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Does anyone else here have a problem with electronics?

In the past week alone, my netbook and laptop both malfunctioned - which almost threw me into a frenzy because I almost lost some of my writing. I have to replace earphones every couple of months because they just break, even the ones of good quality. Printers break. Phones break. I can recall one time when I was on my friend's Iphone and on a call with someone, really angry and shouting at him about something. Suddenly the phone just stopped working. It was on but it wouldn't do anything. I gave it back to my friend and she couldn't figure it out. It started working again several hours later when she returned home.

I'm sure it can't be that I am such a klutz that I physically break everything. Even when I take good care of something electrical, it breaks. So does this happen to anyone else? I read it had something to do with a person's energy. But what exactly does this mean? Any theories?
My grandmother would stop watches she had

electricity in her.

Once and while I throw off metal detectors

A persons energy maybe aura not to sure.?

Can throw electronics off. Maybe your

case.? You must likely give off a very strong raindence.

Is there anything you can do about it.? I really doubt it.

If you get angry does happen more often?
My sister has an issue with watches as well. Can't wear them at all. My Dad will play with electronics when he is in the mood.
I can't think of his name now, but there is a well known physicist, one of the 'fathers' of quantum physics who actually went quite 'mystical' after a while.

He is said to have caused all kinds of problems with electronic equipment. I was reading how when he came to visit people's labs, they would go so far as to remove sensitive machinery so that his presence would not cause them to break down. So, it's definitely a 'thing'.
I have heard of that also. Not sure but I wonder if it could be something like psychokinesis. Russian scientists in the 1970-90's made videos of psychics who could move objects by mental power without touching them, even when the object was under glass. Some of these videos are now on YouTube. It hasn't been studied much in the western countries because of the taboo.
Maybe Argonne. The human body certainly gives off an electrical charge of its own, then there's the aura, about which less is known. It could be that some people's electrical fields interfere with electronic equipment.

Personally I'm good with electronics. If anything they tend to work when I'm around, especially PCs. Even those that are naughty for their owners, will behave for me. :)
Have you spoken to your doctor about this.I agree some people do give out an electrical field.Our doctor said that about my mother.Her case is not as bad as yours. not sure if this would work but have you tried anti static bands.
This is such an interesting topic, and I must admit I go out of my way to read about people who have this electric-effect because it does show that we affect our world just by being present.

I've observed a few friends and relatives who seem to be technological "black holes" that cause failures of programs and equipment without ever thinking of psychic phenomena. It has always amused me how they blame the technology.

I wish I could remember where I read it, but someone once blogged that they were able to control the electrical discharge by consciously accepting their emotions,... basically using this effect as a symptom to make them aware of something in their subconscious that had been negatively affected and needed to heal.

coffee For me this is pure theory, but it might be helpful? Grounding is often mentioned as a useful technique.
Mere Dreamer said:
I wish I could remember where I read it, but someone once blogged that they were able to control the electrical discharge by consciously accepting their emotions,... basically using this effect as a symptom to make them aware of something in their subconscious that had been negatively affected and needed to heal.
When I was going through my teenage years life was rather stressful, I suffered from depression, anxiety and anger problems, social services were heavily involved with my family and I found that my electronics were breaking near constantly. I went through 3 laptops in almost as many years, and twice as many chargers. Phone chargers seemingly short circuited, remotes stopped working for no apparent reason and at least two TV's shorted out.

I've had my current laptop for almost 3 years now and I've not needed to buy a new charger for it, nor have any of my phone chargers or electronics mysteriously stopped working. Interestingly I started using self-help for my anxiety around that time, and changing my attitude towards how I dealt with my stress!!

The concept that this person could control it via there emotions is really intriguing! :D
shadowsofmypast said:
My grandmother would stop watches she had
electricity in her.

Once and while I throw off metal detectors

A persons energy maybe aura not to sure.?

Can throw electronics off. Maybe your

case.? You must likely give off a very strong raindence.

Is there anything you can do about it.? I really doubt it.

If you get angry does happen more often?
Well in the past if I was particularly angry, yes things would break. But now it also happens even if I'm in a 'normal' state. Which makes me wonder if maybe this energy - if indeed that's what it is, which I personally believe it is - has somehow 'grown'. The theory coincides with other things - for example, I astral project more frequently, now it's increased to maybe a couple times a week, I get more and more dreams which aren't just dreams ... What do you think?
SkyeSpitfire said:
Well in the past if I was particularly angry, yes things would break. But now it also happens even if I'm in a 'normal' state. Which makes me wonder if maybe this energy - if indeed that's what it is, which I personally believe it is - has somehow 'grown'. The theory coincides with other things - for example, I astral project more frequently, now it's increased to maybe a couple times a week, I get more and more dreams which aren't just dreams ... What do you think?
It may not only be anger that sets it off. Anger is a particularly strong emotion in most people, so it would make sense if it was the most obvious pattern. On the other hand, you are clearly advancing into deeper parts of your awareness now, so perhaps there are additional emotional triggers there ... or even cultural programming that is getting in the way of who you really are at the core?

