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How did you die?

I'm new to the idea that I had a past life, even the word "reincarnation" almost seems silly to me (not to offend the personal beliefs of anyone here). My experiences (memories, unexplainable feelings) have led me to question the possibility of a past life. I am 19 and have had unexplainable memories all my life. Assuming that reincarnation is possible, I believe this is how I died in my past life (I think I have had only one PL; if I had had multiple I believe I'd be far more confused than I already am!) :

I believe I was shot. I cannot recall specifics of anything, only I have always known, and felt I knew, exactly what the pain of a bullet(s) feels like. I can't even describe the painful feeling; it's unbearable and fills me with dread to think of it. In many dreams I am shot, and lie dying with this too familiar pain of a gunshot wound in my mind still when I wake.

To me it's very distressing.
Hi and welcome to the forum! I too remember being shot and killed in my most recent past life. I was shot in the lower back. In this life, I was born with an extra vertebrae in that same area. Later in life, I developed a series of back problems in that same area, but I believe they stem from current life accidents etc.
Hello Scared2BeMaria and welcome to the forum. :)

I hope you find help on this forum - to figure out if it's past life memories that you are having, and whether you want to explore the concept further.

It would be nice to hear "your story", about your memories and experiences that have led you to believe you might be remembering a past life. :thumbsup:

I personally believe we all have had hundreds or thousands of past lives, but don't worry, it's nothing to be confused about. :laugh: Often there is one that we remember spontaneously, because there is some trauma or unfinished business from that lifetime.

I died of a stroke/drowning.

Scared2BeMaria: I can also seem to remember what my death felt like. Mostly the drowning part though. In this life, I do not like to swim in lakes, oceans, ponds, or anything else of the sort. I go into a panic. I also just have a general fear of not being able to breathe.
There are only 2 memories that I have of how I died. One being that I was being trapped and dying in a house fire as a young girl. I also had a dream of laying on the side of a road on the edge of a cliff, seeing grass and rolling hills, I think this was somewhere in Europe - Ireland I think. I remember my clothes were torn, then being pushed off and the sensation of falling. I don't remember much else about that PL though. All I know is that I *hate* heights, so that dream explains why I hate driving around on mountainsides...I remember flipping out on my ex once because he wanted to take me up and see the city lights, I wouldn't get out of the car and was crying, I honestly thought he was going to push me off! I never had that happen before with anyone. I didn't tell him I thought he was going to push me off because he probably did in that PL...poor guy was just trying to have a romantic evening :laugh:
I know how I died in only a couple of my past lives.

In my most recent PL as a Polish Jewish woman I died in a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

During the Civil War, I was a young Confederate solider and killed in battle. I saw my death in a dream a number of years ago. In the midst of an intense battle, I panicked and ran away (I kept thinking 'what am I doing? I want to go home!') As I was running I was hit from behind by a cannon ball in my left hip. My feeling when I died was deep disappointment in myself that I ran away. Today I suffer from pinched nerves in my hips that is extremely painful and I wonder if its not connected to this life.

I had this spontaneous memory many years ago. I was a little girl of maybe 8 or 9 and the place seemed to Cuba or some other Caribbean island in the very early 1700s (judging by the fancy style of dress I was wearing). I was running through a field being chased in a playful way by a man who I felt was a slave or servant and was my "friend". Then he grabbed me from behind, threw me down and strangled me. I was fighting hard but couldn't scream.

In the early 1500s, I was a young woman who died of plague in England. I had a flash once of myself carrying a baby and walking along a low stone wall in the countryside and feeling extremely sick and just collapsing right there along the road.

When I lived in ancient Egypt, I died of old age. That was a good life! :thumbsup:
Snuffed through the Respiratory 4 lives in a row

1944- asphyxiated in a fire in a bombing raid in Germany at about 16; armed Jewish Resistance

1919- Spanish flu; a sickly 8 year old boy, France or Switzerland

1899 - throat cancer; Alfred Sisley, 1839 - 1899

1812 - drowned in cold water off England; was a navigator for a big 4-mast ship of the time, sunk by an attacking French vessel. Tried to swim to shore but hypothermia caught up. Actually, it's the coziest way to go once you get past the shock.

