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Akashic records #2


Senior Registered
I realize I've accessed the akashic records probably houndreds of thousand times but this is only the second time I've consciously realized it for the second time. This is what came to me.

We as a people have advanced to soon without the initial understanding of original purpose.
Ok I think I'm just going to tell you guys the rate of information coming to me from the akashic records are coming to me at a more substantial rate I'm going to say it's been happening instantaneously to the point of it is happening during conversations with others.

Almost as if I have a permanent connection to them.

I'm not going to spam this forum with numberd threads so I will just post on these two threads on ones I feel are important aspects for you to know.

This one was if a soul can become corrupted it can then become un corrupted. If a soul is un corrupted it can be corrupted, and we choose what we want our souls to be, if we want to change it, it will happen as well.

The way to change it is this. If your negative think positive. If you want to stay that way, think positive.
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Pyrosfuel said:
we choose what we want our souls to be, if we want to change it, it will happen as well.

The way to change it is this. If your negative think positive. If you want to stay that way, think positive.
I like this thought, Pyro. I rather needed to hear it this morning. Thank you for posting. By the way, the approach you are taking to the posts is excellent. You can always go back and add to a thread, either yours, or one belonging to another member. :)
Yeah I usually find good solutions to problems before they become major issues.

It's just been a big part of my entire life really.

I love puzzles, problem solving and critical thinking. I've used these in a very balenced way and it has always been benificial to me. I know there are two sides to every story and I always like looking at both sides of the coin. If I'm wrong I usually will say it before it comes from someone else.

I think that was the first time I've ever gotten recognition for it though. Thank you rose:)
Oh almost forgot your very welcome rose. I love bringing about good spiritual feelings for everyone to know. It is your right to this information. It's all free. If anyone is in tune with the akashic records, I've just brought to myself my soul group, and we've had the most powerful group expierience, I've ever felt.

And we've just added hours of a new awsome book. I'll call it "ancient powers of the pyramids power of five". We're going to research, throw around other theories, and expirament with what the very wise ancient people were up to. We're going to build a scaled down pyramid and find out why they had such astiological precision. We made the blue prints today. The one thing I'm happiest about the entire situation is I know my wife is in my soul group. I felt god running through me for hours as we enjoyed each other's company and through around ideas. Strange part is I could never just attain the information of what they did. But I think this is a good thing because we are learning on our own. It is more of an adventure than information that we are just allowed to have. This is going to be very fun. One by one we hope to figure out the wonders of the world. I love puzzles, but I never thought I would have so much fun figuring them out with friends.

Love and peace :)
I need clarity, Pyro. Did you gather with your soul group in the Akashic records, or are they people who met with you in the "flesh"? Either way, that's awesome. I like the book title. Do you plan to do research from earthly books, or take all the information directly from the records?
My soul group was directly on my back porch. Porch and all the information just came to us from the akashic records, except the blur print for the pyramid my friend Jamison looked those up on the internet. But he found very interesting information. There is just energy that resides at the very top of the the pyramid. Naturally. This is interesting to me because the inside of the pyramids have copper. Tubeing in it. This is where the records came in and gave us some interesting ideas. We think the ancient Egyptians used these sites as powerful temples of religious gatherings. Think about this. The copper tubing coils down and makes bigger rings as it gets farther from the top. The northern lights are pretty much energy with electrical impulses flowing through them. If these coils were to be given an electrical flow we might be able to not only validate this but see if they recreated something close to the northern lights. "But the egytptions didn't have electricity back then" well yes they did it's called the Baghdad battery, look it up on google. But if they created something visual like that in the temple they built this would be very profound and religious to them. We are going to find out. Also we have no idea at the current point in time how they built these things. Another study suggested the stones were levitated into place. The guy reaserching the same that we are now never proved this, but just before he died he told his friends and family that the pyramid he built levitated when he spun it on a rotating base. We are going to test this out as well. Why this would happen is beyond me, but we aim to figure this out too.

Validation of this is in the mystery of coral castel. It resides in coral palms florida. This is funny to me because I live in Florida. That is not much of a drive for me and my friends. We will go here to learn how they did it if the pyramid does actually levitate. This is very exciting to me.
Best part about it was one of them I recently met. He just called my friend and asked to chill. the other just got back to naples after not seeing this guy for years he knew my friend was going to chill at my place and wanted to come over too and catch up. He always had a way to brighten my day. Finally my wife seemed interested in building the entire thing when she heard what we were talking about. Me and my friend just started talking about this and it seems we all found each other at the same time. I've never seen anything come together so perfectly. I've also never hit it off with such success like this with anyone. Even the one I just met was one of the easiest guys to open up to. Everyone dove right into this project head first, no looking back!!! Heck we may even see flying cars in this generation after all. :)
Last thing I'm going to suggest a book to anyone reading these words. The hand that wrote this book was guided by the heavens and delivers the ancient wisdoms that come from the akashic records. Words from these records in our language to make it easy for all to understand. He was guided to write this book in the same way we are being guided to build a pyramid. My old friend that I hadn't seen in years just so happened to have this book for me to read when we started talking about the pyramids. Coincidence? It is called the Celestine prophecy by James Redfield.
I've read the "Celestine Prophecy" and it's sequels. It seemed very wise at the time. I believe that it is more allegory than something James Redfield actually experienced. The stuff about the Baghdad battery and the Pyramids is pretty much common knowledge, but I was unaware of the copper tubing. I have read the theories that the Pyramids and Coral Castle were built by levitation. I have no idea if any of this is true. What material do you propose to use to build the pyramid, and on what scale? I have heard engineers say that the technology doesn't exist to engineer stones with that degree of precision at this point in time. I presume you will use some other material.
Hi Pyrosfuel,

