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Popular Belief in Reincarnation?


Senior Registered
I am at an age now - where I can look back on my long history associated with the mystical theme of reincarnation. I started talking about it when I was 2 years old back in 1962 and it has always been on my mind one way or another.

When I was a child and teenager - I felt the world would be a better place - if - everyone knew the truth that 'reincarnation' was a fact of spiritual life.

In my early adult life - I slipped gears and had no personal memories of past lives and formed a different opinion to live by. The theme was still coming to me 'mystically' and it was always a subject I spoke about and can recall in 1986 I still felt the world would be a better place if everyone came to accept reincarnation as a spiritual truth.

Now, at my age and this current phase of my life I am divided on the issue. I don't know if it would be detrimental or beneficial for society at large to accept it as a verified spiritual truth or a common religious belief. I do feel it is a possible double edge sword that could cut both ways. Maybe it has to come in very small 'baby steps' instead of one giant leap. Now, I try and examine why I thought it was so important for others in society to accept it as true. Was I just wanting that for 'selfish' reasons - so I wouldn't feel so alone with that sort of 'truth?'

I am curious to the opinions of others about this. How would it be beneficial - or - detrimental to society to have some sort of catalyst that caused a major shift in popular belief for 'reincarnation' as a fact of spiritual life? (Such as the Pope holding a news conference and embracing reincarnation into the Church? I dunno....something like that for the sake of argument. Or scientists discovering something so convincing that no one could possibly argue or deny reincarnation as a reality? So that 98% of the world embraced reincarnation as a reality. Minus the few die hard atheists and such.)

I think we have to look at societies that already believe in reincarnation. India comes to mind. Also other Asian countries. But just because they believe in reincarnation doesn't automatically get rid of all problems. Many people in those countries use it as an excuse not to try to change or improve things. It's probably up to the individual.
It's an interesting question. My husband thinks that a general belief in Reincarnation would increase bigotry! Believe me, I was startled by this thought, as I think it would increase tolerance. His rationale was the example of a foreman promoted from the "ranks". He says he has often seen it happen that a person in this situation wants to distance himself from the place he came from, so he treats the workers even worse than people who are not from the "labor pool". He says that if you had previously lived a life as a member of a group that experienced discrimination, you might want to distance yourself in the next life, treating members of that group worse than you might otherwise do. I pointed out that you would have to be a very unevolved soul to behave that way. His rejoinder was that most people are unevolved! We are so used to dealing with souls here that are "awake", perhaps it skews our perspective?
BriarRose said:
He says that if you had previously lived a life as a member of a group that experienced discrimination, you might want to distance yourself in the next life, treating members of that group worse than you might otherwise do.
Hmm, that is taking into account that people would 'wake up' to past life memories due to this belief. Do you think that a majority belief would lead to a global 'wake up' of past lives?


argonne1918 said:
India comes to mind. Also other Asian countries. But just because they believe in reincarnation doesn't automatically get rid of all problems. Many people in those countries use it as an excuse not to try to change or improve things. It's probably up to the individual.
This was one of the 'arguments' one of the politicians used back in 1980. I have yet to find any sort of documentary or study with 'raw' data about this which I could wrap my mind around. My impression is that India is from an old and ancient way of life that has survived through the ages - and changing the ideology hasn't been on their agenda - not so much because of reincarnation as much as they are sort of 'stuck' in their ways. The argument the politician made was he felt the 'belief' would stagnate our modern day culture and no progress would be made and we would march ourselves back to the 'stone age.' (That was his thought on it - anyway.) It didn't make sense to me - then, or now.


I have often contemplated the benefits as well as disadvantages of a society which accepts Reincarnation as a popular belief. Certainly, in many cases, there would be a distinct change in moral philosophy, and we would not be so neurotic about every little mistake we make, as if we have only one lifetime to achieve whatever it is that we value. On the other hand, we might not value this lifetime with as much care. In other words, things would abruptly change, but not necessarily for the better effect.

What concerns me most about any wholesale change in general "belief" of any society is the inevitable formation of dogma. That is to say, we invariably tend to form rules and guidelines regarding any popular belief, which involve a presumption of truth which cannot be verified, and which constrain individual freedom of thought and experience. It is my "belief" that there is no philosophy or system of thought which is better for society than another.

Although I would like to see greater acceptance of Reincarnation in our world, I would be very wary of our natural tendency to codify a set of inferences from worldly experiences regarding Reincarnation; for to do so would be to create yet another Religion, which would invariably follow the very unfortunate history of all other religions.
I am torn as to whether there would be a benefit or not in our current society. On the one hand, those of us with a sense of past life memories and a recognition of them as such, may easily step into the greater understanding of all things as somehow related and walk with greater care in our lives. On the other hand, those somehow taking on the idea of "another opportunity" without having the larger picture of the situation and belief behind it may use it as an excuse to live out their every whim, positive or negative, with little regard for others with whom they come in contact.