Could this be an explanation to my proneness to persistent and debilitating chest colds?
Ancient Egypt I was executed, as a priestess, because I looked at the idol in the sacred room, and wasn't supposed to.

I was executed by drowning, thrown in water with a rock around my head in China, 1500's, for selling things on the side from the govt. storage.

Two times I died from mold poisoning. One as a prisoner in a dungeon, other in Siberia.

Burned on stake as a "witch" during medieval times.

Died as a child from an illness in the late 1800's, had a doctor coming and was in bed for a long time before I died.

In 1944 I was captured by the Soviets and died in the POW camp, I am not sure how exactly.
last lifetime - scuba diving, nitrogen poisoning from malfunctioning oxygen tank, I fell asleep and then drowned. I just remember panicking because I realized what was happening and then just gently falling asleep...I didn't feel a thing.

ancient Egypt - that memory is blocked but I'm pretty sure it was the most violent, as I was running for my life. It's likely I was killed with swords.

WWI - mustard gas poisoning (when I was six and had eye surgery I thought they were trying to kill me with the same gas)

Taiping Rebellion era China - shot in the belly after trying to hide out someplace

ancient America - fell off a cliff in at least one lifetime

I'm probably not remembering any of the peaceful ones...it's just the traumatic ones that stand out for the most part.
Past life deaths

I recall a few of my past life deaths, which were mostly violent. In one of my lives, in the early 7th century B.C., I had arranged to murder a general with a few disloyal members of his army. We killed him right as he was engaging into battle,which proved fatal to a part of his army. Later we were caught by reinforcements, my "complices" were killed on the spot and I was spared (only because I was not from their city-state). I was then imprisoned for a few days before being executed. In another life, at the very beginning of the Peloponnisian war, I died at 17 in a small skirmish against Spartan allies. I was in the first rank in a small,quickly formed phalanx. I don't know what exactly happened, but in the end I was on the ground, bleeding badly from the neck, I couldn't breathe well (broken bones in my throat were obstructing my breathing), two of my friends came next to me, layed me carefully on a stretcher, one of them was weeping the other one looked about to break. Then of one the leaders of the hastily formed phalanx came beside me, told me I had fought well but he regretted that I wouldn't live much longer. In the next life, I died during a naval battle at the end of the Peloponnisian war (I was rather young). I was captured by spartans, and chained to their mast. I don't know why they took me as prisoner, but when they were done with me, the spartan Triarch (a high ranked man, commander of a few ships), came towards me with his sword and attempted to slice through my skull. The first time it didn't really work, however at the second time it did and I died almost instantly. In another life, this time as a farm boy (of 13-14,in a small village/town allied to Athens), I had ventured with my father into the forest for an unknown reason. I believe I went to far away from him and ran face to face with a spartan hoplite (who was on guard duty). When he saw me, he had already his sword out. He pointed it straight at me and advanced slowly. I was first startled, and took a few steps back. Then I ran to the slope of the hill (heavily wooden) and tripped. I looked behind me quickly, the spartan had stopped and was observing me. I then stood up and ran as fast as I could, the spartan behind me. He then got hold of me and made me advance back up the hill to his "post". When we got there, I don't what he did with me, but later on, I remember my father was present,on his knees, asking the spartan to free me. This got on his nerves, he then grabbed me and pressed the cold blade against my throat. He shouted something at my father, who started to curse at him. Then the spartan put the cutting edge of his blade onto my throat, made a last proposition to my father, who refused,then he killed me. He let me drop on the ground, half-dead, gushes of blood spilling out of my throat. He stepped aside and my father came besides me and weeped, cursing at the spartan.

