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So... why is planet earth so popular?


Senior Registered
First off, this is not another 'population thread' as such... okay it kinda is. But why are so many people/souls coming now? Is something going to happen? Also.. why would "intelligent sources" allow so many souls to come here when it, according to sciecne, will damage our planet.

I know when science trys to fight nature it gets beat every time, so I'm not saying science is correct.. But surely there is some sort of reason so many souls are here now?

Staff note;
Please remember that this is a discussion about earth. Chat about other worlds are not welcome to this forum and posts/threads will be deleted, so please stick to the question:D. Thank you.
Forgot to say... At a spriritual conference I was at, which included Brian Weiss, it did touch of various topics but not this one directly. I suppose this is a hard one for anyone to answer.
How many souls are there? How many planets are there that can support anything that could be called life? For all we know, the population that is here (and don't forget, no matter how many people are being born, that silly "population clock" isn't accounting for the number of people dying) is just a drop in the bucket on a larger scale. Maybe "Quignon 9" is much more popular, but we'd never know because we don;t know the growth and death rate on "Quignon 9".

(I probably don't have to tell anyone, but Quignon 9 is fictitious and is only used as an illustration. Anyone who claims to have visited there, physically, spiritually or psychically, is making it up... I hope.)
Hi Kristopher:

First I obviously don't have a clue as to what you mean by "science gets beat every time." We have "science" combined with man's stupidity, doing all kinds of nasty things that are gradually killing the earth (nature) and much more. That looks to me like it's nature getting beat.

I think it would be easy to answer / explain if we were not so full of mis information.

“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” Mark Twain

Better technology, especially energy technology, will allow us all and more to live abundantly on or in planet earth with very little if any negative impact. Have you ever looked at Australia? It's a massive nearly empty continent.

Now, why is there so many souls coming to this planet? My understanding is that we are doing something that is incredibly wonderful and has never been done before in maybe the whole universe. We are going from a place of dark, ignorance, hate, pain, strife and on and on, to a place of incredible love, joy, enlightenment and abundance with incredible speed very soon.

That's why I think so many souls want to be here.

Kristopher said:
First off, this is not another 'population thread' as such... okay it kinda is. But why are so many people/souls coming now? Is something going to happen? Also.. why would "intelligent sources" allow so many souls to come here when it, according to sciecne, will damage our planet.
I know when science trys to fight nature it gets beat every time, so I'm not saying science is correct...
Thank you for your wonderful post, OutOfTheBox. Your optimism made me feel hopeful, and I want to be around to see that world you spoke of become reality.
OutOfTheBox said:
My understanding is that we are doing something that is incredibly wonderful and has never been done before in maybe the whole universe. We are going from a place of dark, ignorance, hate, pain, strife and on and on, to a place of incredible love, joy, enlightenment and abundance with incredible speed very soon.
That's why I think so many souls want to be here.
In a nutshell, this is what I've been led to believe...in some way we become able to make this transition while retaining our physical form.
usetawuz said:
...in some way we become able to make this transition while retaining our physical form.
Yes, and I know the basics of a great way to start this, but don't ask me to write it out. I'm having enough challenge talking about it in a way that works. It involves healing past-life etc. traumas with energy healing techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques.) What happens when someone heals dozens or even hundreds of past-life etc. traumas? Two people told me that they went into bliss. Others have said similar wonderful things. Please don't think of this as a multi hour session or session to heal one trauma. It's quite quick, like 10 to 20 minutes and often multiple traumas are healed.

To get the idea across, I'm now talking to open minded people and then allowing them to listen to actual sessions. This seems to be working in a small way. But, most people are VERY well programmed to not see the potentials.

If anyone is interested, I'm open to talking.