Then, from yet another angle, there is the possibility that if such a clear understanding of future opportunities incarnate become the norm, people would live life with greater abandon and less fear, enabling fantastic revelations and human advancement. But the converse could also end up being true, with society devolving into a free-for-all with no safe haven available while incarnate.

An incrimental increase in understanding would therefore more likely be the safest course, unless there could be a resetting of the human psyche concurrent with the increased understanding of who we really are.
argonne1918 said:
India comes to mind.
Oh, I was reminded of a study I embarked on after reading about the popularity of the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire." I watched several

of documentaries about life in India. What I was struck with was the genuine happiness. (This was also a quality that struck the ones making the documentaries.) Of course, they didn't explore to see if their 'religious' beliefs were the foundation - but - it got me wondering what the cause was for such genuine harmony among the people in the documentaries.

Nightrain said:
Although I would like to see greater acceptance of Reincarnation in our world, I would be very wary of our natural tendency to codify a set of inferences from worldly experiences regarding Reincarnation; ......
I feel this is one of my greatest concerns. Not so much if it was accepted by the majority - but the codes I feel are being written within the minority who do accept it as a mystical truth in the present. I feel I already see the signs of that sort of thing written on the wall and various branches of 'belief' springing forth from the same tree. I do think your right in that it would be 'human tendency' to have various school of thoughts promoting different beliefs in the same root.


I may stand corrected but IMHO the only culture that rejects reincarnation is Western European based culture, but then again, it seems to have rejected everything spiritual be it religion, philosophy, spirituality of every hue and in their stead it has adopted theoretical science which is completely lacking in objectivity to begin with.

Science is the new religion it would appear, together with insatiable greed. Despite the wealth of historical and anecdotal evidence to support a wide range of spiritual phenomena contrasting a broad lack of evidence to support much of theoretical science, it is those demonstrably unsupportable scientific theories that have become the defacto faith in Western European culture.

Together with traditional xtianity still mired in the dark ages, with reincarnation etc regarded as 'the devils work' whatever spirituality Western culture may have had is now regarded as nothing but ancient superstition.
If you haven't watched any of the Rupert Shelldrake videos on YouTube you should. He is a heretic scientist who says the same things you do.
dking777 said:
How would it be beneficial - or - detrimental to society to have some sort of catalyst that caused a major shift in popular belief for 'reincarnation' as a fact of spiritual life? (Such as the Pope holding a news conference and embracing reincarnation into the Church? I dunno....something like that for the sake of argument. Or scientists discovering something so convincing that no one could possibly argue or deny reincarnation as a reality? So that 98% of the world embraced reincarnation as a reality. Minus the few die hard atheists and such.)
One way to answer this question is WHY would anyone not want us to know that reincarnation is a reality? Answering your question any other way would mean I would have to enter into the realms of WOO WOO land, as I believe/know it's much much MUCH deeper and bigger than the belief that if everyone were to be privy to snippets of a few or several past lives this would enable us all to love each other, and forever live in peace, and that this is the ideal utopia we are really to strive for. It is if you like synthetic.
firebird said:
One way to answer this question is WHY would anyone not want us to know that reincarnation is a reality?
I grew up with memories of past lives so this is a question my Mom probed for the sake of her own mind. I found many others felt the way she did. Her feeling (or thought) on the matter was that people didn't 'recall' their past lives - because God didn't want them to know. Otherwise, (she felt) we would all come out of the womb with knowledge of our former lives - from day one. She felt the forgetfulness that took place was due to the fact that God had a hand in wiping the memory clean and producing a 'clean slate' for a 'divine reason' and purpose. She felt I was 'slapping' God in his face because I wasn't with the 'program' so to speak. She felt there was a divine plan underway - as to 'why' we were 'not' supposed to know about reincarnation.

When I was a young adult and tried to talk about it - I heard it many times. I spoke to many minds who felt reincarnation 'goes against God.' I didn't get the impression people were trying to suppress it - as much as they had the same foundation of belief as my Mom. They felt God had a hand in wiping our memories clean.

Your question sort of reminded me of my many dealings with my Mom and reincarnation.


dking777 said:
She felt the forgetfulness that took place was due to the fact that God had a hand in wiping the memory clean and producing a 'clean slate' for a 'divine reason' and purpose. She felt I was 'slapping' God in his face because I wasn't with the 'program' so to speak. She felt there was a divine plan underway - as to 'why' we were 'not' supposed to know about reincarnation.
Which (g)od?

Divine? plan ...

I think your mother was right, but wrong at the same time.

