must believe.

TheCuriousOne said:
I'm not sure if this belongs here, and I'm not sure if this has already been posted, so I apologize if this is in the wrong place or if this is old.
My question is: When people die as adults and come back as children, why is it that children (especially small ones) are unable to read, know the alphabet, count, etc. I mean, we carry this knowledge throughout our lives. Why should we forget it when we reincarnate?:confused:

For the past month, I've been wanting to give a brief answer to a topic that resonates so much in this Forum:

In brief, the process of maturation is why it takes time to understand "to know" how to fully apply such early-life lessons e.g., becoming "older and wiser!"

Interesting topic. I read a ton of fascinating thoughts in this thread. Thank you!

I just had some thoughts about this, that I wanted to share... If I recall correctly, I read in the Cayce readings once that the unconscious is the memory of the soul.

By definition, the unconscious is the part of our mental system that is hard to access (as opposed to the conscious, and the preconscious). We can only get to the content of the unconscious through dreams or meditation, for instance.

Alle the memories of that which we learn should be in the preconscious (if I'm correct). This includes information such as how much is 2+2, what is the capital of France, etc. This is info we can easily acces, provided that we learned it properly.

So, although we do have a link to our soul memory, the unconscious, we usually don't really control it. It is seperate from our memory from our current life (the preconscious) and our current stream of consciousness.

Does... that make sense at all? I hope so...
HI Titus Rivas

I had a quick read of your paper. I have printed it and will read and absorb it all later I found it very interesting

Much of what you said I also believe is right. "Self" the definition of it and who and/or what self really is, is of course open to both discussion and interpretation.

My belief is, we can define within ourselves who self really is

then we can embrace that pure version of ourselves and with the help of our souls ( I have never liked the term "soul" I use it for want of a better description) develop it and educate it in readiness for its next incarnation.

I believe our pure self can be educated by us to recall far more memory for each incarnation than it normally would

I agree with you with each incarnation it would be restricted with what it could achieve physically for around 20 years as the physical brain matures. In my opinion there are two things of great importance about what happens. Firstly the new physical brain is not us it is not "self". All the physical brain does for "self" is it brings the reality of the physical world to "self's" memories .In other words it converts "self's memories back to physical memories where the originated from during previous incarnations of "self"

At what point during the next incarnation does our self educated "self: become aware of itself I have no idea.

It really doesn't matter because reincarnation is all about the development of self and if self it is restricted by the abilities, in other words it is trapped within a physical body with limited abilities for a period of time it does not matter in the overall scheme of things. Self knows and understands what is going on and will continue to learn no matter how young or old the physical body was and is. His continuing learning and development no matter what the physical circumstances are never stops. As I said I will read and absorb your paper
Take your time, John. By the way, I personally do not believe in physical memories. All memory is part of the psyche. There may be some kind of traces of neurological processing in the brain, but that is not the same thing as memory in the psychological sense.
Hi Titus

I have done my best to understand the contents of your paper. Below I set out my comments. I will take several posts to explain them all. I'm only giving my opinions and in no ways am I being critical.

Firstly I would like to address your comment that you do not believe in physical memory. You believe our memory is in our psyche. Our psyche is everything the human mind is both conscious and unconscious To me that indicates you are not sure where memory comes from so you took the shotgun approach and said it is in our psyche. You go on to say "there are traces of neurological processing in the brain". I do not understand how our nervous system is connected to our memory. Maybe it is I do not know

You also say that, that is not the same thing as memory in the psychological sense. Are you saying that our mental functions and behaviour effects memory? If you are then I would agree with that, but on there own they have nothing to do with memory. I have to say there is more than one interpretation of many of your beliefs. You believe that a person who remembers what he or she experienced in a previous physical life is exactly the same person as the one who originally experienced what he or she remembered. If that is what you believe about a physical entity then you must believe reincarnation is no different to a time machine where you find yourself in a different time and place I believe we all have a pure self. Everything about us that is not physical reincarnates Self was and never will be a physical entity. He use's physical bodies to gain knowledge and wisdom. He was never Harry, Jane or Joe he was never a doctor, factory worker or anything else physical. Y00o1u talk about amnesia and how we can only recall a fraction of what we have done and experienced during this incarnation which makes it almost impossible to remember so far back as previous lives. That means only physical entities reincarnate My belief is self is a separate non physical entity with his own memory and awareness Because he is non physical he easily survives physical death of the body