...ones I feel are important aspects for you to know.
This one was if a soul can become corrupted it can then become un corrupted. If a soul is un corrupted it can be corrupted, and we choose what we want our souls to be, if we want to change it, it will happen as well.

The way to change it is this. If your negative think positive. If you want to stay that way, think positive.
What makes this something new? There are countless books on this premise.

I would also like to hear what would make your book different or better than these?


I am truly curious since I have done a lot of research on Ancient Egypt's spirituality and had a lot of experiences myself. As far as the Akasha Records go - it's sort of like the Holographic Universe approach. Same thing IMHO.

Well unfurtunatly I was leaving the materials to my friend and the building of the structure to my wife and myself as soon as he does get the materials. We plan to build it to allow one person to sit inside. I can't tell you however if the ancient egytptions had these copper tubeings in them, we were getting the research off of a video janasin watched. As for the technology to build one with there kind of precision. We can figure this out. I know we can. I'll certainly let you know when we are successful. Trial and error will happen it's all a part of the learning process, it's just no one believes they can, they won't even bother Makeing the attempt. I mean why try what you believe is unacomplishable! My theory is if we have done it before we will do it again.

As for the books. I'm blissfully ignorant to books most of the time. It's only recently that I have realy started diveing into them I appaulogize if I have given any information that is suppose to be common knowledge. It just doesn't seem that people do realize that there souls can be happier, considering not to many people do anything in search of happiness to become uncorrupt. I work in retail! I see so many people who litterally have nothing better to do than make others lives miserable. I understand everyone here probly knows that but I think what I have to bring to the table is geared more towards, those with this enlightenment should spread it around to as many people as fast as possible. I'm starting this process myself, and again I know most here understand it but when I see someone else is haveing a bad day everyone else in retail just stands around and watches from a far as one of my ascosiates gets verbally beaten down by custemers. If this happened in one store you know it's happened in all of them. Think about how we get beaten over and over again and all anyone else does is stand around until after the situation is over and say- what's that guys problem. At that point the damage is done. If it is truly common knowledge why doesn't anyone step in? That associate starts Hateing his job, life, self!!! We who are knowledgable need to stop negativity every time we see it. I guese this is what I have to bring to the table. :)

Peace and love :)
Pyro, we do need to bring positive things to the table with us. Where spiritual matters are concerned, you are probably giving information to people who already have it here on the forum. Most of us read extensively - not that we know everything, or are perfect, because we certainly are not. Have you thought about starting a blog about your experiences? That would be a great way for you to share the things you are learning with an audience who hasn't studied quite so much. Then, you can come to us, and post about your past lives as you discover them. You can also post a link that leads to your blog that will keep us informed. Your pyramid project sounds interesting, and I feel sure you will build one. Dr. Raymond Moody has built a replica "psychomanteum" on his property that he uses for research. The "ancients" knew things that we don't. If it's okay for me to give you advice, "Read, Read, Read!" We all stand on the shoulders of giants, and if you read, your work will be more original, because you know what has come before. Blessings, BriarRose
Well this is not the first time this has been suggested to me so I guess it's time for me to start takeing this advice. There is wisdom in your words. Speaking to an audience that doesn't have this kind of information is more sound than haveing other information that this particular audience already knows. Even James Redfield has a news print that they call the Celestine journal I believe. I know I read about him doing something like that on the book cover. So my question is where or how do I start a blog?
That's a really good question, and James Redfield does have a blog. I don't know how to start one, but my daughter does. I will ask her how when I can. I think you could probably google "blog", and find out. You will have the freedom in a blog to say anything you want, and can get followers who read it every day. Good job!
Yup Definatly like solving problems. As for this post from this point I will just let you guys know when we have success with the pyramid.
My daughter is home. Open a gmail account on Google, because it's easiest to do it that way. Sign up for a Google "blogger" account. It's free - they host your site. Then you pick a domain name (URL). I think that's all. Happy Blogging!
Oh yeah I have a theory that all information from the akashic records has a tendency to get to the internet itself. Information, sites, research comes To me the same way after reviewing the akashic records. One after another aligning itself with my personal development. I won't get to reliant on the internet though it takes the fun out of the records themselves.