You were slapping (g)od in the face, and you're probably not with the 'program'.
Hmm this ones a tought to even form an opinion on if you ask me I think it may be that we are over thinking this one, so ill put it interms that best suite what I believe. By no mean an I saying I'm right, it's just an opinion.

I believe it isn't necisarry for us to think or formulate an opinion on believing in reincarnation or not... If we truly believe in this or not with our heads, I think we're missing the point of reincarnation... It's something we have to feel in our hearts, there are several different reasons we believe in reincarnation, some of us believe we are reincarnated if we didnt complete a goal that was set for us in the stars, if there was something we still need to learn, mabey even when we are up in the heavens were looking down and for some reason we feel compelled to make a difference in the world. But these are thoughts for your soul, not you brain, I can tell you I never gave it much thought before my own spiritual journey but, it has certainly come pretty naturally since my takeoff.

I feel I've been placed here for a reason and if I fall short on it I'm going to be right back on the Sattle to give it another try. But here's the thing I'm only 25 years old and I already know the power of setting things in motion, planting seeds of pure thought into the body mind and spirit! I know I will create my own future, just by this alone. So after my taj here is done I won't feel compelled be back cause I will not allow myself to fall short... My ultimate goal is to work with every last breath to create a paradine shift in how we treat each other and do business. Because in today's world the golden doesn't exist exept to family it seem, we are still racist, untrusting bigits, and at times very hatefull creatures. I've wiped these things out of my soul because they are not necessary to my developement. I have nothing to gain through such thoughts so I'm truly talking the talk and walking the walk. Last part of my goal is to watch over the planet in the heavens and see the fruits of my seed setting, and who knows mabey at a later date the world will need that once more. Spirituality and reincarnation should never speak to the conscious mind, but to the very hearts and souls of man!!!

Again just a very comforting opinion
You have the beautiful, lost confidence of our youth, Pyro. There was a time when I believed I would never "sin". The "path" gets long, and sometimes weary, but I hope you will achieve your spiritual goals. You really have made a wonderful, early start.
Pyrosfuel said:
Spirituality and reincarnation should never speak to the conscious mind, but to the very hearts and souls of man!!!
This is true, EXCEPT that for many spirituality in general, and reincarnation, don't speak to their heart and soul. If this was so, then I think this world would be very different. Reincarnation isn't a belief but a reality, and I think this is why the OP asks whether the world could be different if everyone knew the "truth" about reincarnation. I would say yes, because knowing the truth about reincarnation doesn't just entail knowledge about our own individual past lives, but the much, MUCH, bigger picture as well, which isn't consciously known to many.

It's true that we can make a difference by walking the talk, but if some don't understand our talk/walk they won't pay any attention to what we are doing. And, there are souls whose task/soul purpose it is to be a teacher/knowledge giver to others, which is why some of these people write about reincarnation and set up blogs and websites about reincarnation, or provide regressive therapies for people etc. >> to educate and heal people.

Some souls who pass over don't even know that they have died! I know this as I've personally encountered spirits like this. Isn't it possible that these souls may have lived their lives differently if they had been more 'aware'?
firebird said:
Isn't it possible that these souls may have lived their lives differently if they had been more 'aware'?
In a word firebird, Yes! I live my life differently because of the things I've learned on the forum, and in my own studies. It's possible that the outcome of this life has been altered for the better, and the course of my next one. Thank you for asking that question - it was a revelation to me.
Hmm it seems I completly bypassed the question, srry bout that op :) that is an excellent question to have, let me give it another shot. Ill start with responding to rosé first.

I certainly know I'm one of those souls that don't have any realizations that I may have had a past life before. But I will say this I've been doing experiments with getting back to my strongest roots when I had a clean slate. BIRTH!!! When we are born there are things built in us that we already know. We already know who we are and what we wanna do, confidence is most shown in children because of this clean slate, no fears, no worries or concerns, no malcontent, true innocence. As adults we unlearn these things, and begin sinning. But I think it's more of the learning process more than something that will keep us from the heavens. I've unlearned a lot of what I've been taught and exposed to, to get back to that courageous, strong, loveing, man I was always suppose to be, and this one is not an opinion, this is fact. If I can do it everyone can! I am by no means a genius, or without flaw. I will make mistakes along the way but we can always get back to our true selves no matter the age, sex, or religion.

