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Discussion in 'Past Life Memories' started by TheDivineOne, Oct 28, 2016.


Should've been born a girl...
I hope this post doesn't step on anyone's toes. These are just my personal beliefs and decisions, nothing more. But I actually don't believe in God at all, at least not the God most Christians believe in. For some reason I take pride in that, and in that i'm actually an anti-Christian.

But my question is for the people who do believe in God: does It have any dictatorship or delegation over our incarnations? If so, how?
Hmmm... I can understand why much of the Christian facade of God would drive you to reject it. It's not even a cohesive whole among those who call themselves by that label. Some versions are a lot more life-giving than others, and even possible to respect. Some are about as evil as can possibly masquerade as good and those end up creating hell on earth beneath their oppressive influence. The fact that the term "God" is used for all of them causes a lot of confusion. I know I don't believe in that strange construction anymore either. It simply doesn't match the positive aspects of the universe it supposedly designed.

I'm of the opinion that if God exists it's definitely not going to fit within the parameters of human understanding. We can't even figure out our own planet. I doubt we (as a whole) are going to sort out what or who God might be until after we figure out how to nurture the tangible and relational elements that affect us and our world in every moment.

The closest we can come to the concept of that existence is found within the patterns of relationship that create healing, beneficial social structures, personal growth, new understanding, and hope in the midst of destruction. The microcosm tends to reflect the macrocosm of the universe, and those patterns are easier to trace than any other source of reference that we claim to define God's being. For example: I see life return out of seeming death daily, cyclically, and in all aspects of existence. Reincarnation isn't that difficult to accept when it fits right into that whole.

I think glimpsing the vast and incomprehensible reflected in the small and everyday parts of life is why most everyone who is willing to accept the possibility of God's existence also accepts that love is the clearest sign of it's presence or influence. I can understand when people skip the idea of God and just aim to pattern their relationships on mutual respect, compassion, curiosity, equality, willingness to question oneself and culture, and other habits that lead to strengthening the structures of support and growth. Those whose integrity forms within the structure of love demonstrate a quality that I would be willing to trust as a universal creator. I'm not entirely certain it works that way now, though.

In the end, I'm of the opinion that some form of consciousness causes the universe to exist. Whether that consciousness is a network or a single entity isn't something I'm willing to set down as a law of the universe. I don't know, and that's okay.

I do know that love exists within that consciousness, and I can choose to participate in increasing that element wherever my personal influence extends. That's something worth living for.

From what I've experienced a lot of my lives fit within a pattern that added up to who I am now and the life I'm living. I know I've made choices in past lives (and between) that brought me here, just like turning right will take you to a different location than turning left at the street corner. It seems clear that something is assisting, guiding, informing my decisions. Whether that is directly monitored by a being known as God or by beings that are further along in understanding how the universe works isn't something I know.

That I am guided ... and that they don't consider me to be lower than them, but the primary activator in my life is part of my current existence. Guidance is real, whatever the structure behind it. There is a larger pattern and my path has meaning--it can even be considered essential to the final result. (Not in an "I'm special" way, but because we're all necessary and important.)
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Hi DO,

I'm a believer, but can't say that I have the whole thing figured out. From what I can tell, there are beings that have "graduated" from the process (or perhaps never had to participate in such a process) that help to make decisions that are important to our welfare and progress in this area, as well as helping to govern other aspects of the universe/existence. These beings are enlightened and guided by the Spirit of God. However, this only means that they are more guided than we are at this point, not that they are absolutely perfect.

The degree to which such beings reflect the divine in wisdom, power, etc. is supposedly dependent on how "high" they are as, generally speaking, there has long been a belief in a sort of divine hierarchy mounting upward to the highest in both Christianity and Judaism (and in some form or another in most other religions as well). There is not a lot of consistency among different groups and sects on this sort of thing, and someone will doubtless fault my terminology, but the idea of various levels of "angelic" beings supervising successively more important and broader realms of being (if one is going from the bottom up), or successively closer to us and our immediate concerns (if one is going from the top down) is fairly common.

However, coming to the crux of your question--which seems to be whether and to what extent someone controls our incarnations--that is a toughie. I don't have anything specific to go on in this regard in scripture (that I can think of right off the bat). There are some general scriptural promises that inspire me in terms of God's ultimate oversight and all things working together for our welfare, but I don't think that is what you are looking for. So, I'm just going on what I have read here and there. My reading seems to indicate that we are given a finite number of choices by the beings I have been describing, and that we choose one of those or end up having to "wait until our number comes up again". Why those choices are the ones we are given is, I suppose, the question. My hypothesis is that they each will, in some way, serve to advance us towards our ultimate goal.

However, aside from all of this, I suspect that you are still looking for someone to blame--divine or otherwise--for what you consider to be a cosmic mistake or even a deliberate vindictive act. I'm led to suspect this because all of your threads ultimately seem to move in that direction (with you often evidencing more and more anger and indignation as you go along). Anyhow, I very much doubt it is a mistake in any kind of ultimate sense, but I am sorry that it has proved so miserable for you. Hopefully as you follow the path you are following, things will get better. I say that because I try to hope the same thing for myself and for everyone else in this process. I believe it in my head, but that doesn't mean that I have always felt it in my heart. So, I can understand if this idea doesn't necessarily resonate with you at the moment.


