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What do you keep from your past lives?


Active Member
Do you have any object, picture, talent, interest or even physical trait from your past life/lives? Tell us!
I don't have any objects, but I have carried over a lot of interests from past lives. I did not realise when I was younger why I am so interested in jazz music and singing for instance until I put two and two together about my life in the Blitz.

There are so many other examples, almost too many to list!
Any objects I could attain would cost more money than I have to dish out, however I have many photos. Talents have passed over seemingly, because overall I'm not very different from how I was then. I look nearly identical also.
Do you have any object, picture, talent, interest or even physical trait from your past life/lives? Tell us!

This was a question I'd never considered until a couple of years ago, when I started wondering about the various interests I have that seem like ghosts of things I already know. I've come to the realization that they were probably memories of occupations from previous lives. In my last life, I've found that I must have had these same ghost interests, and had taken classes on them in college, with my main goal of becoming a lawyer - something I'd never practiced after becoming one. Writing had been my dream then too. And in this life, I've always been interested in law.

By the age of three I knew I wanted to write, and that desire has been with me my whole life, although I didn't have the opportunity to make that dream a reality until quite late in life. My last life was as a writer, who's life was cut short when he was at the peak of his career.

There were also three things I wanted when I was only 4 or 5, and had never even seen two of them. They were a grandfather's clock, a crystal chandelier, and a piano. I imagine these would have been in the homes of fairly well off people in the mid 1800s, and would have been things of great interest and imagination to a little boy who'd spent most of his life as an invalid.

A friend of mine told me a story a while back. He was on holiday in Ireland and visited an old castle. There was a large, silver brooch, that a man would use to hold his cape in place. It was in a glass case on display. He said it was all he could do to resist the urge to smash the glass and take it, because he 'knew' it was his. He 'knew' he had worn it before, and it was a family heirloom and all kinds of associated feelings.

He told me this story as he knows I'm interested in this kind of thing. He said he felt very strange when it happened, as he is not usually inclined to things like that, is a very practical sort of person, etc.
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I recently bought a Ford V8 from 1937. :) I´m happy about the car in a strange way although I never cared for cars a lot, I just saw it and wanted to have it - since the price was reasonable. There are a few other things:
like, when I went to University it felt such a sure thing. It was all easy going and familiar and I never had any problems although I´m not that smart - I had a hard time in highschool I can tell :-I
I´m good at shooting pool most times. Even the very first time I did it, I was already 18, it felt very familiar.
Also I´m quite good at playing soft ball the few times I played it - it´s not very common in Austria. I also like the Cubs and was happy they won the Series last year :) For whatever reason :-D
Gift of the gab'

In one of my past lives, I was a slave named Ademu, in 1700's America, a Buttler type role in the home of a wealthy family in South Carolina, and later in Louisiana...
This incarnation reminded me most of my current personality, all the obvious personality traits. He learnt how to use humour and his ability to befriend people and get them to like him, to enjoy his life. He was the happiest of my past lives.. and yet a slave. Which is surprising because two of my other past lives, the only others I've been regressed in to, I was a merchant ship owner, and in another a young woman in the Arkansas in the 1860s/1870s... both of which I wasn't a slave.