As for knowing about reincarnation. I am certainly not aware of my own, but that hasn't, stopped me from following my true path. Knowing what I've done before is not going to help or hurt me in any way shape or form. Simply because I already know wich direction I need to go. It's true that it would certainly help a lot of people, to improve there lives but I have a bit of a dark warning on this particular subject. WARS, how many of us today have been in one of the countless wars where the most monstrous acts of sin have been committed. Murder, rape genenacide- IN THE NAME OF GOD, of all things, I don't think humanity is even close to preparing themselves for what they might see!!! What kind of things could that do to a persons heart mind and soul, of a person who's not ready for it!! Ill give an example. A person has believed they have lead there life the right way, never hurt anyone intentionally, and has enjoyment in helping people. Hey I heard if you wanted to see you past lives and experience the memories you've had this is how to do it! Mild couriosity takes hold and they go for it just to see its validation.

WHAMMM the first one they see is hitler!!! "Just an example"

For someone like me this wouldn't be a problem to me because I am aware of who I am now... Those images would have no impact on me whatsoever because I know my path. Those who would be seeking this out to learn who they were without takeing into consideration of who they are now could seriously damage the persons soul.

I will say this if the proper steps where taken first to make sure everyone was in touch with mind body and spirit of who they are now, I would say I 100% agree it would only move our species in the right direction. unfortunately in today's scoscieties a lot of people can't even face themselves in a mirror. I know because not to long ago I was there. There were always mirrors where I have lived and I wouldn't take two seconds out of my day to even turn my own way.

There's a positive side- mentally prepared to learn from our mistakes and move forward.

Negative side- unprepared wayward souls absolutly destroying themselves over past actions that eat them alive inside. Be very cautious for that one is a very slippery slope.
Almost all of us do remember some of our past lives, Pyro. I don't know of damage that came from the knowledge, but, of course, that is possible. We have members who remember committing what might be termed evil acts. Some struggle with it initially. After a while, the information gives us a better understanding of ourselves, and gets integrated into who we are now. I would say, that if you don't have past life recall, there is a good reason. You aren't ready, or it would be too much on top of all the other spiritual discoveries that you are making. Getting PL information is life-changing, and usually in a good way. It's an "aha" moment, and the pieces fall into place.
The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon, shows that when enough of us are aware of something, all of us become aware of it.

This concept shows that the appreciation and love we have for ourselves and others creates an expanding energy field that becomes a growing power in the world.

A lot of work was done by Ken Keyes, Jr. who first published his book about the dangers of nuclear power and weapons in 1981; The "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon" refers to a study conducted in 1952 in Koshima, Japan: One monkey learned to wash its food, and then taught other monkeys in its troop this new skill. Still more monkeys in the troop learned to wash their food until one day one last monkey, arbitrarily labeled the "hundredth" monkey, learned the skill... at which time, the entire troop suddenly learned how to wash their food, and monkeys from across the sea learned as well.

The point of this story is to illustrate that when enough members of a group are aware, their society can be changed. I would hope - for the better.

Well I think my stance my have to change a little. Based on this new enlightenment, you might say, that I may be a little jaded on the trusting humans thing. But I certainly have good reason.

Some of the simplest concepts to understand have been the most overlooked by people on such a regular basis that no one can possibly say it doesn't happen. So ill ask a few questions that might give some insight into why I posted my last one, and why I may have to change my stance.

How many times have you seen someone fly past you while you've been doing the speed limit, almost clips you, flips you off then winds up stopped at the same red light a mile down the road.

How many times have you helped someone out and when the time came to it to repay the favor oh I got something else to do when you can see they just felt like they didnt want to waist there time on your problems.

One of my favorite pet peeves throwing a plastic wrapper on the ground after passing a trash can three steps earlier, my favorite is when I say something to the tune of hey there's a trash can right there they say F OFF. That actually happened to me three times in my life, and 100% told me the same thing. The last guy who said that to me I picked up the plastic, said hey I'm doing your job right now, what did I get "nothing" not a reaction, no acknowledgment. Not a word. Just kept on walking!

This ones for those in retail. Ever had a customer who ASKS for your assistance that you give them the absolute correct answer the tells you your wrong.

This one actually happened today at my work, the customer who comes in as an electrician and said do you have anyone in electrical that knows what there talking about? I told him absolutly Veronica is right over there by the wire machine, he looks me in the eyes and says preferably male. I promptly tell him "she's been working in electrical for fourteen years, if she doesn't have the right answer for you nobody in this department will, this is what happened next. He said I don't trust, this is the exact word I stopped him at and said "a women that knows more about electrical than you do. I smile at him peacefully with my manager standing right next to me and say your loss sir. My manager laughed so hard he almost peed himself!

My point truly is those are the people who aren't ready for it. And there is no state or city in the United States that I've been to that I haven't seen something that ignorant. It happens everywhere.