PS--If you want to read about my own struggles with the issues you are raising, you may want to read posts 14 through 21 in the "Smoking Behind the Gym" thread: http://reincarnationforum.com/threads/smoking-behind-the-gym.5790/

PPS--Your name comes up quite a bit in the posts mentioned, so you may find them of interest for that reason as well. It may or may not be of interest to you that you are not the only one who feels like they've been trod upon in the process.

Good question TDO.

It's OK to discuss religion in the forum, as long as people are respectful of each others' beliefs.

Personally, I think God (however you conceive her) is not a 'dictator' in any way, micro-managing all of humanity. What purpose would that serve? Most people believe that we have free will, and I am inclined to agree with that. There are differing beliefs about how much we get to choose our own destinies and whether things are all planned out in advance or just 'happen'. I suspect it might be a bit of a combination of both.

A seed might fall on good soil or on rock by a chance puff of wind. If the seed is lucky enough to fall on good soil, a tree will grow to a specific blue print, according to its DNA; into an oak or an elm or an apple tree or whatever. It might grow for many decades, or get trampled on and never get to mature. All kinds of things might 'happen' to this tree during its life. Is any part of this preordained by any laws, other than that a certain type of seed will always produce the same kind of tree? Who knows, but somehow I doubt it. Why would humans be any different? We like to think we are terribly special, but we are just another part of nature. Perhaps we have more options to exercise free will in making choices about our life than a tree does, but that's about the extent of it in my view.

What part does God (however you conceive her) have in all this, other than to be some kind of over arching 'life force' that flows through us all a bit like in Star Wars? I don't know. But I seriously doubt that God is micro-managing the whole universe, although of course many people do.
However, aside from all of this, I suspect that you are still looking for someone to blame--divine or otherwise--for what you consider to be a cosmic mistake or even a deliberate vindictive act. I'm led to suspect this because all of your threads ultimately seem to move in that direction (with you often evidencing more and more anger and indignation as you go along). Anyhow, I very much doubt it is a mistake in any kind of ultimate sense, but I am sorry that it has proved so miserable for you. Hopefully as you follow the path you are following, things will get better. I say that because I try to hope the same thing for myself and for everyone else in this process. I believe it in my head, but that doesn't mean that I have always felt it in my heart. So, I can understand if this idea doesn't necessarily resonate with you at the moment.

Well, you know what, SeaandSky? This would be the part where i throw my hands in the air and be like "well, you said it, not me!" because i actually didn't want to mention that directly when i made this thread but let me explain to you why I made the thread:

I made this thread because i wanted to know if any of this God stuff about making me male or female rings true and has any merit or legitimacy.

The thing about it is i've had quite a few people who know i'm a transgender go on and on to me with all this ridiculousness about God's grace and all that, telling me b/s like "Oh, you shouldn't be mad at God because he knew what he was doing and didn't make a mistake when he made you a boy," "God made you a male for a reason," "Your gender isn't/wasn't up to you," "If God wanted you to be a girl you would be a girl," and "God still loves you even though he didn't make you a girl," and even though i haven't had anyone tell me any of those crass things in a long time, it's haunting me and i am sick of it!

I'm at war with these self-righteous Christians or God-believers who have the nerve to tell me any of that crap! Because I don't care! I have absolutely every right to be mad at God if it did have something to do with this and i am not about to let anyone tell me otherwise! I don't care if God didn't make or mistake or if it knew what it was doing when or if it did assign me male in this lifetime! I hate it! And if for argument's sake i don't have the right to be mad at God about it, well guess what? I'm gonna give myself that right and be as angry as i want to be about it. I refuse to be loyal to a God that wouldn't let me be female.

If God had remotely anything to do with making me male in this life not only will i be as mad at God as i want, hate God as much as i want, but i will exact my vengeance against God by burning as many Holy Bibles and burning down as many churches as i can get away with! Additionally, if i'm being evil and/or selfish for not caring, well so be it! Okay? I am done! I have had it! And if i ever were to commit suicide over it i would do it with the satisfaction that God has my blood on it's hands. I don't care about God's will when being male and having to do anything as such has been the bane of my existence. I'm not here to do God's bidding; i'm here to do my own will since it means me being female and not male. Wanna know why? It's because I'm gangsta like that! But you know what? I just find it easier to not believe in God at all, that's why i just don't.

Some of you guys are probably thinking that on this tirade because I want to rebel against god more than i want to be female. Well, let me tell y'all something: I don't care one way or the other about God or disrespecting it; i just want my femalehood back. Period. Point blank. That's just it

I don't give a flying fig about "balance" or anything of that sort. I don't care if i were female in many or in all of my previous lifetimes... or if what i'm going through is because i'm not used to being male at all; all I care about is being a female in this life and in the next. I guess that was just too much to ask. So does that confirm your suspicions, SeaandSky? Yeah, i am looking for someone to blame for making me a male when i know full-on well i should've been born a girl. I'll just keep affirming to myself that i will be female in my next life, i guess.

I'm sorry everyone. Writing all this and expressing all this anger left me wit tears in my eyes but i just had to get this out.
It's OK to express your frustration. It helps to be able to talk about it. You are doing great. I hope you will feel better before too long. It's the old story - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. It seems to work more or less the same for big and small personal losses, not just the death of a loved one. In your case, it is the 'loss' that you feel about your female identity.

