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Depression - guilt of the murders of past lives


Virtual Stranger
How to get rid of depression - guilt of the murders of past lives? In a few of past lives I was a murderer. I was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. After my last most brutal past life with the most murders I had in majority next lives depression. It's a spiritual guilt which devours me. In this life too. I don't know deal with this. What should I do?
A Victim...

Dear Windraven,

I was a victim in my last past life of a murder...a pre-planed murder...this is what I can say to you about how I feel today...I feel no hate and I have no desire for revenge! Please don't be too hard on yourself...it is what you make of your life NOW that counts...my soul has peace, even for the soul who put an end to my earthly life then...in my humble opinion...these things are defined differently on the spiritual level!

Wishing you peace!
Hi Windraven

Welcome to the forum.

That's a very difficult load to bear.

Past life guilt is a difficult one, but as the others have said, it doesn't do much good unless you use this feeling to make the most you can of your life now and into the future in order to heal yourself and others. For instance, by deciding to do something to help the victims of crime, you could go a long way to making amends.

Can you share with us how you came by this information about your previous lives? For instance, is this something you have remembered yourself, or something you've been told by a psychic, or some other method?
I want you to know that all those souls have forgiven you. There is no hate in the afterlife. I don't pretend to know what your going through.I know it easier said then done but if you are to move on.You need to look at where you are now and not where you been. The guilt may not go over night but it can. Maybe another suggestion is to connect with your spirit guides. Ask them to help you deal with the guilt. Either through people or yourself. Know that you are not alone. All the best with your journey.

None of us here judge you here and wish you all the support.
This is not going to be a popular answer because a lot of people are so focused on the concept of retribution or justice. I mean, we like to believe that evil is answered with good and that "karma" will sort everything out right? It's kinda what gets a lot of people through this world in which everything seems so unfair.

I believe in a sort of pre-determination within our ability to choose and that we plan out the basic gist of our lives before going into them, that means putting ourselves into situations in which we are killers, in which we are killed, in which we cause pain, and are caused pain. I believe this is something that people agree to because it forms a situation for the souls participating to learn in.

But wait, that would basically mean that everything happening on earth is not happening because of good or evil, it just is? This isn't something I came up with; it is something that is believed within certain spiritual circles and I think if you have this mindset it will help you deal with a lot of the guilt you are having. Like another said, in the afterlife there is no guilt or hatred or retribution (unless you create your own). You are the one that puts yourself in your situation.

It's kind of a hard altruistic concept to believe. You can bet that if someone murdered my brother I would be extremely angry and would want some form of justice or punishment in this life or the next. Anyone would. I can't say that if that happened I would be able to follow such altruism and forgiveness. But what I do know is that I don't carry much guilt with me (if any) for the past or what may have happened because I believe that everything which happened has led me to be who I am today, whether that is more "enlightened" or not. Don't mistake me for saying that there should be no moral component in the way we live our lives and that we should not make decisions out of love and for the good of others. I can only hope that our world will one day become a place of love and peace. But how can each person truly know love and peace without knowing the depths of darkness?

Please let your guilt go, for your own well-being. Like others said it would probably be helpful to see a professional hypnotherapist to work through your feelings and let me know if you need someone to talk to who is nonjudgmental.
I think ZeonChar gave you an excellent reply, Windraven. I know how it feels, I was a murderer too. I don't believe all souls are so prompt to forgive you, at least those who are alive and don't understand the point of view of a murderer and the suffering that brings having done "evil" things. The circumstances are all different and I don't know yours, all I know is that guilt is hard to bear but it will pass sooner or later, as soon as you realize you didn't make the best of choices, but that doesn't make you worse than any other human being. Everyone can become a murderer, even those who think they wouldn't kill a fly. Realizing you did wrong and trying not to make the same mistakes is the first step to forgive yourself, and I completely agree with ZeonChar knowing darkness is essential to understand why love and peace are better (as my own signature says). Remember only you can judge yourself, and you don't need to be too hard, that's true.
I'm sure that we have all committed crimes in our PLs. We probably all have had some awful things done to us as well.

Where have you received this information from - psychics can be wrong at times like anybody else. If you regressed yourself, it might even be someone else's PL you are looking at.

If you still feel guilty, try doing something positive. Volunteer your time, get involved in charitable causes and try to make a positive difference in the world. Adopt animals, foster a child, become a mentor for a younger person having a tough time in the world, sponsor a third world child, serve your country, etc. Who knows while you are volunteering you might even come across the souls of those you have hurt in the past, and you might be making it up to them this time around.
PL Memories can be just my. Nobody can see PL memories of someone else not?

