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Leininger Case on ABC--What Did You Think?


Grand Poobah
Super Moderator
If you saw the rebroadcast of the Leininger case on ABC Primetime tonight, Carol and I are curious to know what you thought. If you viewed it with a skeptic (we know some people who planned to), what effect did it have on the skeptic.

Steve Bowman
Was it on in the first half of the hour, because my sister and I were really excited to see it but we had to go up to her friends grave and talk to her like she does every week and just sit and talk for a while, but we were thinking oh well we'll get back before 11 so we'll see some of it, and instead we saw some guy with Parkinsons disease... so we were wondering if it was on at all or if it was on in the first half of the hour? And how was it? :confused: : angel
It was the second story tonight, Katie - sorry you missed it.

I was glad to finally see the whole piece. It was so wonderful to watch him check out that plane exactly like my father used to do! (My father was a pilot and mechanic)

I'm sorry to hear James has stopped remembering; I was hoping that the postive support from his family would allow him to continue for awhile longer.


I'm looking forward to hearing from my friend (and editor !) what she thought of it. She's been watching my process the last couple of years, and been open to what was happening with my recall, but still kept her skepticism in place. I told her while we were working last night that the show was coming on. I'll pass on her impressions later!

(she would tell me lose the exclamation points in this post, but, I'm excited!) :thumbsup:

I thought it was great. I even had some of my disbelieving friends watch it, and all they could say was "That's Crazy!"
And I remember back when I looked at it the same way. And I think thats an important place, because when you start doubting where you are, you start to think back to those "crazy" things and think maybe its not so crazy. So I hope atleast it planted seeds in curious minds that will someday blossom.

I thought it was a very interesting case, well reported, even if they did have to include the way off nutjob professor for balance.
Hopefully, there will be more and more cases that develop in the future until people can not simply ignore it.
Basically a good expose, but too little detail

I liked the presentation in general, especially because it presented the parents as 'normal', level-headed people disinclined to believe in reincarnation at first.

I think they should've said SOMETHING about James' meeting with the sister of the dead pilot. She was convinced by something, and I wish ABC had shared that with the audience. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when she and the boy met. What made her so sure he was her reincarnated brother? Some people would be upset at the very thought. I once had a person with pychic abilities send me a message through my father in law about the state of my pregnancy, and I was ****** off at the intrusion. As it turned out, the psychic was correct (one of my twins was in a bad position, and the psychic recommended I go to the hospital on Sunday (instead of Monday, when I had an appointment for induction), in order to have that twin delivered safely. Being there on Sunday meant I got an x-ray because the sonogram technician was off. I ended up going on Sunday, and the x-ray showed the baby's problem, and he was delivered c-section, which spared him from brain damage if he were delivered normally). Point is - because I felt it was an intrusion, I was very upset at the info I'd received. The sister might've had a similar reaction - go away, leave me alone in peace with my memories. But she welcomed the child and seemed so sure about him, it made me wonder.

In all, I'm glad to see such a show, wish there were more.

Welcome Vic!

If you hadn't found it yet, read this
The original Primetime thread, April 2004

Andrea is currently working on a book about James' experiences, and I am sure will give more details about James Huston's sister in it. Segments on a television show are limited about what they can tell, due to time constraints.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

The supposed paranormal expert bugged me. Some of his haughty statements suggested he hadn't even studied the case. I know the program wanted to present an opposing viewpoint, but couldn't they have found someone who could at least present an intelligent argument that hadn't already been refuted by the parents earlier in the program?

We all know that skeptics groom their 2-year-old children so that it looks like they're remembering a past life. :rolleyes:

If the case had happened 50 years earlier, I think he would have had more of an argument. But what little kids talk about Corsairs and WW2 aircraft carriers? I would think most little kids today who are into airplanes (and who don't have WW2 past-life connections) would be more interested in modern airplanes and jets.

It was wonderful. I am glad the parents cared enough to listen to their child even if they were non believers at first. I wish the program had dwelled on what Carol had advised them to do (I guess she told them to encourage the boy to speak about it but that was not made clear) and I would have liked to have seen the meeting between the child and the sister of the pilot too. And they could have interviewed Jack or even had the child meet with him. Guess there wasn't enough time in the program for all that.

The so called expert irritated me too. He dissmissed it as the child having "overheard conversations between the parents" Oh right yeah I know my wife and I sit on the couch in the evenings and talk about WW2 airplanes and military history. Don't all couples do that? The kid was 2 years old and he was doing a pre-flight check on a vintage plane. I wonder how the "expert" would explain that away.
ABC used the most skeptical talking head they could find to make the segment as controversial as the show would allow. It's all about ratings — the reason for James's story, as well.

(But if I watched the Telebtubbies, I'd have nightmares, too.) ;)
I saw the program when it was first aired and saw most of it again last night. I thought it was very well done considering its brevity.

One point: During the talk with the professional skeptic Dr. Kurtz, the interviewer lobs to Dr. Kurtz a softball question like "Can't we believe in something larger than ourselves? Or do we always have to fall back on Science." Dr. Kurtz of course replies that we have to rely on science and the facts.