I'd say you are somewhere fluctuating between anger - looking for someone to blame, bargaining - looking for explanations, and depression - feeling sad about it all. The theory goes that allowing yourself to feel the emotions (rather than blocking them or bottling them up) helps you to move along. So, your little 'tirade' is hopefully a healthy expression of anger, as long as you don't actually harm yourself or anyone else, it's a good thing to rant and rave a bit until you get it out of your system.

The good news is, once you get past that, comes acceptance which is much more pleasant state to be in. That is when you work out a way to deal with it, to accept that nobody's life is perfect, and just get on with it as best you can. You may still occasionally feel angry or sad, and that's ok. But hopefully it gets less intense over time.


The Buddhists have a saying 'Before enlightenment chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment chopping wood and carrying water.'

I hope you can find a way to feel more accepting of your 'fate' eventually and try to make the best of it. Lots of people suffer. It's part of life. Try not to waste too much energy arguing with fundamentalists. It's a bit of a waste of time in the long run. Better to find your own answers as best you can. Find your own tribe. Find positive, loving, kind people to hang out with and leave the negativity on the side of the plate. Easier to say than do, I know.
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D.O To begin with I have no comprehension about what you are going through...."Where Does God Fit Into The Whole Reincarnation Thing"? First of all you must believe there is a god, well the one you believe in anyway... There are gods in some form, it just depends on who and what you believe in. So do these gods have any control at all over the reincarnation process?.. With the billions and billions who have already reincarnated and the billions who will reincarnate in the future then the answer is not easy one. If the gods have little no control then who or what has some control? It's my belief old souls are the only ones with any real control at all.. Old souls have seen it all, and have gone through the reincarnation process hundreds if not thousands of times.. They learn more and more how to control what is going on during each reincarnation.. Then strange to say they get to a point where they need the physical entities help during the dying process to be completely successful.. After all it's only the physical entity who dies, not the spiritual you . The older souls have the abilities to educate the physical entity on what they require of them after the dying process begins.. There must be a smooth transition between the death of the physical body to pure spiritual form.. Plenty goes on.. The final stage is the reincarnation itself. Before a soul gets to this point is it haphazard? I don't know.. What I do believe is, the spiritual you does have gender and it would not be impossible for mismatch of gender between the spiritual and physical
Just a quick example of looking at things from a different perspective.. I have an 11 year old granddaughter Three years ago she was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumer. She had half of her brain cut away but they still did not get it all.. Now she looks at me and wonders who I am.. She looks at shoelace that is undone and does not understand.. it goes on and on.. There are millions of people far worse off than you D. O. That may not help but you should keep that in mind

FWIW, IMHO, God is what allows us and everything to exist. We come from God and we are all God. Reincarnation is the true expression of God's grace.

It's cliche, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Spiritual existence knows no time, no want, no loss, no pleasure, no gain. It simply IS, it is existence without essence or purpose.

From our human perspective, it's not fair, that things have to end and that there is so much pain and suffering. There's no divine punishment, no scales to be balanced, just the simple offer of being able to consider everything you learned and the opportunity to go back and try it again where we will be reunited with our family and friends. Reincarnation also forgives and heals pain, suffering and simple bad luck. The sun will always come up again on another life no matter how bad this one may seem.

God is there is for if you are willing to quiet your inner self and listen to what God is trying to tell you.
Now that I'm calmer and have had time to reflect on how I'm feeling and on what I've been going through, I will say as calmly as i can that I still resent having been born male. I hate it! I don't want to be transgender and I don't want to be male and identify as such. I want to be an actual female. Just years ago, i found myself hanging on the balance of the uncertainty whether reincarnation does or doesn't exist and if it does will I get to be born a female? There were just too many uncertainties that i couldn't deal with. People say life is a gift, and I am inclined to agree but not when you were born in a gender you're not comfortable in, especially when in your last life you were in your correct or preferred gender but you were murdered and then reincarnated into the wrong gender. So Totoro, if by "The sun will always come up again on another life no matter how bad this one may seem," you mean i will be female again in my next life, i will be anxiously waiting, and to make up for all the b/s i had to go through, i want to be female in the lifetime after that, and in many consecutive lives. I want absolutely nothing to do being male at all. Nothing whatsoever. I said this before and i will say this again: the only positive thing being transgender has gotten me was the desire to come back and reincarnate... and the sense to appreciate being female and womanhood, and, Tang, before you play the "be grateful for your good health" card on me again, i don't really care for my health when i was born in the wrong gender because I'm hoping this lifetime doesn't last very long. I guess some people can handle being transgender better than others but I absolutely hate it and never want to do this again. Please, no one sit there and tell me things like "oh, there's nothing wrong with being transgender," because i will say again, i hate being transgender; i want to be born an actual female.

I've reached the end of my rope. I just want my womanhood back.
The Divine One, I’ve read your posts with interest and recognition of your anger and frustration, and at various times wanted to make comments. I hesitated for several reasons like knowing that very few words are going to help you with what you want to happen, and you might yet not be in a position to hear.

It has been forty-five years since I started the process of acceptance that you are involved in, even though the circumstances are different, the anger/frustration/grief is similar. Luckily for me, I had some belief in the reincarnation process in the beginning that gave me some comfort that you seem to be without. I had no belief in any God that would be a participant in my daily struggles of this lifetime, I therefore never was angry with God for my circumstances, but I certainly had feelings about the many attempts by people to interject God into the shattered life I was experiencing at the time.