Rather than attacking technology, my system tends to attack my physical health, nerves, energy displacement that burns me out both mentally and emotionally even when I "feel" perfectly rational. It's been amazing to me how many "small things" I had been tolerating because people told me I "shouldn't feel that way" when I really couldn't accept the political/social/religious views at all because one way or another the pain WOULD strike, whether consciously or unconsciously.

A lot of what people believe is "tolerable as normal" is actually just a kind of learned numbness to common cultural damage. Some people just can't do it, and it's possible that you exhibit this sensitivity externally when it comes to electronics.

Just admitting that I did, in fact, dislike these things and facing the pain of being different was enough to prevent many of the burn-out episodes, even when the circumstances remained the same. I was also able to change my environment once I allowed myself to see what had been there all along.

It may not be the same energetic process exhibited in different ways (internal burnout vs. electronic burnout) but it's worth looking into IMO.
SkyeSpitfire said:
Well in the past if I was particularly angry, yes things would break. But now it also happens even if I'm in a 'normal' state. Which makes me wonder if maybe this energy - if indeed that's what it is, which I personally believe it is - has somehow 'grown'. The theory coincides with other things - for example, I astral project more frequently, now it's increased to maybe a couple times a week, I get more and more dreams which aren't just dreams ... What do you think?
Buy yourself a smokey quartz pendent at some

spirit or gem store. You could always

wear some rubber bracelets it sounds silly.

Does'nt hurt to try.
Hm, I tend to do rather well with electronics, but I do work with them a lot and while my own devices tend to stay working unless I break them, perhaps this is due somewhat to my own efforts to keep them working. Of course people have electric fields, all living things do, and this is measurable. Naturally, electronic devices have their fields and they do emit radiation as well. Whether your problems are a case of field vs. field or something like that I don't know, but as Colours mentioned with her experience, it may well have something to do with attitude towards these things.

I tend to hold the belief of 'You get out what you put in' to most things in life, be it a pet, a friendship, or even some sort of mechanical or electronic system. If I don't pay attention and take care of my car, well, I could I expect it to stay in proper shape to 'take care of me'? I know that's anthropomorphizing a fair bit but there's something to it. I care very much for things with motors and I don't mind tending to them and keeping them running well, therefore, due to my attentions I notice if anything is out of place. A lot of people could fare rather better with their cars if they just would listen to them!

I've observed a few friends and relatives who seem to be technological "black holes" that cause failures of programs and equipment without ever thinking of psychic phenomena. It has always amused me how they blame the technology.
Hee hee Spatz.

I worked in IT support for a while and people would say, 'how come whenever you're here it works!' when their problem would disappear when I was around. I would answer 'because I never shout and swear at computers. They have feelings too you know!'

Then (just to be funny) I would gently stroke the PC or photocopier or whatever, and say 'There, there poor thing ... was the bad man being mean to you?'

It always got a laugh, but I'm sure sending out a good 'vibe' to your PC helps. I don't know why! Probably just my imagination? :)
Spatz said:
Hm, I tend to do rather well with electronics, but I do work with them a lot and while my own devices tend to stay working unless I break them, perhaps this is due somewhat to my own efforts to keep them working. Of course people have electric fields, all living things do, and this is measurable. Naturally, electronic devices have their fields and they do emit radiation as well. Whether your problems are a case of field vs. field or something like that I don't know, but as Colours mentioned with her experience, it may well have something to do with attitude towards these things.
I tend to hold the belief of 'You get out what you put in' to most things in life, be it a pet, a friendship, or even some sort of mechanical or electronic system. If I don't pay attention and take care of my car, well, I could I expect it to stay in proper shape to 'take care of me'? I know that's anthropomorphizing a fair bit but there's something to it. I care very much for things with motors and I don't mind tending to them and keeping them running well, therefore, due to my attentions I notice if anything is out of place. A lot of people could fare rather better with their cars if they just would listen to them!
Er ... I don't think this is something people have control over. At least not in my case. It's kind of shallow to just think that a person can control the energy they have over electronics and 'will' them not to break. I don't burst into a fit of rage and suddenly my earphones/laptop/printer just blows up. It happens randomly and bewilderingly, angry, not angry, doesn't tend to make a difference these days. Trying to imply this is to do with 'poor care' is kind of laughable, especially as I've taken plenty good care of a number of my devices and I appreciate several of them as they're a major contributing factor in achieving my goals.