However, we have just been shown the facts in this case and they are in favor of reincarnation. In spite of this, the journalist automatically frames the issue as being Beliefs, on the reincarnation side, versus Science on the anti-reincarnation side. If Science is based on facts rather than on beliefs, then in this case the issue should be framed as Science on the reincarnation side versus Beliefs on the anti-reincarnation side.
I felt that the balance of a skeptic vs Carol was quite called for, and fared well. I, of course, didn't agree with the skeptic, but, it's always better to have a balanced side of a story. :cool

This story is awesome and I am thankful it was shown again. I hope that it helps raise more awareness of parents out there who have kids going through what James went through.
An excellent program that made a strong case for reincarnation, IMHO.

I thought Dr. Kurtz sounded very little like a professional and more like a babbling idiot without a clue as to what he was talking about after the facts of the case were presented and the parents, the pl sister and Carol presented their story. I think the TV producers knew he would and sort of set it up that way too, but I could be wrong about that. : angel Maybe Dr. Kurtz was the only professional willing to speak up after the evidence was presented and they had to take what they could get. : angel
HI anonyx,

You said -
However, we have just been shown the facts in this case and they are in favor of reincarnation. In spite of this, the journalist automatically frames the issue as being Beliefs, on the reincarnation side, versus Science on the anti-reincarnation side.

If Science is based on facts rather than on beliefs, then in this case the issue should be framed as Science on the reincarnation side versus Beliefs on the anti-reincarnation side.

I TOTALLY AGREE! It was a not then presented as scientific...but belief's. Perhaps it was safer for the station that way. But I agree with you. A come back was called for. ;)
Leininger Case on ABC.........................

I had seen the previous broadcast last year, and saw the broadcast again. I thought the update had too little information. Why did James Leininger stop remembering?

I would like to see more in-depth shows discussing reincarnation. PBS & some of the other cable and satellite stations aimed at "educated audiences" would cover the subject of past-lives; minus all of the "mass-media gimmickery" e.g., "The Unexplained" PLUUUEESE!
Marc, the program wasn't an update- it was a rebroadcast of last year's show. But, wouldn't it be great to see an update?

I really liked the show-- it was well done and provided just enough detail. I liked the balance of having a reincarnation psychologist (Carol) and the paranormal skeptic. The program was to show facts that reincarnation can exist then showed both sides on belief/evidence.
." Dr. Kurtz of course replies that we have to rely on science and the facts.

We have a programme in Uk that deals with the search for Astral beings and Ghosts in different locations and buildings.

The parapyhscologist always finds a reason for the activity and tends to disbelieve the obvious.

When items are thrown across the room, or furniture is moved in a locked room, his answer is very clever and usually to do with the crew doing something subconciously or traffic vibration outside.

The need for balance is very important. Even so, when confronted with something that defies the known laws of physics, there is not always a simple answer.

One scene I remember is when someone is grabed by the arm and dragged along a mine shaft. OK, it could have been faked.
Bear this in mind. The person concerned had no torch or night vision camera. The shaft was in front of him and was perhaps 6' by 4'. Now, in mine shafts with no lights on, it would be pretty stupid and not to mention dangerous to go tearing down a shaft with no light, just in an attempt to fake a point.

As the viewers, we see everything in a green and white image. Night vision equipment does that. The crew are in ABSOLUTE darkness.

The boffins put it down to something normal and the idea of helpful or playful entities is laid aside.

Annoying, however it does provide balance.

Closer to the point of thread, I did attempt to get a live feed on the computer from ABC but went to sleep long before the show came on. Missed it and feeling frustrated about it.

Leininger Case...............

Susie said:
Marc, the program wasn't an update- it was a rebroadcast of last year's show. But, wouldn't it be great to see an update?

I really liked the show-- it was well done and provided just enough detail. I liked the balance of having a reincarnation psychologist (Carol) and the paranormal skeptic. The program was to show facts that reincarnation can exist then showed both sides on belief/evidence.

The (brief) update came after the rebroadcast. No additional detail was provided on why James L. stopped remembering the life of Lt. James Huston.
Oh yes, Marc-- that little blurb about him not remembering anymore! Thanks fo the reminder, and you are right, it was too short. :D :D :D :D
Marc, Carol mentions in the program that children around 2-4 remember details because they haven't layered another life over their other ones, and haven't been conditioned to think a certain way........so he's probably just more consciously aware of this life, and his experiences in the here and now are layering over the other life.

Carol talks about this kind of stuff in her books, if you haven't read them, I suggest you do so if you want more information!
I was led to this site precisely because of seeing the rebroadcast of the Leininger's story last Thursday night (I'm west coast, in Arizona). I hadn't seen it before and although my own situation is not like Jame's, seeing the broadcast was a huge weight lifted off my shoulder about this subject. The show was done extremely well in my opinion. The man that attempted to debunk the whole thing was very unimpressive and I believe I've seen him on other shows a number of times trying to debunk everything from UFO theories to ESP. Thank you Andrea, and thank you to your husband and James, for deciding to go ahead with this. Also I get the impression that Carol had a hand in taking this from concept to reality.. or did I just imagine that?.. if so, thank you Carol.

