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Groovy, I'm quite sure that even Jesus had to undergo the "trials of several corporeal lives" to reach the "pinackle" that he is at... Personally I believe that Oshalah, in Africa, was a prior incarnation of the same Soul/Spirit who incarnated as Yeshua.

Here is a beautiful passage from the ancient text known as "The Gospel of Valentine":

Jesus said: "I took Elijah and sent him in the body of John the Baptist. And I sent others to appropriate bodies, so that they may find the mysteries of the Light, and may elevate themselves to the higher regions, and enter into possession of the Kingdom of Light" (Valentine 60: 5-6).
Again, the purpose is clearly to "elevate oneself" in order to "enter the Kingdom of Light".

If, as you said earlier, the purpose of God's fragmentation was to "experience", what better form could there be than to start from scratch?

Have you already read this thread? The Gnostic Texts and Reincarnation
Hi again,

I am trying to come up with an answer that might hopefully satisfy you... :D Let's see:

If we take the supposition that we were created perfect, would this not have left us in idleness and boredom, without an objective or goal? In what ways would we and The Creator "experience"? Do the hardships of corporeal existence not force us to improve ourselves, learn and get along better with others? If we had been created perfect, what explanation could there be for Soul/Spirits to manifest such a diversity of aptitudes independently of the ideas acquired by their background and education? Why would some individuals lack the innate or intuitive ideas that are present in others? Why would children manifest, at such an early age, precocious instincts of vice or virtue, the innate sentiments of dignity or of baseness, which often contrast strikingly with the situation into which they were born? Why would it be that some men, independently of education, are more advanced than others? Why would it be that among the races which people the globe some are more savage, aggressive and violent while others are more civilised? What other philosophy or theosophy could answer these questions better than that of sequential reincarnations with the objective of Spiritual Evolution? Either the souls of men are equal at physical birth, or they are unequal. If they are equal, why these inequalities of aptitude?

Admit, on the contrary, a succession of existences, and everything is explained. Men bring with them, at their birth in flesh, the amount of intuition they have previously acquired. They are more or less advanced, according to the number of existences they have previously accomplished, according to whether they are nearer or farther from the common starting point; exactly as, in a company made up of individuals of different ages, each will possess a degree of development proportionate to his knowledge and the number of years he has lived; the succession of years being, to the life of the body, what the succession of existences/reincarnations is to the life of the Soul.

God, in Its justice, could not create souls more or less perfect. But granting the plurality of our corporeal existences, there is nothing in the differences of quality that we see around us in any way inconsistent with the most rigorous equity; for what we see around us is then perceived to have its roots, not in our present lives, but in our past existences...
I think you’ve misunderstood my position, Charles. I’m not questioning how reincarnation could occur, but the rationale behind it. The experience-based explanation makes sense to me. The explanation that posits achieving unity with God as the goal does not (partially), since we could have been created this way to begin with, especially considering that we are made from the same material.
Hi groovy,

The explanation that posits achieving unity with God as the goal does not (partially), since we could have been created this way to begin with, especially considering that we are made from the same material.
Created of the same "material/essence", yes, that's fine. But to believe that we were created in the same "perfect knowledge" is, IMO, mere pride, arrogance and lack of humbleness...
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