Now ill tell you why I may have to change that stance. Ther are probly just as many people I've seen welcome any assistance you give them, I go out of my way personally to either help someone, or find someone I know can help them if I can't do it myself,

The ones that see this truly show there appreciation. And I can agree with rosé on this one there seems to be more people like this than the bad ones with short fuses, but I will say the ignorance sticks out in the mind far more, than the good expiriences simply because you know in the back of your mind these ones will never learn. But this is where trusting people need to come into play, ill use the hundredth monkeys story as an example. If 80 of the hundred monkeys learn it and understand it and practice it, the other 20 might start thinking, I must be doing something wrong, this story particularly interests me because its how I have learned a lot of things in my life, as amazing as I am at teaching myself new concepts, it's still nowhere near as effective as when I learn from someone else, I can Definatly tell you there is something to this theory, because the hundredth monkeys story is very much like how I would go about world unity. Ten countries go into one to help build something better for there people, once one countries problems are fixed, move to the next country on the list, after about the fifth country the progress would speed up dramatically, and the differences will be seen by the entire world! Ten more countries want in on this, look they are eliminating nukes, their economies are becoming much better,their people are happier!!! We want in on this to, ten more countries join in on the effort And so on. I would love to see this in my lifetime. I'm tired of war, greed,false power, and how it's ruining people's love and trust for one another. At this point I would have to say give it a test run, any information I receive, on how to see your past lives I will personally test it for you. I want to see if this will work. I've never seen my past lives or memories, I need to know how. I will tell 10 of my closest friends or family. I will give them stories of what I personally expirienced, and learned. I will tell them how it helped me, and most importantly how to prepare for it. Ill relinquish my time and effort to see how well it works and I will give you guys the results. I have vested interest in this plan, for I will probably use it in some point of my career. So I want to see how well it works,!!!
BriarRose said:
Almost all of us do remember some of our past lives, Pyro. I don't know of damage that came from the knowledge, but, of course, that is possible.
I shared the story here before. When I woke up with the 'memory block' at the age of 18, a part of 'information' lost to the unconscious mind was 'past life memories.' The only reason I was aware of it was - because the majority of people who knew me prior all stated I had talked of 'direct knowledge' of my past lives - as well the past lives of many people around. At that age of 18, I was left scratching my head saying, "Huh? What? You don't say?" Did I believe anything they said? I didn't know enough to believe them. I felt where there was smoke - there was fire but I didn't know what they knew about it - and I surely didn't know what I used to know about it. So, instead of 'direct knowing' - I was left with a foundation of possible blind 'faith leading to 'belief.' At the age of 18, I started out my adult life as a skeptic to the theory of reincarnation. I felt I was walking with a 50/50 attitude or 'maybe, maybe not.' Until God gave me it to know directly again, I was left with a skeptical and doubtful mind.

I wanted access to my 'past life' memories. I started meditating and praying on the subject. I was having insight visions from spirit that treated 'reincarnation' as a fact - and I didn't even know enough to believe them. If I spoke about the subject with friends, I stared out with, "If what I am being told in my dreams and visions is to be believed, then - yada, yada, yada." I was talking to human friends about it, not to convince them of reincarnation as a fact. I didn't know enough to know that myself. I was searching for someone whom may have information to help resolve the 'doubts' in my own mind.

One night, a spirit visited me in the middle of the night and told me of an experiment. I was to follow instructions and do some sort of 'session' with a 17 year old friend - and it was supposed to open up his 'hidden' and 'unconscious' memory files of a past life. Everything went as planned - and for the first hour - he was speaking in 'awe' of all his past life memories. (He had been the biggest skeptic and doubter of the subject prior to this.) The last 10 minutes turned to horror, shock, fear and total panic. He was convinced he had to 'forget' it all again and shut the led on what he called "Pandora's box.' He said it was impossible for him to live the life planned for him with those memories on the surface conscious mind. He said, they belong buried and that his conscious mind had access to it in a gentle fashion - as to not overwhelm him like it was doing in that moment. Part of the instructions given to me in the 'dream vision' had to do with just that. Having him bury the memories again - and pretending that hour had never taken place.

The answer I was looking for - was - how did I know the same thing didn't happen to me in the past. This experience added a ton of weight to my own belief. It is sort of ironic. The biggest skeptic and critic in the world when it came to reincarnation was the one who gave me a firm foundation of my belief to stand on for many years to come. For the first 20 years - I never had 'direct memories' of any past life that stayed with me. (There were 'turtle shell' instances - much like the friend. I would encounter a situation and the area of the unconscious would open up and reveal itself - and when it shut down and withdrew - the memory of the past life association would dissolve back into the unconscious mind. Sort of what the young friend mentioned.) This happened to me when I was 18. I ran into several past life associates and in the moment of our meeting - I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what had been shared in a past life between our souls. (Not us - as humans.) A week later, I couldn't recall a single thing about it.

I always walked with a memory of that encounter with the young 17 year old friend and knew - some things were left best hidden in the unconscious mind.