My older sister was deeply involved in Church and we had many a conversation through letters with my questioning even God’s existence. I’ve settled on a view that is comfortable to me, so I don’t want to have that as something to defend or push on you. However, I do have thoughts about this that I feel a need to express.

My first thought was that if you held a belief in reincarnation, you would not have made many of the statements that you have posted – which caused me to wonder why you were posting here. Not that I think it is wrong or anything like that, it is just that it did not fit somehow. The original question that you posted in this thread also raised some questions with me, so I will start with my questioning thoughts.

If God was the entity that the Church seems to perpetuate, one that could be played in the movies by Charlton Heston, then I could better understand how so many people easily see such an entity, acting like a parent, being involved with their life. On the other hand, if God is envisioned as an intelligence that is in everything, including us, then your question takes on a different shape. The first view supports specific interventions/causes while the latter supports a more general “pressure” in my opinion.

A direct response to the question of where God fits in reincarnation, to me, would be that we are created to experience what is possible, and each incarnation builds upon the previous one.

I am personally satisfied with what Edgar Cayce reports in his readings, not necessarily with his personal beliefs as I believe that they were heavily influenced by his biblical readings. I have thought of his internal conflicts trying to reconcile his Christian beliefs with his “readings”. As I understand it, it took him quite a while and he had a very hard time doing that. But, this is getting too long and I’m not writing what I’m feeling.

What is pretty commonly believed in association with reincarnation is that the physical life is experienced in order to learn things that are otherwise difficult or impossible to learn without experiencing them in physical form and under circumstances that works better in physical surroundings. It was that realization that I clung to after my injury that kept me from casting blame on others or being angry with God. The realization that it was with my blessing, or at least an understanding as to why, that I am experiencing this life experience. Looking at things this way, when I read your first posts, I was in awe of the life you set out to experience. Being a black male is more difficult than many are capable of managing, add an internal gender conflict to that is indeed a formidable undertaking that you have agreed to experience.

Along with that, and the thoughts posted by others, I feel a sorrow for the time and energy you are putting into your grieving as it has you going in all-directions-at-once without getting anywhere. My guess is that I again had an advantage since I had a family to support, I was obliged to focus on the future rather than dwell on my misery, I lost myself in studies by going back to college, actually doing that too long as it turned out.

It has been said many times that it is not the hardship that is important, it is how you handle it that is the object of the game. I do not know if that is true or not, but I’ve found it has been helpful for me and has brought me many blessings. I have had many successes and failures; I unfortunately still allow my disability to define me more than would be ideal, but that is part of the message that I want to express. You are much more than a transgender just as I am more than a triplegic, to limit ourselves to our differences from other people diminishes our lives and possibilities.
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I am inclined to agree but not when you were born in a gender you're not comfortable in, especially when in your last life you were in your correct or preferred gender but you were murdered and then reincarnated into the wrong gender.

It's ok to feel angry and upset. Life is often 'unfair'.

Have you explored the circumstances of this past life murder? What happened exactly? Can you catch some others up on all this?

Working through that might give you some clarity. Just a suggestion. I hear your anger. Maybe exploring that might give some insight?
Have you explored the circumstances of this past life murder? What happened exactly? Can you catch some others up on all this?

Working through that might give you some clarity. Just a suggestion. I hear your anger. Maybe exploring that might give some insight?

No. I've never put any effort into finding that out primarily because i don't care so much about my past life but being female in the next. Maybe subconsciously, a part of me doesn't want to find out but consciously i'm still a little curious. Besides, I'm still at the point where i don't really trust the legitimacy of my past life visions.

I don't know what to believe at this point, really. Some believe that we chose our gender between incarnations. As much as i want to believe that, i'm not ready to yet. Some people don't even believe in reincarnation at all. There are the conservatives who believe God was who made me a male and that my/our gender isn't our choosing at all.

I hate to be comparing what I'm going through to this but... luckily the one thing i do feel thankful for is the luxury of being able to say I've never been arrested or incarcerated for any crime... ever in this life. But I compare what I'm going through to prison. Some say (namely those who've been in jail) that prison will either make you better or make you bitter. I think of being transgender in the same way. As you may've guessed it, being trans has made me bitter. I often find myself wondering what my life would be like if i were born female... like i was supposed to.

Even after my transition is complete i feel like i'm still gonna be angry that even after SRS, i'll never be a full-fledged female and i'll still be bitter that i wasn't actually be born a girl but i see myself enjoying my freedom into womanhood and hoping that i'll be born a girl in my next life.
"Maybe subconsciously, a part of me doesn't want to find out . . . ."

Hi DO,

Tanguerra brought up something I’ve been meaning to direct you towards as well—the end of your last life. To my mind, you are currently focusing on things that are either way too big or distant for you (God) or way too small or close to you (the circle of people you come in contact with—including this board). I don’t believe ragging on any of the foregoing is going to get you closer to anything worthwhile. I believe you need to focus on the proximate cause of your situation, as best we can comprehend it at this level: the person who killed you and why it happened. As usual, I think your subconscious may well know the answer, which may be part of your anger issue (especially if the person was someone close to you). I obviously don’t know, but for some reason I keep thinking about the scenario in “Sister Act”. However, I’m no psychic, it could have been a jealous lover, a botched robbery, a pure accident, or . . . . However, your anger smacks (to me) of the anger of someone betrayed.