He then reincarnates as a completely separate entity with his own memory and awareness intact

I think that is a much as I can post in one post I will continue tomorrow
I have some spare time so will continue

You talk a lot about amnesia, the different types and how they effect memory. Our pure self is not effected by any forms of amnesia When you talk about amnesia and past lives you say it may be caused by both physchogenically and somatogenically

If I understand you correctly you are saying our present mental functions and the way we live and function may contribute to previous life amnesia. That would only be true if you believe in physical reincarnation

You say NDE'S have shown there is an increase in memory capacity as we near our death You go on and say that would unequivocally imply that possible amnesia cannot be linked to brain death. You go on and say in other words the only possible source of organic amnesia concerning previous life memories would not involve the previous brain but the present brain. The only explanation for that belief is you do not believe the previous physical brain dies with the physical body. You talk about retrograde memory yet you do not believe in physical memory. Do you believe in a retrograde psyche? if that is where you believe our memory is

That's enough for today I will continue tomorrow
First part of response to John Tat

Hi John,

Here's some response.

Firstly I would like to address your comment that you do not believe in physical memory. You believe our memory is in our psyche. Our psyche is everything the human mind is both conscious and unconscious To me that indicates you are not sure where memory comes from so you took the shotgun approach and said it is in our psyche.
Not at all. There is no reason to believe memory is primarily in the brain. And the link to consciousness, to the mind seems obvious. So for me, it makes more sense to believe that memory is a psychical, mental phenomenon affected by the brain than to believe that it is a physical phenomenon. The latter would imply that the psyche is completely dependent on the brain processing during everyday life. It would also mean there can be no survival of personal memory after death.

You go on to say "there are traces of neurological processing in the brain". I do not understand how our nervous system is connected to our memory. Maybe it is I do not know.
There are parts of the brain whose processing may - through interaction with the mind - affect memory processes. This is a rather obvious interpretation of diseases such as Alzheimer's.

You also say that, that is not the same thing as memory in the psychological sense. Are you saying that our mental functions and behaviour effects memory?
Of course! Are you not?

If you are then I would agree with that, but on there own they have nothing to do with memory.
I don't understand. Almost everything we do depends on memory. Without memory we do not even know who we are.

I have to say there is more than one interpretation of many of your beliefs. You believe that a person who remembers what he or she experienced in a previous physical life is exactly the same person as the one who originally experienced what he or she remembered. If that is what you believe about a physical entity then you must believe reincarnation is no different to a time machine where you find yourself in a different time and place I believe we all have a pure self.
I don't believe we are our bodies. Not in this life and not in the previous life or in the next life. For me, the physical entity is an abstract concept which should be interpreted as the self incarnated into a specific body. There is no such thing as an entity that would literally comprise its body. And yes, reincarnation is like a time machine. We do not HAVE a pure self, we ARE a pure self with a dynamic personality that changes over time, during one incarnation and from one incarnation to the next.

Everything about us that is not physical reincarnates Self was and never will be a physical entity. He use's physical bodies to gain knowledge and wisdom. He was never Harry, Jane or Joe he was never a doctor, factory worker or anything else physical.
That would suggest that there is a Harry, Jane or Joe separate from the self assuming a life as Harry, Jane or Joe. In my view there is a personal self that undergoes these different lives under different names, but always remaining the same personal self. By the way, there is nothing physical about being a doctor or factory worker. These simply are professions that are carried out by a non-physical personal self with a physical body.
Second part of response tot John Tat

You talk about amnesia and how we can only recall a fraction of what we have done and experienced during this incarnation which makes it almost impossible to remember so far back as previous lives. That means only physical entities reincarnate
For me, this is an incoherent concept. Nothing physical incarnates or reincarnates. The physical belongs to the body and dies with it. It's only the personal self with its non-physical personality that survives death and possibly reincarnates.