Now, my experiences has taught me - we are not in control of when, where or how our past life memories come to the surface. Our 'soul' is in direct control of that sort of information and no matter what a human does or thinks - that information is not going to come to the surface without our 'soul's' permission. (The soul to me - is the part of us that stays in heaven - and doesn't incarnate into the flesh like our spirit does. Our spirit has access to that information in a spiritual memory bank - and can not give it up to the human mind without the soul's consent. This was the process I went through with the 17 year old friend. His soul had to consent to the opened file. Not his spirit.)

For many years, I looked at it as an 'automobile.' I have my own 'make and model' which I hold the 'deed and title' to. The memories of my current life belong to me. I hold the 'deed and title' that gives me ownership and all the rights to ownership. The make and models of the past - don't belong to me. The owner that holds the title and deed to the 'former make' and models is my soul. If some sort of 'insight or knowledge' comes to me in this life - about a past life association of any kind - it is on loan. When I die and leave this world - I will sign over the deed and title to this current life - to my soul pass on ownership as part of an inheritance plan for future incarnations of my soul.

The damage I feel possible (to the ego and conscious mind) (in my opinion) is trying to claim ownership of something that don't belong to us.


I think I missed something here. If the memories were harmful to your friend, why was he allowed to access them? Was he able to close the door again? In your judgement, were the memories real? It's dinner time, so maybe my brain is foggy! cover face
BriarRose said:
I think I missed something here. If the memories were harmful to your friend, why was he allowed to access them? Was he able to close the door again? In your judgement, were the memories real? It's dinner time, so maybe my brain is foggy! cover face
I was asking 'spirit' for understanding. At the time, I was talking about 'reincarnation' because my parents and family had told me - I was one of those 'children' who grew up talking about past lives - but - as an adult - I couldn't remember them. My question to spirit was - why and how - did I forget them like that.

I was dealing with a skeptic and hard nose critic and it was asked of me in the 'dream' by a spirit - what impact would it have on my mind - if he did an about face and 'knew' his past lives and expressed direct knowledge of his past lives. I was warned that he would 'beg and plead' for 'forgetfulness' within an hours time. I knew this was 'predicted' to me going into the experiment with my young friend - but - he didn't. I just told him, "what if I could crack an invisible egg on your head and when the yolk reached your heart - it awoke to give your mind access to the memories that have been denied to you. Would you like to recall your past lives so you would know it for your own self."

I had to give him 'oral instructions' and a part of the 'clause' attached to it - was 'free will' choice. If he choose to recall and retain the memories for future reference - he could do so. If, on the other hand - he choose to forget them again - that portion of his heart that had been awoken - would go back to sleep.

At first, he was totally amazed. He didn't believe in reincarnation one minute - and the next minute - he absolutely knew his soul had past lives hidden away in his heart that had been kept from his conscious mind. He knew without a doubt that reincarnation was a spiritual fact of life. An hour into it, he started begging for the 'memories' to disappear again. He wanted that 'direct knowledge' to go back to sleep in his heart and not be on his mind. I told him that if he chose that option - then the entire hour was going to disappear and it would seem like (in his mind) I was still cracking the egg on his head an hour prior. I tried to talk him into keep the memories 'awake' in his conscious mind so - I would have a 'partnered friend' who knew 'facts' and could talk to our other friends. He wouldn't hear of it. He said he wanted to go back to the way it was before his 'heart' awoke his mind to the reality of so many past lives. He said it was 'going to drive him insane.' I knew he was going to go right back to being the hard-nose and die-hard skeptic, cynic and critic of reincarnation.

This gave me the understanding that 'forgetfulness' is NOT imposed on us 'against our wills.' It was and is a 'free will' choice to walk in this life totally 'asleep' to past life memories. I was asking 'spirit' to open up the locked door to my own heart so I could reach my own 'past live' recall. I was being told, "This goes against the choice you made for yourself in the past."

When he woke up at 5 PM - he had no memory of what had taken place since 4 PM. As far as his mind knew - one minute he looked at the digital clock and 30 seconds later he looked at it again and a whole hour was missing. When he spoke about it later - he said I had 'made' an hour disappear right before he very eyes and was intimidated by the fact he couldn't remember what happened. He thought it was some sort of trick to make him believe in reincarnation. I tried to tell him what he told me during that hour about the past lives he had recalled during that hour - and he didn't believe a word I said. Of course, I just laughed. I told him the 'missing hour' was no secret to his soul, his spirit or to eternity. I told him that one day he would wake up in the eternal realm and recall me. The fact he would 'think' of me in the afterlife - is going to call my spirit to him. I told him,

"When you see my spirit coming - know I am coming to get the last laugh on you. Then, and only then will you recall that missing hour - and all the tales you told me about your own personal past lives."

