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Problem Child


New Member
Well, I am looking for advice. My middle daughter thinks she is a boy. She seems angry at God and this concerns me. Some things she says about God is very disturbing. The only past life thing (possibly) is when she was very young she would say she lived in space and made the real people and the real dogs. I know she used to see the ghosts of three passed away birds we had. Please advise me on if this could be a reincarnation issue.:confused:
Hello leahsodessy, Welcome to the Past Life Forum.

It is possible this could be past life related. It contains some of those trends we've seen here on the forum and Carol writes in her book. I would suggest you read her book. It pertains to what you are asking.

I suggest consulting your pediatrician for his/her advise. If you find her behavior "disturbing" you need to seek their input. We are not able to counsel you regarding these problems. But we'll certainly send you lots of positive thoughts and discuss reincarnation with you. Children go through lots of phases, any parent will tell you that. But when you feel that uncomfortable your doctor should be consulted.

Best wishes.

I agree with Tinkerman. I've heard that sometimes when people have spent a lot of lives as one gender, that they often prefer to be that gender in a current life or have those traits. However, the behavior you are describing goes beyond reincarnation. I work in the field of education and I too would recommend some good professional help. It can't hurt and could possibly be very helpful. :) Good luck. Those teenage years can be rocky.
Problem Child Cont

Thanks for all your advice. I will need to get her book.

Anyhow, she is not a teenager, she is only 8. I have been to counselors and doctors who just pill her up and none of the pills work and some make her worse.

She detests God. I worry about her being possesed, but it is mostly verbal, no super strength, pea soup, or spinning heads. She can be very sweet and she is clingy and she refuses to sleep in her own bed so I have this big 8-year-old with me and my husband every night.

I've tried staying in her room until she falls asleep but in does not work; She pops up as soon as I leave and follows me back to bed. Counselors just say, you can fix this if you really want to, but they never say how.

I think what it is, is that she is angry at God for making her a girl. I will not get her a sex change. If she wants that when she is an adult, then so be it, but I won't get her a sex change like some other transgendered parents do.

Again, thanks for your advice.

Hi Leah,

A thought that came to me was of perhaps explaining to your daughter quite clearly that God gives us many lives, and that sometimes we live as a boy and others as a girl. Perhaps this simple explanation might help her come to better terms with both this apparent frustration of hers at being a girl and also her feelings towards God.

I would also recommend professional help... :thumbsup:
Charles Stuart said:
Hi Leah,
A thought that came to me was of perhaps explaining to your daughter quite clearly that God gives us many lives, and that sometimes we live as a boy and others as a girl. Perhaps this simple explanation might help her come to better terms with both this apparent frustration of hers at being a girl and also her feelings towards God.

I would also recommend professional help... :thumbsup:
Wonderful advice!

I found this statement you made intrigueing...

"when she was very young she would say she lived in space and made the real people and the real dogs."

Usually those who blame/hate God are those who don't want to, or can not accept personal responsibility. But I think it is strange that your daughter has such strong feelings about God at such a young age.

Best of luck.
Have you considered a transgender support group for you? It might help to speak with some adults who can share what it was like as a child.

BTW- I do believe things like this are past life related and come from many lifetimes as one gender. ai like what Charles suggested. Something like that worked for my son just not in regards to gender issues.
Perhaps she feels out of control?

leahsodyssey@ya said:
Well, I am looking for advice. My middle daughter thinks she is a boy. She seems angry at God and this concerns me. Some things she says about God is very disturbing. The only past life thing (possibly) is when she was very young she would say she lived in space and made the real people and the real dogs. I know she used to see the ghosts of three passed away birds we had. Please advise me on if this could be a reincarnation issue.:confused:

It intrigues me that her anger is at something she seems to feel she has no control over; she didn't ask for it, and she didn't want it, apparently. She says she made the "real people and the real dogs". Perhaps it's just a way of expressing something she feels and/or believes she has or had control over? She might be making sense when you consider her limited vocabulary at her age.

The frustration she must feel on top of the main frustration she feels must be absolutely a lonely, terrifying place.

She will need your love and guidance, understanding and acceptance very much. I know that isn't necessarily easy, either. Perhaps keeping a detailed journal would help you discern a pattern of some kind, as well, of the things she says and her behavioural patterns.

You, too, need love, guidance, acceptance and understanding; isn't it great we've got this board to come to, to talk to others who really understand what we're trying to wrap our heads around? I'm new here, but I notice there are a lot of understanding folks out there who genuinely wish to help others on this treachorous journey called Another Human Incarnation. Good luck, honey.

Many prayers to you both,

Kath :)
middle child...

leahsodyssey@ya said:
My middle daughter thinks she is a boy. She seems angry at God and this concerns me.
It's also difficult to be a middle child, as well. Sometimes when you are "stuck in the middle", you don't feel as smart or competent or organised as the firstborn... or as special and adorable as the last born. And she's so young, and so flippin' angry, bless her little heart. I can't imagine what you, as her mum, must be going through. It's hard on you both, that much is apparent; however, listen, listen, listen, and listen some more to this unhappy soul housed in this child. Even when you don't understand -- ESPECIALLY when you don't understand; listen with your heart, not your ears. Her heart and soul are crying out for someone to understand and just love her. You won't regret it, because you will forge a bond that nothing can break.

Simply listen. Listen and accept her where she's at; love her where she's at. I think you are a wonderful mum for seeking out answers to help her. Hang in there, mate.

Kath :)

Wow, when I was a kid I don't remember any past life memories at a young age, but I always felt drawn toward anything fantasy-like, such as toys relating to characters that couldn't possibly exist in real life, castles, and I'd always be able to follow exactly what they were talking about in shows with a medieval theme.

Even though I'd be in the present moment and interacting with my environment/peers I'd always be fantasizing about things, like what the distant future would be like (this decade- it did seem distant back in the early 80s to a kid lol) I still find it hard to believe you can download videos onto something so little you can fit it in your pocket and take it with you, I'd always wanted something like a TV watch) as a teenager/now I enjoyed things that required a lot of intense thinking and comprehension such as classic literature or randomly deciding to pick up a new language.

If I didn't have certain resources I wanted, or couldn't afford them, I'd find ways to improvise and often ended up excelling at those things. Music and drama were another thing I was drawn like a magnet to even though I never took drama in school, it was like a fantasy world I could escape into to get away from the squaller of the hecticness of life, Then when I'd come back down to earth I'd feel more refreshed with a can do attitude. Maybe I lived during the Renaissance where it was all about change and ideas. If I see a re-run of one of those old fantasy-ish shows flipping through channels I'll find myself flipping back to it and remember being everything else I was doing in the room watching those things as a kid, even my friends have been kind of floored by some of the vivid details I can remember.

I've had friends with similar intellectual interests and things along those lines where it was like we just clicked the second we met like we were supposed to bump into each other we weren't afraid of opening up to each other about anything.