My belief is self is a separate non physical entity with his own memory and awareness Because he is non physical he easily survives physical death of the body
We seem to agree on that, but I don't understand how you could have misunderstood my position then.

He then reincarnates as a completely separate entity with his own memory and awareness intact
Separate from what? From the previous body? Certainly. From the previous personality? Certainly not. In my view, it is the same personal self in both lives, and the personality of the personal self in the first life is continuous with the personality of the same personal self in the second life. The personality is dynamic, so that it changes both over one life and from one life to the next.

John Tat said:
If I understand you correctly you are saying our present mental functions and the way we live and function may contribute to previous life amnesia. That would only be true if you believe in physical reincarnation
I don't understand what you're saying here, to be honest. What do you mean by 'physical reincarnation'? Reincarnation involves incarnation into a new physical body, so in that sense it is always physical, isn't it?

You say NDE'S have shown there is an increase in memory capacity as we near our death You go on and say that would unequivocally imply that possible amnesia cannot be linked to brain death.
Correct, memory is obviously not destroyed by the death of one's brain.

You go on and say in other words the only possible source of organic amnesia concerning previous life memories would not involve the previous brain but the present brain. The only explanation for that belief is you do not believe the previous physical brain dies with the physical body.
I don't understand this conclusion. On the contrary, it is because the previous brain dies beyond repair, that the only organic amnesia that could occur must concern the present brain rather than the previous brain.

You talk about retrograde memory yet you do not believe in physical memory. Do you believe in a retrograde psyche? if that is where you believe our memory is
No, I simply believe in the process but I don't believe in the materialistic explanation of that process. Memory is not physical, neither in this life nor after reincarnation. It is a psychical process that - through brain-mind interaction - can be affected by external processes, namely processes in the physical brain. It never becomes physical by that interaction, but it is affected by the interaction.

Best wishes,

Hi Titus

I have commented on your paper I will set out below what I believe. A lot of your paper talks about amnesia in its various forms. We both agree we have a pure self that reincarnates over and over again. Where we do not agree and where I get a little confused with is when you talk about your belief in a blending of some of the physical entities identity with your pure self. I may have misunderstood but that is how it came across

to me. I do not agree with that. I believe pure self is completely separate identity with his own memory and awareness.and therefore is not effected by amnesia. He is John Brown incarnation after incarnation. If he was not this separate identity he would get caught up in the problems you talk about including amnesia. He is connected to the physical body but completely separate to it. They are Siamese twins is the best description I can think off. If previous live memories do not come from self's memory they can never be trusted. I will give an example of why. We will assume someone does have a quinine previous life memory of being John Smith that did not come from self. Just as happens in our physical lives memories can become confused even altered. from what really happened. John Smith could have been someone a person admired, or whished they were, or read in a book or saw in a movie. As a result John Smith becomes a previous life memory for that person, but not in the proper context of who John Smith was. Pure self memory never gets confused because he gathers information and memory as a completely separate identity. In my opinion some of the confusion people experience is caused by them not accepting physical life is all that matters. Yes we do have a pure self and soul but they must occupy a physical body living in the physical world to fully function. Everything for us and about us revolves around us existing and surviving in the physical world. There are no gods or a heaven and hell to go to. Self must reincarnate and occupy a new physical body. If you were faced with the reality of being a self and having vivid memories of each incarnation would things be as good as you would think?

At what physical age of the physical body would you say to yourself I have had enough of this ageing body and want to move on? But you cannot you must wait for your time. Self cannot end a physical life and continue on.

You would live in constant fear of where will I end up net time?

You would have to be clear about your purpose. Your planning and plans would have to be for countless incarnations, not just the current one.

You would fully understand how different you were

There would be times you would be lonely. You would know there must be others the same as you but you cannot find them

You would have no memories of previous physical attachments to physical entities other than those you occupied

It would go on and on

I will post this then continue on with another pist