After watching Primetime last Thurs evening, I had to do a search of the internet to get more info, and thats how I ended up here. I didn't have previous life recall as a child (as far as I can remember), but all my life I have held onto memories of some converstaions I had with myself when I was three years old. Those conversations were about philosophical subjects and were conducted in my head in English, using very adult thought processes and language and vocabulary..exactly the same "mind" I use today. At the time, at age 3, I would say to myself "Don't forget the details of these thoughts and they way you are thinking them because some day it will be valuable to know that you thought this way at age 3".

I am so glad to have the Leininger's story aired because I believe it will open up more scientific research into "why" amnesia about our previous lives occurs during infancy. I've never questioned reincarnation because I REMEMBER being an adult in a child's body. I just want to understand the science of it now. Unfortunately I don't remember the previous life but I am convinced that I probably didn't develop the amnesia until just before age 3.

One of the members of this forum, Titus Rivas MA, has written a fascinating paper about the science of amnesia concerning past lives. I read it today at http://members.lycos.nl/Kritisch/index-44.html and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to delve more into the science of being reborn into a child's body and the amnesia about the previous life that occurs in most people, but not all. (James would be the exception)

WOW! I am so glad I saw Primetime on Thursday. And thank you again to anyone that made the airing of that show possible.
Carol came across as very classy and intelligent, and "Kurtz" (same name as the creepy guy in Heart of Darkness) came across as a boor.

It was very interesting and well done. I would have liked to hear what the friend (of Jame the 1st) who is still living had to say, if and when he met little James.
I wasn't impressed. I thought it was superficial but of course Primetime isn't going to devote enough time to really make a case for reincarnation. I think I was bothered by all of the model airplanes that were displayed around the child in the piece. It suggested to me that the parents were keeping the airplane issue in the forefront of the child's mind all of the time. Not enough information was given about how the names of the plane and previous identity came about. The father said that he did a lot of research presumedly about world war two planes and I wondered if he somehow passed some of the information he found to his child---perhaps inadvertantly or subconsciously. Maybe he left some of his research materials lying about the house or maybe the child heard him discussing what he had found with his wife. Or maybe he just made what the child said "fit" what he had found out in his research.

As always in cases like this a timeline is important to establish that the child had not be influenced by anyone or anything. I don't remember that any timeline was presented.

I think that several holes appeared in this presentation which I wish had been addressed more completely by the piece.

I agree that the "expert" was irritating in that he blew the whole thing off with his trivial comments.

The way this case was presented by Primetime did not provide strong evidence for reincarnation in my opinion.

Your friend, Wicker
Hi Wicker,

Didn't you fill up your kids' rooms with stuff they liked when they were little? I sure did! If my son had been a plane fanatic, there would have been model planes everywhere! :)

Did the father really do research prior to James' fascination with planes? I don't recall that. I'll have to watch it again. (I taped it.)

I agree that it could have been a lot more indepth but they also covered two other unrelated stories in the broadcast. It would be great if we had a quality TV show here in America about reincarnation cases.

Remember - the boy told his mother what kind of plane it was BEFORE the father tried to prove it was all imagination. A Corsair (sp?). Do children really get toy planes that specific? The boy identified that one toy plane had DROP TANKS not bombs - as the mother suggested. The boy knew preflight checks on planes and demonstrated the motions. - For those that fly - this was obvious and impressive.

Compared to any other presentation about reincarnation -IMO this has been the best so far. I can only hope they will improve as time goes on and more and more researchers take it seriously. ;).
Response to "James" Documentary


The father's research came in response to the child's statements about airplanes and war.

I believe this case, while very strong, would be even stronger if the past life friends and family can provide some validation. Did the boy say something to James Huston's sister about her brother that could only have been known by her brother? When the boy goes to the pilots reunion, will this trigger some memories about Huston's relationships with the other pilots that the pilots can verify? Perhaps some of these details will come out when the book is written about this case.

There are interesting parallels between this case and the Bruce Kelly case (an adult regression case). Kelly recalled a past life as a sailor who drowned when his ship, the submarine USS Shark sank in battle during World War 2. He recalled the same kind of details that James did - the names of fellow sailors on the ship, details about the ship, etc. The skeptics said that Kelly could have created a hoax by going to the Naval Archives and looking up this info. This is true, but what really validated this case was Kelly's memories of past life friends and family who are still alive today. Kelly went with his therapist to his past life home town in Alabama and visited with his past life relatives, now elderly. He gave them info about the World War 2 sailor that could have only been known by him or his relatives. In order for this case to be a hoax, Kelly would have had to convince these people to lie
when they validated his story to "Unsolved Mysteries". This is the best adult regression case I have found so far, IMO.

I hope that when James gets a little older, he will undergo regression hypnosis. I would bet that more past life memories of friends and family will surface at that time.

Deborah, do you know whether, in any of Carol's cases, there has been follow up hypnosis later when the children got older?
I may be remembering wrong, but I thought James Hustons' sister said she was convinced because little James knew things only her brother could have known. :confused: Does anyone remember exactly what she said?