Mere Dreamer, I found what you said about awareness interesting. Becoming more spiritual is something still relatively new to me, even though I know I always had it in me. Obviously I can't ignore the frequent astral projection, lucid dreams, spirit visitations, PL memories that had dramatically increased over the past year, but I did notice that the electronics issue has increased also. It leads me to believe that the more in-tune with my soul I'm becoming, the more I'm entering all these different fields that are beyond my understanding and in some cases, beyond my control. I'm always interested to hear from people who are experiencing the same thing though - experience is the best teacher after all!
Have any of you ever experienced poltergeist activity near you? Some researchers believe it usually happens when there are teenagers around, especially girls. It could be related to this phenomena.
I've had a few instances with computers breaking down seemingly inexplicably and, at one point, every darn work computer in the building (in my job prior to retirement).

It's common for lightbulbs in my house to blow far too frequently. I know that them blowing often coincides with me using the light switch for that bulb when I am angry.

The work computer episodes also coincided with me being angry.
Maybe this is somewhat off-topic, but i once (in the nineties) had a conversation with an African that immigrated here. We were talking about psychic stuff, and the 'medicine men and women', visions, telepathy, etc, and then he made the remark: "those powers used to be strong in Africa, but now, since electricity is introduced, you hear less of it. I think the electrical wires disturb the psychic frequence." OMG
Ghost sightings are often in spots with strong electromagnetic fields, such as walls with many wires or fuse boxes, etc. After this was discovered in the 80's or 90's ghost hunters have started using test equipment that was designed for testing microwave ovens. It seems to work very well. At least it confirms that people who see ghosts are not crazy.
Back in 1978 - I was pulled over by a police officer. When I asked him why he told me, "Every time I see you drive by - the street lights are going out when you pass them. I want to know why." I acted 'dumb.' It had been happening to me every since my NDE. He wanted to check under the hood and see if I had some sort of electronic gadget installed that was 'zapping' the lights out. He advised me to get my car checked out by a mechanic because he thought I had an electronically problem that was interfering with the street lights. I knew it wasn't the car. It didn't matter what car I was driving. It would happen where ever I went at night.

My Mom started complaining about the electric bill. She said the meter was spinning like a top whenever I was at the house. She said I was 18 - and it was time for me to move out on my own. She started suspecting I had something to do with it - because all the light bulbs in the house would blow out when I walked by time. My Grandparents wouldn't let me visit them unless I stopped by the store and picked up a package of light bulbs to replace the ones that would blow out while I was visiting.

I did have a lot of contact with 'spirits' during this time and I came to blame 'them' for it. They had told me something about having to use 'physical energy' to make appearances. Sort of like creating a 'physical aura' for the sake of the physical eyes.

The salesman at the store stopped 'selling' me watches. I would keep bringing them back and tell him they stopped working and were faulty.

I was aware that 'anger' would intensify it for some reason. I was told by the spirits it had to do with the 'wavelength' I was on. I got extremely upset with a friend at a corner and started screaming at him. When I did - the transformer blew up right next to us. I started laughing and said, "See what you went and made me do." Of course, that couldn't be proven in a court of law....and I would deny it anyway.

I knew it had something to do with the 'wavelength' I was 'thinking' on - after my NDE - as well as the high activity of psychic communication with the spirits of people who had passed over. I refused to talk to them for a few days - until they replaced the 'broken light-bulbs' I had gone through. I came home one night and opened my cabinet and packages of bulbs fell out. It was stocked full of light-bulbs. (They had a sense of humor.)

Things calmed down after 1983.


Eevee said:
Maybe this is somewhat off-topic, but i once (in the nineties) had a conversation with an African that immigrated here. We were talking about psychic stuff, and the 'medicine men and women', visions, telepathy, etc, and then he made the remark: "those powers used to be strong in Africa, but now, since electricity is introduced, you hear less of it. I think the electrical wires disturb the psychic frequence." OMG
That is really interesting! it makes me think:

1) If electricity somehow alter us at a physical --> ionic level then it wouldn´t be a bad idea to compare spiritual experiences of more isolated western groups with people from the big cities. Also, to live for a while without electricity and see what happens.

2) If electricity does alter our ion flow then we can manipulate it so it alters it in a way that makes us more spiritual or makes us have more memories.
I believe people can assert some control

over it "Wow"DKG77OMG

Just today I as talking with someone

I started sing for fun I screwed up there Iphone

something awful.:eek:

People that can manipulate

computers and electronics are

worst enemy in those fields.