In another life time, I was a spartan commander (head of file) during the Spartan and the early Theban Hegemony. I went to battle against the Thebans, who overpowered us and broke our phalanx. I don't know how, but some Theban Hippeis (horsemen) dragged me out of the battle into the countryside. While they did this, they mocked me with talk of Spartan strength and invulnerability. They then evoked (to toy with me) the spartan law "with your shield or on it" (which means come back with your shield victorious or die on it), and of course, I didn't have it, which ment I could never return to Sparta. After stretching my arms out for a while (which was extremely painful), they then suddenly let go and laughed. They left me there, on the ground, a broken man. I waited for them to be out of sight and took my life.
I think that I've had two past lives - one in either France or Germany where I died in a concentration camp (I think). I was a father to two children, and I lost my lttile girl during arrival to the camp. The Nazis slapped her and took her away from me to an unknown place. I've always hated the sound of screaming small children and now I know why. I'm still bothered by it sometimes, but not much anymore. I can handle it much easier now.

I also think that I've had a past life in my own country in the 16th or 17th century. I was very poor and I lived in a very small house. I only got food by hunting animals. One day I shot a man by accident and I was arrested. I tried to explain my friends that it was an accident, but they didn't believe me and then they left me. I got the death penalty and I died by hanging. No wonder I can't make friends in this life! All these memories came to me in dreams, but I still haven't figured out why I have an irrational fear of getting drunk, even though I barely have tasted alcohol.
Past life deaths

I recall a few of my past life deaths, which were mostly violent. In one of my lives, in the early 7th century B.C., I had arranged to murder a general with a few disloyal members of his army. We killed him right as he was engaging into battle,which was fatal to a part of his army. Later we were caught by reinforcements, my "complices" were killed on the spot and I was spared (only because I was not from their city-state). I was then imprisoned for a few days before being executed. In another life, at the very beginning of the Peloponnisian war, I died at 17 in a small skirmish against Spartan allies. I was in the first rank in a small,quickly formed phalanx. I don't know what exactly happened, but in the end I was on the ground, bleeding badly from the neck, I couldn't breathe well (broken bones in my throat were obstructing my breathing), two of my friends came next to me, layed me carefully on a stretcher, one of them was weeping the other one looked about to break. Then of one the leaders of the hastily formed phalanx came beside me, told me I had fought well but he regretted that I wouldn't live much longer. In the next life, I died during a naval battle at the end of the Peloponnisian war (I was rather young). I was captured by spartans, and chained to their mast. I don't know why they took me as prisoner, but when they were done with me, the spartan Triarch (a high ranked man, commander of a few ships), came towards me with his sword and attempted to slice through my skull. The first time it didn't really work, however at the second time it did and I died almost instantly. In another life, this time as a farm boy (of 13-14,in a small village/town allied to Athens), I had ventured with my father into the forest for an unknown reason. I believe I went to far away from him and ran face to face with a spartan hoplite (who was on guard duty). When he saw me, he had already his sword out. He pointed it straight at me and advanced slowly. I was first startled, and took a few steps back. Then I ran to the slope of the hill (heavily wooden) and tripped. I looked behind me quickly, the spartan had stopped and was observing me. I then stood up and ran as fast as I could, the spartan behind me. He then got hold of me and made me advance back up the hill to his "post". When we got there, I don't what he did with me, but later on, I remember my father was present,on his knees, asking the spartan to free me. This got on his nerves, he then grabbed me and pressed the cold blade against my throat. He shouted something at my father, who started to curse at him. Then the spartan put the cutting edge of his sword on my throat, made a last proposition to my father, who refused,then he killed me. He let me drop on the ground, half-dead, gushes of blood spilling out of my throat. He stepped aside and my father came besides me and weeped, cursing at the spartan.