It's interesting.
Well, one of my recent incarnations was beheaded, and I have a small, faint line on my neck going across my throat. My incarnation after him and right before me had it too.
I like to think it's a sly reminder from him, like, "Don't do that again, you know what happened last time."
"That" being a rather unnecessary self-sacrifice.
He was exactly the kind of person who would leave such a reminder. In fact, we all have sort of the same weird sense of humour.
On a less interesting note, I once went to an old styled theatre (The Byrd Theatre) and since one of my incarnations used to play the cello (well, viola da spalla) in very similar opera house, I had a strong urge to walk right up onstage to perform, and I wanted to keep checking at my feet to make sure I had my instrument with me.
It felt so unnatural sitting in the audience. I even jumped a little when the audio started playing because I thought "Oh no, I'm late! They started without me!"
I've never played in anything in this life. It might be cool to see if his skills carried over, though.
How did you become aware of your past lives? You seem to be aware of a lot of details.
The most recent life, Salvador, practically forced his way into my memory and my life about a year ago. I made a post about it recently but it's been archived for some reason. To summarize, I started regressing really suddenly and intensely very early on in suspecting I was a reincarnation of him.
My last two lives were involved in reincarnation and mysticism in their lives, so that might have been a factor. Salvador was pretty public about his beliefs about it and the one before him (his name sounded like Yunan) believed in reincarnation as part of his religion. So the idea was already in my subconscious, I guess. Plus, Salvador is famous so I could research him and see things from his life easily.
As for Yunan, he died rather traumatically so I remembered that at first and other things about his life followed.
Basically, there are a lot of factors that made regression and digging up memories easier for me.
I have memories of many past lives. Yes Baro-san, there are diffrent ways to discover our past lives.

I discovered my last one when I wondered why I loved wolves. I found that in the beginning of 20th century I was a canadian trapper (in Québec). And I had a relation with a female wolf. Maybe I healed her or something, but she followed me most of the time. And I'm sure she reincarnated as well in my present life. She was a cat I was very close to when I was young. Another thing: as a trapper I owned a Winchester 30/30 carbin. Just a few days after I discovered that, I came face to face with a mirror which had a drawing of a Winchester 30/30. What a coincidence ! I barely knew what was a Winchester 30/30. Guns are not common in France ! So I bought this mirror and still own it.

Another life I found is one of a painter in France (not a surrealist ;) . It was in 19th century. He had a big success at the end of his life. And today, I have a talent for drawing since I was a little kid. I never painted, I'm more on drawing comics. And now I'm a professional comics artist in France.

I have other examples like these, but it'd be too long to tell. I have a blog where I write all my past lives. I don't know if I can give the link here, and it's in french (no problem with google translate ?).
I used the same tactics in my current life as in my past life except in a different way ( because the technology has changed ). I used guerilla warfare tactics in both lives. Also just before I found out about reincarnation I talked economics with a certain individual. I've never studied economics in my current life so I was baffled as to where the knowledge came from. I figured it was because I was clever, reincarnation never entered my head until I was confronted with it. It turn's out I was a finance minister in my last past life that I know of.

I also have the same body language and way about me as in my past life and similar handwriting. I don't have any objects from that life though. They are too expensive to buy.
I know it's silly but...
There's a chair I plan on buying in the future, that looks similar to one I used to have in my bedroom by the bedside/balcony in a past life,
I'd like to put it beside my bed in this life, so that I can look at it every morning and picture my lover reading to himself and to me, like he used to.
It's very significant for me, he was the first man I ever fell in love with, I think.
And the first life I felt was entirely me, the place I really should be.
For me a simple chair symbolises so many things.


I've looked for clothing and fabric, but nothing is really similar enough.

Physically I have a lump in my body that holds a lot of significance to my last life, the lump is harmless now, but in my last life..
well I can't go into it without sounding weird. Suffice to say it's there as some sort of reminder.
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As I have written about here some years before, I have an old set of salt and pepper shakers marked 'Hohenzollern' on the bottom. I had a really tacky set given to me in my pl, and my memory was complete with turning over one of them to see what company would make such atrocious items! Around 10 years ago, I went to eBay and was able to find another set (better looking), by the same company. I've moved around quite a bit in this life, including a few times abroad where I had to pack light, but I've always taken these with me.09109042-3EEA-495F-89FC-FF5897B27BF4.jpeg
my talents in signing opera.dancing.acting.i remmeber acting in school play and suddenly felt i did this before
i also have this weird sitting in a chair habit.
i have the same brunette hair.and overall same personality
There's quite a bit, I have from my previous life. I'll try to keep it short, in my PL I had dark brown/ blackhair that was wavy and thick in my CL I have extremely dark brown/black wavy thick hair, I have a fear of illness and streams. I was close to my cousins in my PL in my CL I'm close to my sisters who remind me of my cousins