If you got a small group of people with that ability

in small room with today computers and gadgets

I can only imagine what would happen.:eek:
dking777 said:
...I knew it had something to do with the 'wavelength' I was 'thinking' on - after my NDE - as well as the high activity of psychic communication with the spirits of people who had passed over. I refused to talk to them for a few days - until they replaced the 'broken light-bulbs' I had gone through. I came home one night and opened my cabinet and packages of bulbs fell out. It was stocked full of light-bulbs. (They had a sense of humor.)
Things calmed down after 1983.


Golly DKing you have some amazing experiences, and that's the truth!

I thought I'd do a bit of a google and see what else is out there about this phenomenon. Take a look at this... there's even a name for it.


Around five years ago, I have noticed that at times while I am driving down the road at night a street light will go out as I am passing below it. It happens frequently and seems to be happening more.
It has been giving me the creeps. If it happened only once or on very rare occasions, I don't think I would have given it a thought. However, it happens about once or twice a week. Could it be some electronic thing or could it be something less explainable?

The phenomenon is known as street lamp interference, or SLI, and it possibly is a psychic event that is just beginning to be recognized and studied. Like most phenomena of this type, the evidence is almost exclusively anecdotal. I have received several stories like the one above from readers....

Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab suggested that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the reality of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI. (Note: the PEAR lab did not specifically research SLI, and the research facility has since been closed.)
Also this... It seems that strong emotional states, such as anger and stress, can indeed have an impact on electronic devices.

This could well explain why computers will 'behave' when an IT support person is there, because they are calm and confident around machines, while users may be stressing about their deadlines and so on, not realising this is what is causing their PCs to misbehave?


...One possible reason that human energy fields can affect electronic energy fields is that our modern day electronics all contain quartz crystals which help the internal clocks keep time, and which also help transmit and receive signals. The computer is electrifying and vibrating the quartz using a magnetic field, so if your personal energy field is strong enough, it could affect and even change the frequency at which the crystal is vibrating.
If you are experiencing an abnormal level of computer or electronic weirdness, it could be because you too are experiencing disturbances with your energy field. If this experience is sudden and out of the blue, review how you’re feeling. Are you stressed out, angry, or feeling any other strong emotion that could be causing the problem? If you are overly emotional for any reason, try to find ways to calm your emotions and see if that helps the problem. If you’re sick or rundown, give yourself some extra TLC and see if the problem is still occurring once you’re better.

If you experience these disturbances all the time, such as the man I know who cannot keep a digital camera for longer than a few months because they just stop working, you could have a larger problem with your energy field, one that may be corrected by finding ways to re-ground yourself, along with visiting an energy specialist, such as a Reiki practitioner, who can re-attune and align your chakras (the energy centers at particular points throughout the body)....
shadowsofmypast said:
People that can manipulate computers and electronics are

worst enemy in those fields.

If you got a small group of people with that ability in small room with today computers and gadgets I can only imagine what would happen.:eek:
I feel a sci-fi movie script coming on shadows! :)
Maybe? :D Just beware Paranormal about.com

has really no moderation. To many loose cannons

over there. Alot of hateful empty people

over there.
tanguerra said:
Golly DKing you have some amazing experiences, and that's the truth!
I thought I'd do a bit of a google and see what else is out there about this phenomenon. Take a look at this... there's even a name for it.
After 1983, it calmed down and I forgot about it until 2008 or so. I found there were others out on the Internet referred to it as 'street light interference' and I didn't feel so alone with my memory of it.

I moved to a new city in 1981 and I was so used to it - I wouldn't even notice it. One night I was driving a group of friends some where and they started noticing it. They didn't say anything the first time, but got all freaked out when it started happening the second time they took a drive with me.

I had a rule I imposed on my friends and visitors to my house. NO anger what so ever. I had been 'warned' to avoid anger like the plague and I did. For the most part, I was known as a 'happy-go-lucky' guy. I can not recall 'exactly' what the 'spirits' told me about it. My attitude was 'the less I knew' the better. If I let on to my family that I knew anything about it - I would have to pay their 'electric bills' and replace more than their 'light bulbs.' For many months after the transformer blew, I was looking over my shoulders excepting 'detectives' to show up asking questions and hand me the bill. :laugh:

It was nice to find out on the Internet that I wasn't the only one who went through this.


I need to point out one thing that most people are not aware of. Sodium vapor light bulbs, those are the orange/golden color, cycle on and off when they are getting ready to burn out. If you have a sodium light fixture in your yard that starts going on and off instead of staying on in the dark then you need to replace the bulb. The old bulb will look mostly black on the center tube, instead of being clear or white. Street lights that begin doing this every night, all night long, should be reported to the utility company so they can change the bulb.