In another life time, I was a spartan commander (head of file) during the Spartan and the early Theban Hegemony. I went to battle against the Thebans, who overpowered us and broke our phalanx. I don't know how, but some Theban Hippeis (horsemen) dragged me out of the battle into the countryside. While they did this, they mocked me with talk of Spartan strength and invulnerability. They then evoked (to toy with me) the spartan law "with your shield or on it" (which means come back with your shield victorious or die on it), and of course, I had lost mine, which ment I could never return to Sparta. After stretching my arms out for a while (which was extremely painful), the Hippeis suddenly let go and laughed. They left me there, on the ground, a broken man. I waited for them to be out of sight and took my life.
Since I've just started experiencing memories, I don't know much of my past lives deaths. I only know about one of them.

I was 16 or 17, in Ancient Greece,contemplating suicide on the edge of a small cliff, that gave onto a forest. I jumped off, believing I would fall to my death, which I unfortunately didn't. Instead, I broke all the bones in my body and layed there for a few hours. Then as I started dying, one of my friends, who had been searching for me, found me. He tried to help but it was too late. He stayed at my side as I was dying.
My immediate past life I died after giving birth. Before that by artillery in WW1as a British soldier. Most of the memories I have of are dying young. Starting with my last life I decided to try something different and start a family, grow old. I'm beginning to question that decision, it's terribly boring and overated.
In my last lifetime I smoked myself to death (I was 60s ish at the time, and male). But when I tried guided self-regression I was unable to tell whether I literally fell asleep in bed smoking or whether it was cancer. Didn't see it, just got the answer.

In this lifetime (despite occasional bizarre cravings) I have never picked up a cigarette.
In one of my past lives, I died by public execution(yet I don't know the details) a few days after being captured for inciting a mutiny in a foreign city.

I know that in laters lives I was killed maybe once or twice on a beach. I am at least sure that I died in the aftermath of a small battle on a beach, against the spartans or their allies, due to a severe injury in the throat.

I have died by suicide a few times and I was surely poisoned at least once.
Interesting thread and in the past lives I can remember/have memories of I know I've died several ways.

The most recent life-time before my life now I died in a fiery aeroplane crash. The plane clipped a factory chimney and nose-dived and I died instantly. I remember the flames and the sound of a large boom and that's it. I was very young in that life. I'm still jittery when it comes to air travel though i've flown several or so times.

In Russia during the Great War, I was only a teenager. It's the most vivid recall of an experience of dying that I have memories of. My entire family, and I were shot and stabbed to death. For years I was terrified of basements, and I still get spooked. The basement that is part of the house I live in now has a similar shape and design to the one I died in.

In England, I was poisoned. I've read it was Influenza and even Syphilis but I don't remember much of dying. All I remember is feeling the closing of the throat, pain and then blackness.

During the French Revolution, I don't have much memory of this death though I remember the prison cell I was kept in and being separated from my family. I'm glad I don't have memories of it because I think I've blocked it out entirely and just have happy memories and some sad ones. But I was only a child when I died.

During Battle, Medieval Period. Same age as the life in England and died from my injuries.

Ancient Rome, during the reign of Caligula. I was very close to him and power went to my head and he had me killed.
In one of my lives, I died after childbirth. I was a woman with around 5 or 6 children who were all around 3-12 years of age and a husband and we had a fair amount of money. I don't remember much about it, only that it was in the late 1700s or the early 1800s and that the last thing I saw before death was the face of my baby and the last thing I heard was the baby crying.

Then in another life I died in a gas chamber at a concentration camp during WWII. I was a Jewish woman with a husband and three children (one died at the age of 2 due to an accident and the other had died minutes after birth). I remember being separated from my only living daughter, who was about seven, and that both of us were in tears and fighting to get back to one another. I was more worried about what would happen to my daughter if I died then of dying itself, considering my husband had already been killed so there would be nobody to look after her. I remember desperately clawing at the walls trying to find a way out and screaming for my daughter and wondering what would happen to her before finally just collapsing. That's the one I remember most of, and it's usually more painful to think about.

I was regressed once and I seemed to have died in a gas chamber in Nazi Germany - I was an adolescent (female)- however my impression of that death was not as vivid as one where I died in a turbulent river. I was old and male then.

