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Siblings share past life memories

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New Member
Anyway, it's been a long time since I finally accepted my past life memory pheromone. I began to have strong memories of being in a war in Russia ( I did some research and I think it was the invasion of Russia in 1812).

I had been a close friend to a noble, whom had faded out into the country avoiding the revolutionary's war that had been years before. I had stayed close to his family since I was very young and grew up to be in a butler/ over seer of his house hold and his businesses. Sadly to say a love triangle developed between me, my friend, and his lovely wife. The passion.. and torment I faced in that home was enough to drive me away to Paris. I had stayed there for a few years and ultimately was in an excellent college of business. But this was shortly lived as I was to take the place of my 'master' in the military.

I could have died of starvation like all the others that had died marching into Prussia, but my horse rared me off ; breaking my leg.

Being washed up in the military; Paris also seemed to be going back into a chaotic time with Napoleon's failure. I returned to the home I had thought I left behind for good. I only returned because of Madeline's request ( she was the wife of my Friend.) In my dream I remember having a gut sinking feeling about it, but I had little to no choice.

Once I got there I was faced with two over whelming, shocking truths. The master of the house had lost some of his sense and seemed to be in a deep depression. His wife was still very interested in playing with my mind... and she had given birth to a girl..which was the same age of years I had been gone from the place! She even had my hair color. It was hard to deny it. I knew she was mine. Yet, for what it was worth we hide the truth from her and from the Husband. He was delusional anyway, I remember Madeline saying.

But I felt guilty all the same. There was something I knew, because I had been close to the man. There was a rage hiding in those dull eyes of his. I knew it was me that had made him go insane. This unsettled me, but I played the fool. Hoping that the sleeping beast would not wake up and let loose his wrath on us all.

It had only been six month's of my return when things began to show them selves. My master had been aware. Because he ended up.. running over ( On a horse) the child as she played. I remember the pain I felt as I saw he limp body and rushed to it as soon as the accident had happened.

Well.. the ending didn't turn out too well for any of us that had been involved. I've had several dreams over the years. Each one had been a clue or event to the next part of the story.

But in resent years, I've noticed getting weird protective feelings for my younger brother. Also when my brother began to learn how to speak in French, he was flawless! When he began to talk in that tongue.. I began to get even more odd feelings. That's when one day.. we got to talking. Past lives did come up. I told him.. randomly.. with out really thinking it through.. that I felt that he had been my daughter in a past life. He pushed me to go into more detail. When I did, he began to nod and even complete some of the things I was saying! I was blown away by it.
It was.. he even remembered the clothing he had died in. I didn't even mention that! When he started to talk about that we decided not to talk about it anymore cause it frightened him a bit. But after realizing this I realized how over protective I was of him. I was able to back down and not worry about his safety all the time.
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