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Time periods between incarnations?


New Member
Hi! I only began to consider the possibility of reincarnation about two years ago... I've never asked my sons anything though.. just tried to listen to what they said and see what I thought.

My 4yo said something though that I can't ignore and I have a question. First, I have to give a bit of backstory.

When I was 4 my mom had a baby girl. When my sister was 4months old she died unexpectedly; the doctors said it was SIDS. Anyway... my mom and I don't really talk about it alot these days. In fact, my kids don't even know I had a sister as they're really young and I haven't ever brought it up.

So, about six months ago I was sitting in a chair with my 4yo and we were just snuggling. I said something about my mom, I think she was coming over or something. My little boy looked at me and said "Grandma used to be my mommy before you." I tried to be as nonchalant as possible, and said "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." he said. "Then I got lost from her and I was lost, so I looked and looked and then you found me and was my mommy and you'll be my mommy forever!"

I had tears in my eyes after that and told my mom. I then learned that my mom had the feeling she'd known my son before he was born (when I was pregnant, she knew what he would look like and even knew what we were going to name him before we told her). Isn't that weird?

Anyway, my question. My son was born 20 years after my sister. Isn't it unusual for a child to wait that long to come back?
Hi pinkydinky,

Thanks for sharing your fascinating story.

Time is an illusion that we only experience when we're in our human form here on Earth, so 20 years for you and me seems like a long time, but there's no sense of time when you're on the "other side" waiting for the right moment to come back....I believe.

It's nice if your sister did choose you to be her mother in her next life. If you haven't done so already, maybe you would like to read Carol's book, Return From Heaven, where you can read many other cases like your own.

Chris - :)
:) That's a good way to look at it. I suppose time doesn't have much meaning on the other side.

I've read all the online exerpts from the book -- they're so fascinating. I'm embarrased to say that I can't really read the book because I'm still "in the closet" so to speak ;) . My husband would have a cow if he knew I even considered reincarnation a possibility. I live in an extremely "fundamental" area... people just don't believe in "that kind of thing". My mom is one exception...

Most people would pray for me and avoid me :rolleyes:

What I thought was interesting about my son's wording, is that he says I chose him...
The problem here is that since the child died so young, there is no way to see if there were the same mannerisms, speech patterns, or anything. I doubt the baby had even said her first word before she passed away. So, we can't really give any more than that. See if your son remembers being a girl, but at 4 months, I doubt they really had a gender identity so it's probably going to be near impossible to get a 100% verification, just gut feelings.

Having said that, it is my personal belief that the "spirit world" is really just the Planck-scale geometry; an extremely small length in the universe where even time (and many other "common-sense" things like locality) doesn't exist. It's entirely plausible for someone to "get lost" for what doesn't seem to be that long to them, and show up twenty years later on Earth. So, as long as we assume time is not linear (or at least in the same scale as at the "macro" scale) then it's entirely plausible for what your son described as being what really happened.
Hello Pinkydinky and thank you for the lovely story! :)

It's great your son has come back to your family. It's also interesting your mother felt the connection already before he was born. I'm sorry to hear you live in a closed-minded society, but it's a good thing you can at least come learn about reincarnation here. :thumbsup:


I think newborn babies have much more knowledge and understanding we realise. ;) It's just probably mostly forgotten by the time they learn to speak etc. And besides, the soul will remember. :)

Hi Pinkydinky, and welcome to the forum... :thumbsup:

Apparently the lesser density of the Spiritual Realms create a different perception of "time" as we perceive it here in the greater density of our Physical Realm.

As far as I know, the "time period" between my last incarnation as a German soldier in WWII, in which I died in 1944, and this lifetime in which I was born in 1960, was of 16 years. So the 20 years time period between the death of your sister and the birth of your son would seem absolutely normal to me... :thumbsup:

I don't doubt that babies can have exceptional abilities from past lives, but I also think that babies also likely have exceptional abilities that stem from more "normal" explanations, like genetics. Not remember, past lives are in the past, and current lives make a difference, too! :thumbsup:

Is it possible that you and pinkydinky's son had lives that were very short that you may not remember? Like one where you died as a young child.
vicky said:
Is it possible that you and pinkydinky's son had lives that were very short that you may not remember? Like one where you died as a young child.
Not impossible, but not really probable either.
jhskulk said:
Not impossible, but not really probable either.
Why do you say that, Jhskulk?

Btw I wasn't earlier talking about children's abilities and past lives, but the fact that a 4-month old might indeed have a gender identity and realisation of the world and herself - and later remember this short life. I missed your reply earlier, sorry about that.

Generally due to the patterns that we see in lives. If he had a "short" life then he clearly had an unnatural death. It would seem to me like he would likely remember that life.

Maybe I'm wrong, though.
I have the suspect that time is not relevant while taling about afterlife.

Maybe a paradox, but it's a possibility that even a "next" life could be in the past (for what we know).

I think that time (physics in general) is something of THIS world. But i can't swear it is of other worlds too.
jhskulk said:
Generally due to the patterns that we see in lives. If he had a "short" life then he clearly had an unnatural death. It would seem to me like he would likely remember that life.
Maybe I'm wrong, though.
I don't think it's that simple. Sometimes we - or children - will remember some "age old" PL, in which we died peacefully of old age, and not some very recent, short and dramatically ending lifetime - for various reasons. It's true children have often trauma because some past lifetime ended suddenly and tragically, but it's not a rule, and besides not all short lives end suddenly. :)

Hi Vicki,

Is it possible that you and pinkydinky's son had lives that were very short that you may not remember? Like one where you died as a young child.
Yes, of course it is very possible. :) Apparently the time spans between reincarnations vary quite considerably. :thumbsup:

Hi jhskulk,

Generally due to the patterns that we see in lives. If he had a "short" life then he clearly had an unnatural death.
Well, precocious deaths are not uncommon, are they? I wouldn't necessarily call them "unnatural" though...

Hi Paul,

Maybe a paradox, but it's a possibility that even a "next" life could be in the past (for what we know).
I think that time (physics in general) is something of THIS world. But i can't swear it is of other worlds too.
Well, this is something that I personally have a hard time agreeing with, as you probably know...
I know that's difficult to understand that maybe time as we know it is illusional or absolutely of this world only.

We are used to see it every day.

We know from our lives that time has a direction as we see the sunset and dawn the day after and again and again. We use clocks, we are surrounded by hints tha time is the essence.

Alas, quantum mechanics and Einstein first just demonstrated that this is illusory and relative and further more that it's only a matter about the system we are studying.

The secret is to keep an open mind about that, and imagine that there are infinite possibilities of existence which this one we are in now is only a slight part (a very small one).

That's all.