I am afraid of water and have not been able to learn to swim in my present life. :eek:

Batgeek22 said:
My immediate past life I died after giving birth. Before that by artillery in WW1as a British soldier.
Do you know what battle was that?

I am so interested in WWI
I haven't done much in the way of regression yet, but I believe that in at least one life I must have died by falling from some height. I have always had an intense phobia of heights. It is so bad that when I was a teenager, I fell to the ground screaming and crying when I was up in the Wilderness Lodge in Disney World:


I have an extreme, irrational fear of balconies and won't let my kids go anywhere near a railing.

If I didn't die from falling then maybe one of my children did. I really don't even want to know.

Also... last time I did a regression video I saw myself in a hospital. I'm new to this stuff so I am not sure if it was a real memory, but it did seem clear. I was a girl around the age of 12-16 or so. It was in the 1940s or early 50s. I don't know what afflicted me or if I died from it. Anyway, I LOVE hospitals in this life. I love the feeling of being cared for in a hospital.
I've never been comfortable with heights which makes me suspect i fell from a great height in a pl. I also think i've drowned and been murdered in other pl's as well.
WW1 trench. Was shot at night while looking around the side of a dirt berm at the top of the trenchwork. Worst part is, I was a pilot and had no business being where I was. I went with a small group. Another officer and two enlisted men. I suspect we were drunk, and running through the trenches acting stupid.
Very interesting thread. From what I've remembered in the regressions, I've seen a couple of the deaths, or leading up to a death.

One was as a native American woman, plains tribe. Our village was attached by another tribe and I was running but was run down by a man and my last memory of that was of him standing over me (I was on the ground) with what I assume was a tomahawk getting ready to use it on me.

Another was in what seemed like an old west town that was just a few buildings and nothing else but fields. There were a lot of us running across the field and then I was hit by gunfire and fell to the ground. After that I was up above seeing that others were also on the ground and some still running. I don't know who I was or who was doing the shooting.

A third one was as a young Incan girl about to be sacrificed. I did not even know that the Incas practiced child sacrifice, and it really gave me chills when I started reading about it.

I may have died in a house fire also, but that one is not as clear as the others. I always did have nightmares about fire until husband bought some fire extinguishers and a fire ladder. They've pretty much gone away now.

Have also had many recurring dreams about driving a car on a long narrow highway or bridge with water rising higher and higher, and knowing I didn't have a prayer. If I stopped driving I would be swept away and if I kept driving I would drive off the road. No idea if that is a PL memory surfacing.
I only know of one life at the moment and not that much about it, so my knowledge of previous deaths is rather limited..

The only thing I know is that I died in battle, nothing more.
Batgeek22 said:
My immediate past life I died after giving birth. Before that by artillery in WW1as a British soldier. Most of the memories I have of are dying young. Starting with my last life I decided to try something different and start a family, grow old. I'm beginning to question that decision, it's terribly boring and overated.
I too died young in many lives and did not live to raise my children (if I had any). I agree with family life. It seems boring, and overrated to me. That's why I'm in my mid -30's in this life and I have no children, no husband. I have a great career, my own house, and lots of friends that I like to party and socialize with and I couldn't be happier.
I only know of one life at the moment and not that much about it, so my knowledge of previous deaths is rather limited..
The only thing I know is that I died in battle, nothing more.
I probably should update this statement.

I died (in one of my lives) in the aftermath of a small land battle, neighboring the sea, after having fought for hours with the enemy. I was laying on the ground, fatally wounded amongst others. I had an arrow in my throat, and one lodged into my left side. I had an almost severed hand, and a big wound to my thigh. I was in agony, bleeding to death. If that was not bad enough, I had to listen to the moans and cries of dying men who littered the plain.

My pain was unbearable, I was desperate to end it. I prayed to all the gods to end my agony and soon enough it worked. I felt myself drift and all went black.
I keep having this memory from im sure a past life. But its not clear. Im bound and struggling. Crying i can almost feel the ropes. And fire lots of fire. I think i was burned alive.