It's all good. Sometimes it's good just to talk about it, but it might be worth looking into some time. It might help.
TheDivineOne, sounds like you are seeking answers via this forum; and, by seeking answers, I mean you seek what makes sense. Please allow me to summarize some of the things discussed at GlowingGuy.com to explain your situation.

1) Gender Identity: Many of your posts relate to your gender identity. You are right to guess reincarnation explains your transgender identity. But, why were you born with this mismatch of your body and mind? According to Google, 131.4 million people were born versus 56.3 million deaths in a year. Because there are so many more people being born as human beings and not enough souls to fill the bodies, reincarnation is being rushed here on Planet Earth. As result, your soul was likely reincarnated into a body while your mind is still in another state of existence due to this speed of reincarnation. Please also note this speed of reincarnation would explain being born with autism and ADHD. In short, you were born into your present body because your soul was the only soul that qualified for this body at the time of your birth.

2) Concerning God: Not all answers in life are black and white, and perhaps, this has been why people have been having problems finding the answers. Specifically, have you considered God is actually the Devil claiming to be God? Meaning, the Devil is an evil angel who came to Planet Earth to play with this planet like a toy and told human beings he was God to have us worship him and such. Which implies reincarnation has existed prior to the Devil claiming to be God. And, this realization would explain many Christian questions like if God is all-powerful, then why doesn't he destroy the Devil? Because they are the same person! Or, how Christians say trust in his mysterious ways as cover-up for the Devil blundering around and trying to accomplish his evil desires. And, should the Devil want to do evil deeds, he would demand faith from human beings to not question his activities, his flaws, etc. Otherwise, should God be so perfect and all-powerful, then life should logically already be perfect. As a biblical example, consider how Adam and Eve were blamed for eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (also called "Original Sin"), BUT Adam and Eve didn't know good from evil until AFTER they ate from the tree. So, it was not a perfect and good God who blamed Adam and Eve, it was the flawed and moronic Devil depicted in the Book of Genesis. Hence, the life we know here on Planet Earth makes more sense if we assume the Devil as an evil angel came here to Planet Earth and claimed to be God. Believe it or not, assuming the Devil claiming to be God also explains Global Warming, because he has misled us to the present state of the world!

3) Transgender Identity: So, what caused the speed of reincarnation to then cause your transgender identity? Since the Devil claimed to be God, having people believe in him as a good God was most important to him. And, so Christianity defined goodness as having faith in God (otherwise, you will be "left behind" and go to hell, etc ... so, through fear, the Devil wanted you to believe he was the good God and do whatever he says and worship him and such). As such, people aren't questioning what is logically good. As result, people have been living like animals where having children is viewed as a meaning of life as it is for animals (not saying it cannot be; having children does keep you busy so you've got a reason to live from day to day). And, since goodness is defined as faith, people aren't using their brains to seek logical answers in life, which then affects people's decision process whether or not they should have children. As result, modern life is filled with people having children first and then figuring out how to support children second, which results in many credit card debts, struggle and hardship, neglected children (such as because parents are too busy working) or "free ranged" children, divorces, etc ... list goes on and on. Meaning, I see the present state of Planet Earth being the Devil's fault, such as because he defined goodness as having faith in him. As result, people like God-fearing folks faithfully had children because that's what they think they're supposed to do, such as while relying on God to watch over them and assuming there was no other choice but to be subjugated by the supposed God. As result, the birth rate increased human population over and over again until we now have billions of people and 131.4 million births per year. And, hence why your soul was rushed into your present body while your mind still relates with a previous state of being.

Hopefully, these are the answers you seek and are answers that make sense. For more information, such as why does reincarnation exist, please check out GlowingGuy.com.
Hi DO,

It seems like GlowingGuy is promoting some variant of Gnosticism. Gnosticism in its most well known variations basically believed that the Old Testament Creator God was in fact an evil, lesser entity, who had created this lesser "evil" physical world and ensnared souls here, stealing the worship of the highest God, and imprisoning souls in this horrible world of physical matter. The highest God was the one Jesus referred to as the "Father", and existed on/in the higher planes of existence. Jesus, OTOH, was an emissary from the highest God sent to lead people out of the domain of the cruel and vindictive Old Testament God in the corrupt and evil physical world and into the higher realms of his Father (the Highest and Real God).

Gnosticism in some form may have pre-dated Christianity, but became especially prominent in the early centuries of the Christian era. Gnostic Christianity existed as a competitor to "Orthodox" Christianity, and survived for quite a while. Its survival, IMO, was mostly because it did incorporate some real truths, though often twisted and mixed up. However, it is a hard ideology (or perhaps "theology"--using the term loosely) to pin down, as there were so many variants in terms of Gnosticism that it is hard to get a fix on it. However, there are two characteristics that almost all forms of Gnosticism seemed to share: (1) Old Testament Jehovah, the "God" of this world, was not the real highest God, but an evil or lesser being who had usurped the rule of the Most High and imprisoned souls here; and (2) the physical world and all that had to do with it were ultimately evil, a prison or tomb from which the soul needed to escape.