Obie said:
If you regressed yourself, it might even be someone else's PL you are looking at.
THANK U 4 All!!
No. In general other people cannot see someone else's past lives. There are some people who claim to have this ability. But there are, sadly, many who are not telling the truth or who are kidding themselves about that.

How did you come by your information? Was it a dream or a flashback or something else?
What I meant was that when we regress ourselves, sometimes we see a bunch of people and we are unsure which one we are.
I did alot damage to quite few

in a past life. It was easy for her. do I have

guilt yes and no I have more guilt about friend dying

in a past life.

Seeing others past lives is something I don't

talk about lightly . I have had this happen twice.

It's so intense I end up crying for days.

I described one , On here it was not, pleasant for

me to look at this person and seeing the event

of her death in my mind over and over again .

I feels like I am observer in place of these tragedies.

As well as my own deaths..

And I am Empath, we feel things deeply more than most.
jonathan21 said:
I want you to know that all those souls have forgiven you. There is no hate in the afterlife.
Unfortunately this is not true! I've been contacted recently by a person which I've killed a very long time ago. This woman is full of hate and longing for revenge although she killed me many times before and afterwards. I've asked her repeatedly for forgiveness but she is adamant about it. I don't know what to do.

And here you see the dangers of pendulum dowsing! She found me because I wasn't careful enough. I should have lighted a candle (for my protection) but I didn't.
Depression - guilt of the murders of past lives

Dear friend,

I think you have here a rare opportunity to break the bonds of suffering that each of you may have inflicted upon each other. You have already asked for forgiveness, but you also need to forgive yourself by letting go of the memory and resolve that from now on, you will endeavor to follow the precepts of refraining from killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct and from ingesting intoxicating drinks and substances that lead to heedlessness and unmindfulness.

Keep forgiving in your heart of hearts despite all the hatred and revenge she may want to inflict on you. Hatred is never conquered by hatred, only by love. This is the eternal law. She may well succeed in harming you again but from your end, it is over. Tell her to bear in mind that if she keeps feeding her hatred and delusion by harming others particularly you, then that burden of karma is now only hers which means she will have succeeded in planting the seeds of misery and suffering only for herself as an individual being, whether now or in the future.

You may also come to realize that you are not really harmed in any way, that is, the ‘essential you’ is unscathed. This is the lesson of reincarnation. Salvation is only attained with wisdom and compassion. Going to heaven, hell or the other realms of existence are not our goals in life; these are the by-product consequences of leading or exerting effort to lead a virtuous life (or otherwise) in the here and now. As one great teacher said, “There is no punishment, only lessons to be learned.” It is by understanding through education by direct experience that you will free yourself from the fetters of this sea of suffering which consists of an endless cycle of birth, death, rebirth.

You could also learn from the life story of Angulimala, the first recorded serial killer in human history and who then became enlightened after understanding the futility of such evil deeds.
tanguerra-by visiting regression therapies(nice one therapist). Your words slowly but surely help me I hope.....

shadowsofmypast said:
Seeing others past lives is something I don't

talk about lightly . I have had this happen twice.

It's so intense I end up crying for days.

I described one , On here it was not, pleasant for

me to look at this person and seeing the event

of her death in my mind over and over again .

I feels like I am observer in place of these tragedies.

As well as my own deaths..

And I am Empath, we feel things deeply more than most.
Which means "feels like observer"?
Windraven said:
Which means "feels like observer"?
It means you are outside your body watching what is happening. This is the opposite of looking through the other person's eyes.
Hello Windraven, I can relate to those feelings. One thing that can help is to get into spirituality, whatever works for you, to help replace the darkness, there are a number of practical things such as meditation, diet, prayer, healing, therapy, all of these will raise your vibration.

Oh and this story really helped me: the killer of someone is now their mother. She decided to give back the life to the person she killed in another lifetime. This shows nobody is "doomed forever", no matter what they have done, there is always an option of doing the opposite. You are not your past life anymore, just as the mother is not the son's killer anymore. Even if you were mistaken in the past, there is always some option to go in a positive direction starting now. I think it's a wonderful story, that all of us are given another chance, or as many as we need, to change.
Transmute your guilt into positive action

I can totally relate to you, Windraven. You are not alone.

I recently heard someone on the radio -- a guy who killed 3 kids by texting and driving. I thought of my own kids and I couldn't help but feel judgmental. But when he got out of jail he took his horrendous guilt and turned it into something positive -- he went on tour speaking about the stupidity of what he did.