It wasn't my opinion that 'recall' would hurt him. It was his opinion that retaining that recall would lead to damage, hurt, pain and suffering. He said that wasn't a part of the blueprint design his spirit had a hand in drawing up prior to his birth into this life and this incarnation. The 'hurt' or 'suffering' was limited to a brief 5-10 minute period where I tried to talk him into retaining the recall. He wouldn't hear of it. He wanted 'bury' that hour - along with the 'past life recall' of his past lives. So, that hour got buried with the rest of his past life memories. It was - as if the hour never took place for him, while I was totally conscious and aware of it when he became 'deaf, dumb and blind' to his past lives again -as well as the hour we spoke about them together. If you spoke to him today - he would remember that an hour went missing - and be intimated by the fact he has no memory of an hour of his life. He would also state that I tried to put 'ideas' into his head that he had past life memories he spoke to me about during that hour - but - would probably tell you, "I don't believe in such a thing. How can I talk about something I don't believe in? He was trying to pull a scam on me. He pulled some sort of trick and slight of hand to make me 'think' an hour went missing, but there has to be a logical explanation for it. He is a good con-artist is what he is."

Yes, I knew him enough to know he was reacting to something very real in his own mind. I had no doubt he was 'remembering' something. It was hard to keep up with him because he was jumping from one life situation to the another life situation in the past. It was one the most dramatic experiences I shared with anyone about 'past life' recall.


I couldn't make sense of the 'last minutes' and what he was trying to say to me. I didn't know where it came from. I called my Grandfather immediately afterwards and told him about it. What the young man was saying made sense to my Grandfather because he said it was something in scripture. He was amazed that he would be 'utter' a Christian concept during the episode were shared about 'reincarnation.' I told my Grandpa,

"He was babbling on like a baby and talking about a bottle of milk or something walking with a 'carmal' mind. Candy and milk was on his mind. Said he wasn't mature enough to handle the meat I was trying to force on him and that I had to spoon feed him milk due to this 'carmel' mind. He was jumping around from one life to the next and I guess he ended up as a baby somewhere back in time talking about 'baby food, 'candy' and in small doses and not a whole steak."

My Grandfather pointed out that he was probably saying 'carnal' and not 'carmel.' My Grandfather was curious about his mind and attitude after the fact. I told him, "I joked with him about stopping at the store on my way to take him home and asked if he wanted to stop and get some baby food and carmels to suck on. He had no idea what I was talking about."

My Grandfather was amazed that the young friend made reference to a Christian scripture. (I knew him well enough to know he wasn't a bible student or religious person. I later asked my friend questions to clarify the point to my Grandfather and he didn't feel his reference was from something he knew of in this lifetime.) My Grandfather told me, "It is hard for my mind to wrap around the idea that God reincarnates Christians. I can God throwing the Buddhist or Hindu's back into the world since that is what they believe. Hard for me to image Christians being treated like Buddhist on the other side of life."

I have since found the reference to the scripture - and all the more reason to believe his 'mind' had access to something he himself wasn't familiar with at the age of 17. (I asked him as my Granfather requested about the scripture involved. He denied any knowledge of the bible or scripture.) See: Hebrews 5:11-14

I kept thinking he was muttering on about 'candy carmels.' He was referencing his 'carnal' mind and how it was too much for it to digest at his 'age' (or level of maturity concerning spiritual matters.)


I've always liked that scripture. My thought was that your friend didn't have the emotional or mental maturity to handle what he "saw". Some people have it at twelve, others go to their death beds without it. I wonder if "Spirit" erased the knowledge completely, or the memories resurfaced when he was mature enough to handle them? I find it puzzling, because this forum was designed for questions about past lives in children. Sometimes they need help with their memories, and that is what Carol Bowman does! But, with little children, there is a matter-of-fact acceptance that they remember other lives. They sometimes have bad dreams, but what could your friend have remembered that was worse than dying on 9-11, being shot down over the Pacific, or the Kansas City bombings? I suppose that he may have remembered some evil that he perpetrated. By the way, your Grand-Pa sounds both "cool" and funny! The idea that G*d wouldn't throw Christians back into a body again, sounds just like my fundamentalist relatives! They thought that only members of our small denomination would be allowed to knock at heaven's gate, so your Grand-Pa was actually broad-minded by comparison. ;)
BriarRose said:
I wonder if "Spirit" erased the knowledge completely, or the memories resurfaced when he was mature enough to handle them?
Of course, memories are never erased. I had to work with professionals from the age of 13 to the age of 21 and knew how the 'mind' stored data. The average person would be surprised at how much 'data' gets locked away. My impression, (due to the spiritual pledge I gave him,) was that he wasn't going to have access to it again in this life time. The only time I would be able to call him on it - was after he passed away.