If you want to research Gnosticism, be prepared for a lot of reading. It is currently in the midst of a revival in some of its more purified and publicly presentable forms. It is an interesting doctrine and there are some forms of Gnostic Christianity that were not as crazy as others, so I'm hesitant to throw them all under the bus. Some actually have some real points in their favor. And, some things that were originally labeled "Gnostic" in a pejorative sense (such as the Gospel of Thomas) do not, on further review deserve to be labeled Gnostic at all. So, if you're prepared to dive into the study of Gnosticism, be prepared for a lot of work, confusion, and opposing viewpoints.

SeaAndSky, I am not promoting Gnosticism. As a matter of fact, I have not heard of this religion until you've mentioned it. Please take a look at GlowingGuy.com to see what I have discovered by applying logic to the universe. Instead, if I make a statement, I offer evidence and proof like the example of how Adam and Eve were blamed for "Original Sin" for actions they done while they were unable to distinguish between good and evil (prior to eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil). GlowingGuy.com also includes other examples such as the tortured death of Jesus Christ and the subsequent lies told to distract people from the brutal murder, including how Jesus Christ supposedly died for everybody's sin, but yet "Original Sin" was not forgiven nor are people allowed back into the "Garden of Eden". Specifically, Jesus Christ tried to make sense out of goodness and was struck down in his prime, which sounds like something the Devil would do and then claim Jesus was "son of God" as if to assure people that this was familial love instead of the evil hate it was. While, in reality, Jesus Christ was murdered before he has had a chance to make a bigger impression on the world, if not change the world for the better; but, instead, his life involved running away and hiding since birth (such as hiding from King Herod), which suggests the Devil chased Jesus away before he was able to leave an impression on people. And, after Jesus was tortured and killed, then there were declarations of love and resurrection and such like looking you in the eye and lying to you so your mind would not realize Jesus was hunted since childhood and was finally brutally killed in the end, such as because his goodness posed a threat to the Devil. As such, based on evidence throughout time, including to the present world of Global Warming, high crime rate, and religions that are based on faith instead of logic, there is plenty of evidence of the Devil and that he claimed to be God since his evil actions are apparent in both Old and New Testaments.

Your assumption about me promoting Gnosticism seemed to have been made without looking at GlowingGuy.com. Instead, I have figured out the design of life using logical and scientific modelling that is unique and new, and hence, I've been trying to share with people. Please understand I am not angry but am surprised you thought I was promoting Gnosticism since a quick glance at GlowingGuy.com would have shown you what I believed in. To summarize, I believe in angels and that they were the ones who created a logical design to life that covers every detail including reincarnation, love, children, gender, sexuality, etc. (conversely, it was finding a design to life that provided me basis to believe in angels). And, the Devil was also an angel who chose to be evil and come here to Planet Earth to claim to be God and rule people through fear, hence why faith and belief in him is defined as "goodness" to Christianity and other God-fearing religions. And, he rules human beings through fear, such as by threatening you with hell and suffering should your faith in him falters (such as the concept of being "left behind", etc). And, he left evidence of his imperfection in the Adam and Eve example and through the stories about Jesus Christ (like how "Original Sin" was not forgiven, etc). And, as pointed out in my previous post, suspecting the Devil would answer Christian questions like should the supposed God be so powerful, then why doesn't he destroy the Devil? ... because they are the same person! Otherwise, where does the Devil fit into the plans of God should a True God actually exist? So, the simple truth that makes sense of all of these details would be to suspect the supposed God is actually the Devil.

For more information, please take a look at GlowingGuy.com including a free e-book that explains the logical design for reincarnation, love, children, gender, sexuality, etc. My beliefs are based on rational deduction and was not meant to offend anyone. Hopefully, people can find truth with my explanations not because of faith but based on rational sense, id est - because my ideas make sense and are supported by evidence, etc. And, hopefully people find clarity and purpose in life should they understand the logical design of life. As such, I meant to share these ideas and supporting evidence for the sake of knowledge and enlightenment for everybody. Please let me know if you are confused about any point or feel you need more evidence and/or explanation.
Hi GlowingGuy,

I was not meaning to imply that you are consciously promoting Gnosticism, or that you even knew that this approach existed, merely that your approach seemed to fit (IMO) into that general category of thought. It is a bit different, but there were always a lot of divergences between different schools of Gnosticism. This should not surprise you too much, as philosophically minded people have reasoned to (or tried out) a plethora of ideas and "Theories of Everything" over the millennia. So, it should not be a surprise that your ideas might resemble some of those put forth by others in the past. However, you are also distinctively different in some respects from anything else I have read about in that category. This is also not surprising, as you have independently derived your ideas without reference to similar precursors. So, similar enough IMO to fit into the general category, but different enough to deserve your own subcategory therein.

I did skim your website when you first posted it. Your thoughts and conclusions are interesting. I hope to be able to spend more time with it in the future, but I'm pretty well tied up with the day-to-day at the moment.

Hello, S&S and thank you—GlowingGuy for your testimony—but to both you i do have this to say, and you guys have to pardon my brutal honesty:

I'm almost 100% sure i've sad this in one or two of my previous threads on this board before but on the off chance i've not, i don't really believe in God. Well... actually... i do believe in a Divine Authority or a Creator of some sort, the entity i call Source. That is the only God i believe in. Ever. Because i get so apprehensive and angry whenever i hear about God, Holy Spirit, Christianity, Jesus, or anything religion related, especially when it get mixed in with anything related to being transgender or particularly my gender situation; for the reason that in a way i feel like there's always that one person who will preach to me the b/s that "Oh, God made you a male for a reason," and so on and so forth or possibly threaten me with eternal damnation if i continue being the way i am or spend time in church, praying, or burying my head in a Bible and things of that nature, when for the reasons i just explained, i am not about that life. In fact, the reasons i just explained are the ones why i so strongly oppose Christianity because IMO Christianity is a cult ordained to control people or coerce people into "doing the will of God or you will spend an eternity in Hell."