I caused a lot of damage fighting wars. I am now a dedicated peace activist. You have a unique perspective that can help you do something similar.
Simple answer is find the core past-life trauma and heal it. Tapping (like EFT) works VERY well once you tuned into the key feeling signature in the key past-life. I've helped people do this many times. It's shocking how well it works!!

One example, was a woman with severe grief issues. She had grief regarding the death of her adopted father, grief about the loss of her only two children on the same day in a house fire, they were in their early 20's. A few years later her husband died in a car accident. She was riddled with grief!!

I tried to help her with tapping (EFT) on the present life grief and we got her some relief. But, after two or three sessions, we were seemingly going nowhere fast. So, I asked her to have those grief feeling form a past-life scenario. She told me that she was kidnapped and taken from her children. We tapped on that and got no results.

I then asked her to go to another life with the same feelings. She was born an orphan, her mother died giving birth to her. Again we tapped and got no results. I then stumbled in the right direction by asking her to go to another life and said; "maybe we will get to the key lifetime." Well, she did!

She said that she had killed people and enjoyed it! So we tapped on that grief and one round of tapping (about two minutes) her pain on that was gone. I then asked her to go to the life born as an orphan - the grief was already gone! Then I ask her to connect with the life kidnapped - grief was gone!

I then asked her to remember losing her two children in the fire. She said something like; "THIS IS SO WEIRD!!", just a few minutes ago this WAS SO INTENSE, now it's like an ordinary event!!!!!

She had been manifesting all kinds of events in order to fully understand what she had done many lifetimes ago in killing people and enjoying it! When we healed that, almost all of her grief was gone!!

Windraven said:
How to get rid of depression - guilt of the murders of past lives? In a few of past lives I was a murderer. I was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. After my last most brutal past life with the most murders I had in majority next lives depression. It's a spiritual guilt which devours me. In this life too. I don't know deal with this. What should I do?
I've found that some people can tune into other peoples past-lives. Most people cannot do this sort of thing right off. A few can, and they seem to get better at it with practice and their own healing.

I've done at least five successful sessions where one person has tuned into a past-life on behalf of another person. Most times the other person was healed by the tapping (EFT like process) and usually was not present and was unaware and did not believe in past-lives or tapping. I've also had a PL session done this way for me and it worked! What a RELIEF!!!

tanguerra said:
No. In general other people cannot see someone else's past lives. There are some people who claim to have this ability. But there are, sadly, many who are not telling the truth or who are kidding themselves about that.
How did you come by your information? Was it a dream or a flashback or something else?
Very interesting, OutOfTheBox, and has that feeling of grief never come back to her again? What is the tapping therapy called, do you have links to some more info about it?

Also by what you say, there is one past life that has a predominating influence and the others are minor so it can all be removed by this technique, even if its the same topic or theme that is repeated, correct?
Maybe if you remember some good memories too, it might help...? IDK.

In my religion though we are taught that all humans go through pain and suffering for a few different reasons, the most commonly repeated of which are:

1. So that we may understand the pain of others and harm none senselessly (Life is about learning after all).

2. To break the illusion of the waking world when we realise that pain and pleasure are one, as are all things (Similar to the Hindu beliefs of brahman and moksha).

Therefore, when you live a 'bad' life like this you are actually doing good by your victims and helping them to grow spiritually.

We are all bound to this duty and will all live like that at least once...

A little messed up, I know... *Shrug* But it works for me.
I'd say that we got 98 percent of the grief. Later, she did tell me that she still had a little, but she never asked for another session on the grief. She has asked for sessions on other issues. My estimate is that 80% or so of the time we get it all and when we do, the old issues have zero charge.

I've done many past-life sessions and one man revisited most of his healed past traumas. When he did all but one (we healed only part of that one) had transformed into utter joy!

The tapping is derived from EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques www.emofree.com). The majority of the principles that we use came from EFT. We've called the techniques TTCH and now we are calling it CTT for "Consciousness Transformation tapping".

We only have a website that was put up by a man from South Africa that had his PTSD healed completely gone in about six minutes. This TTCH site does not do the process justice. Here is an introduction to the basic process that we use.


The past life process is a little more involved, but what people call the induction is very simple. Here are two PL sessions.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70183022/RoseThePsychic01.mp3 four mins.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70183022/FaceAboveWater.mp3 18 mins.

Demi said:
Very interesting, OutOfTheBox, and has that feeling of grief never come back to her again? What is the tapping therapy called, do you have links to some more info about it?
Also by what you say, there is one past life that has a predominating influence and the others are minor so it can all be removed by this technique, even if its the same topic or theme that is repeated, correct?