BriarRose said:
I find it puzzling, because this forum was designed for questions about past lives in children. Sometimes they need help with their memories, and that is what Carol Bowman does!
Trauma issues ---generally. Reincarnation came to the surface of my mind as a child when I woke up in the middle of the night screaming, crying and running into my parents bedroom. I wanted my parents to make it stop.

BriarRose said:
But, with little children, there is a matter-of-fact acceptance that they remember other lives. They sometimes have bad dreams, but what could your friend have remembered that was worse than dying on 9-11, being shot down over the Pacific, or the Kansas City bombings? I suppose that he may have remembered some evil that he perpetrated.
Sex. I don't know if that was the case with him. He got to the point where he was in a panic attack and nothing he said made sense to my mind. I never got the impression he was remember 'evil' or 'evil deeds' from a past life. I was laughing trying to keep 'humor' in the mix, but he was totally terrified and it was hitting my own nerves. When I look back on it now, I do have a memory of my teen years - and I totally despised 'triggered recall' of past lives - if it had anything to do with 'sexual attraction' or physical intimacy. I think that is why a part of me was laughing so hard because I could recall my own 'terrified' reaction to that sort of memory in my own teen years. Or, 'maybe' I thought - he was recalling being a 'woman' in a past life. He was only 17 and this sort of 'direct recall' would have played havoc on his young mind. I do recall him stating "This will pervert my thinking. I can't have thoughts likes this in my mind."

The whole 'experiment' was an extension of my own prayer and questions about why I couldn't recall my past lives as a young adult. I was being told that I couldn't remember, but the spirits could recall the time I was begging, pleading and asking for the memories to be 'stored up and locked' away and kept from my current 'carnal' and worldly conscious mind because I felt it was interfering with my current life. It was a way for me to hold a mirror (my young friend) up to see an 'indirect' reflection of myself.

BriarRose said:
By the way, your Grand-Pa sounds both "cool" and funny! The idea that G*d wouldn't throw Christians back into a body again, sounds just like my fundamentalist relatives! They thought that only members of our small denomination would be allowed to knock at heaven's gate, so your Grand-Pa was actually broad-minded by comparison. ;)
My Grandpa would deny it if anyone every asked him about it directly - but - he saw my 'spirit as a ghost' during one of my 'near-death experiences' when I was 9 years old. The Doctors were trying to prepare my family for my death. They didn't think I was going to live through it another year. My Grandmother had said something about 'wishing I could send her a letter from heaven to know that I was okay - if I did die." So, during one of my 'near-death eposides while my spirit was outside my body - I showed up at my Grandparents house - 600 miles away. I was an 'invisible spirit' and I had learned how to pick up small objects. I found a pencil and piece of paper and wrote out a note in the kitchen - then placed it on the dining room table. My Grandparents were sitting in the living room and saw the note 'fly across the room' and land neatly on the table. I wanted to make sure they got it and read it - so - I hung around. My Grandpa picked up the note and saw my signature on the note. He started walking through the kitchen. I could usually keep myself in the higher range vibrations and stay hidden. The problem was, my Grandpa was thinking of me hard - and this exposed my 'hidden spirit' to his sight. He was totally stunned and 'shook' his head and walked away as fast as he could to call my house. My spirit flew back to my body. In those days, it was a big episode and my parents were sitting next to my body. When I recovered and caught my breath, I said, "Grandpa is calling." They were not going to answer the phone because we were in the middle of a medical crisis. I wanted my Mom to ask them if they could read my writing. My Grandpa wanted to talk to me on the phone. He denied he had seen anything other than his imagination playing tricks on him. I laughed and said, "Is that why them eyeballs of yours were about to pop out of your head like they almost did? I heard what you said while you was shaking your head. You said "no way." I just Grandma to know that if them Doctors is right, (which I know they ain't) then - I can leave her a note and make her wish come true. She can stop her worrying about it." (The sighting of ghosts of 'dead people' was against his religion. I told him, I am not a dead person Grandpa. I am your Grandson.)

My Grandpa told me I had a way of opening up his mind and examining the possibilities of things he never would have considered in his life time or his old 'set in his ways' age.

He said that as the head of the family, he had a responsibility to examine all the facts and guide the rest of the family in their own understanding the 'mystical' ways I had about me.

But yeah, he was the coolest. I miss him greatly.


Oh, my - your grandpa sounds like mine, dKing. He was the head of the family, and the spiritual arbiter. He played the "fiddle", and sang bass on Gospel songs. I hope to see him one day again, so I can tell him how smart he really was! He loved life, so he is probably long back in the "body".