Well, let me tell both of you something, I will willingly walk through the Gates of Hell before i accept being male against my wishes or at all for that matter in the name of "doing God's will" because if there is a God i would've been born a girl in this life and this level of suffering would not exist.

I was even told that you don't get to cherry-pick which rules of Christianity you do and don't adhere to, and guess what? I happen to agree! You know what they say, "fish or cut bait," so for the reason that i strongly disagree with a good portion of what Christianity teaches anyway, how about i just not follow it or any other religion to begin with, especially when religions seem to contradict themselves in the first place! It's my life anyway, is it not? I would use certain other words except this is a family-oriented message board, otherwise if we were in a church i wouldn't care one way or the other.

Hell, there are some who'll say to me that me being a female wasn't God's will at all, but do i care? Not in the least possible slightest bit. I care more that the state of New Jersey has three e's in it's name than i do of some prophecy that "God made you/me a man and you/i should just stay that way because it's God's will and it was for a good reason." I don't care about God's will or what people say God's will is if it relates to having to be a man because i'm not about that life. I would burn down 30 churches to the ground and destroy 30 Holy Bibles as a symbol of my hatred for Christianity, a symbol of my opposition for that and for the God they believe in, and want to as such... even if it means going to prison... a women's prison.

I'm here to do my own will, and that will is to do and be everything that is as close to female and everything related to being such as much as i possibly can... and in my next life when i am born a female like i know full-on well i should've been female in this life, my life purpose in that life will be to appreciate being female for everything that it's worth, the good and the bad that'll come with, and to take care of it and take care of myself, because i don't care very much for my physical or mental health in this life. I will fully accept each and every single disadvantage and risk that'll come with being born a female. Because i know any or all of it will be better than being a transgender.

I bet there are people outside this forum who would wonder why i would want to be a woman and endure the pain and drawbacks that come with but i want them; all of it, and aside from that, a world of evil, pain, and suffering. Yes, I will gladly come back to this world and will gladly accept the heavy periods or whatever else and to a world of evil, pain, and suffering.

On another note, though, i am of the belief that souls themselves don't have genders, and if that's true, then perhaps some of us have gender preferences—and that mine just happen to be female. But you know what else? I feel like if i were born a female in this life, i don't think i'd care all that much about reincarnation, i wouldn't really have much of a reason to want to come back, i wouldn't be trying so hard to convince myself that life doesn't end when my body's life does. If i were born a female in this life, my gender wouldn't be such a problem for me and i wouldn't be in so much pain, misery, and exhaustion.

I'm at my wit's end with my gender struggle, and i really can't take this for much longer. Forget finishing my transition, forget figuring out my past life, i just want this life to be over and to transcend into my next life because i really don't feel like going on any longer with this. I guess it will be if i keep dwelling on it too much.

This experience has been so traumatic that i wouldn't be surprised if it follows me into my next life.
TheDivineOne, your anger is not unique and seems to echo a whole community, especially among transgenders and gays (LGBT), who are born a certain way and don't appreciate being told they were born wrong and should behave in another way in conformity of what a group of people think. In your case, you've focused your anger upon Christianity, and from an objective point of view, you are probably justified since you were born and then a bunch of Christians came to tell you that you were born wrong (probably accusing their God of doing evil in the process), therefore harassing you and picking on you, therefore forcing their beliefs onto you. And, it is a natural response to hate your attacker. And, supposedly, Jesus Christ preached love, while modern Christians seem to often show hate instead.

I was hoping to share my logical tenets with someone like you, hoping to make more sense out of life for you, so you would feel better about this world. After all, you live in a world where people hate you because of the way you were born. But, please realize we live in a world influenced by the Devil. As such, there are plenty of reasons why we would hate life and hate the world as result.

In addition, God-fearing religions like Christianity seemed to have forgotten why they dislike transgender and gays. Recently, I have published a video about this at GlowingGuy.com where the original intent through the Roman Catholic Church meant to label all recreational sex, gay and straight, as a sin, hence why the Catholic church is still against premarital sex and contraceptives. But, eventually, heterosexuals split churches and such until the attitude of Christianity changed about recreational heterosexual sex (but, note the Catholic church is still against casual sex for any sexuality), but did not change their attitude against homosexuals. And, because of this remainder from history, they have focused their judgment and criticism upon gays and transgenders and anyone who does not resemble a straight family. I blame this on the Devil because he defined goodness as having faith and believing in him. As result, since Christianity and other God-fearing religions are faith-based, their actions and reactions tend to be emotional and based on their beliefs. As such, when they see someone like you, it feels like good deeds to them to pick on you, belittle you, and otherwise make your life miserable because this shows their faith, which is therefore goodness to them. And, this is the nature of what the Devil has done, making it so that people like Christians show their faith and their assumed goodness by screaming and yelling at people like you. Thus, your hatred for Christianity seems to be justified if what I describe is applicable to you.

Hopefully, I have shown you logical reasons to believe the Devil exists in place of God. Hopefully, you can focus your anger on the Devil instead of Christians because, arguably, Christians have been misled by the Devil. And, hopefully, you find some comfort with a reminder that not all Christians are about hate and that there are Christians who are tolerant or show love. In another world without the Devil, your present life would likely have been much better if not even desirable filled with goodness and purpose. But, instead, the Devil came to Planet Earth and demanded faith in him and made up various rules and threats that the modern world we know today is the result.

If it helps you visualize, you can imagine Christians who hate like trained dogs who would bark and growl at you. But, like trained dogs, you ought to blame the trainers rather than the dogs. In addition, I also blame this on the speed of reincarnation (because there are too many human births), which I've described in a previous post why I blame that on the Devil too. And, because of the speed of reincarnation, people can end up behaving like animals as result. Hence why some people might bark at you if not out of their boredom or for their fun because social animals in the wild would often challenge each other in this way to establish social hierarchy. Meaning, picking on people can be fun to some people, including Christians, since goodness is based on having faith rather than logical goodness.

Often, I find understanding helps me deal with a situation better. Hopefully, these insights can help you deal with your situation better. As far as this thread about God and reincarnation is concerned, I hope I have shown you the existence of the Devil who claimed to be God, especially because of what you've been through, hence someone to focus your blame and hate on. Otherwise, how else can we live in a world that would label hating the way some people are born as wrong if not because of the Devil? Hopefully, this post helps you in dealing with your life.
Hi DO,

You seem to be losing it, which gives me a great deal of concern. Hang in there, things can only get better. I'm OK with the hate, just don't turn on yourself and this lifetime. You seem to be at your best (and happiest) when you settle into a dogmatic determination to get the job done and make your transition. Hang in there! Don't lose hope!

Hoping for your best,
I hope this post doesn't step on anyone's toes. These are just my personal beliefs and decisions, nothing more. But I actually don't believe in God at all, at least not the God most Christians believe in. For some reason I take pride in that, and in that i'm actually an anti-Christian.

But my question is for the people who do believe in God: does It have any dictatorship or delegation over our incarnations? If so, how?
This was the purpose of writing my trilogy called Torn Between Two Worlds. I attempt to put the science, religion and philosophy into perspective to show how reincarnation is an integral part of a reconciliation process. It takes multiple reincarnations to become virtuous enough to re-enter the realm of God, Jesus, the Archangels and the Angels. The beauty is that we are all on the same path, some further down the road, but still all going in the same direction. Have a look at my project and see if it helps to answer your questions.
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I would like to offer my opinion on this subject. In the Hindu view, the entities that are worshipped as the masks of God, be it Jehovah, Lord Vishnu or Zeus, are an aspect of this universe and they will pass away with it when all is dissolved at the end of the universe (Devi Bhagavatam 1.7.27-50). That which is eternal and unchanging is Consciousness. This is ‘God.’

Liberation is realization that all duality is illusion: that all which exists is simply the waves upon the ocean of Consciousness which do not change the ocean in itself (Bhagavad Gita 5:18). It is this discovery in the form of existential knowledge of the Self within. When all the “ties of the heart” in the form of desires for that which is not the Self and is transitory are dissolved “then the mortal becomes immortal” (Śvetaśvatara Upanisad 1.11).
It's OK to discuss religion in the forum, as long as people are respectful of each others' beliefs.

Well what if someone's religious beliefs say that they should murder and rape, would you respect their beliefs then because they made a religion out of those beliefs?
It may seem farfetched to people who haven't studied some religions, but that actually is the case with 'some' religions...
Hi Somedude77,

I understand your point and your reference, and probably share your opinion related to a particular religion. However, we try to keep it "nice" and also kid friendly. Likewise, my recall is that religious discussions like political discussions on the board should ultimately and ideally have some relation to the subject matter of the board. After all, most of the forum divisions are related to reincarnation or other esoteric topics. Anyhow, despite the "elephant(s) in the room" in terms of religion, most try to avoid problematic discussions on religion and/or politics. It works out best this way. I've found myself gritting my teeth a time or two when my own religious and political beliefs have been dissed, but find it better to respond mildly and "spread oil on the water" as much as possible.


BTW--One of the by-products of the foregoing approach is that this is one of the friendliest and least hostile boards I have ever participated in. No flame wars, even when there are some serious discussions going on.
Likewise, my recall is that religious discussions like political discussions
For me, religion is a political construct used to control people. I have studied 28 of them and came to the conclusion that they all reflect a portion of reality. In my trilogy I presented the two-world hypothesis:
We are citizens of two, coincidental worlds; a physical world, that is open to the eyes of its inhabitants and an ethereal world that is only visible to a very few gifted individuals. The physical world is finite, in that it is limited to the materials created in the Big Bang, whereas the ethereal world in infinite. Both worlds can act upon each other.
I also describe the Reincarnation theory:
We are all unique individuals, and how we exercise our free will determines our fate in the next life. By taking personal responsibility for our own life and fate, we can acquire wisdom and overcome rhetoric, improving our personal outcome.
Putting the two together, the creator created us all in the ethereal world as pure beings. We revolted against the creator and were cast out. The material world was created so that we can reconcile with the creator and return to our ethereal home. No religion will tell you this becuase they would give up power over you. But this is the belief held by the founders of science and philosophy - Socrates, Euclid, Pythagoras and Democritus.