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Why do you remember??


Senior Registered
I enquired of Deborah as to why she believes she remembers so much of her past life. She thought it may be cool to post the question and see everyone's response.

So.................How do you know why you remember your past lives? Or how do you know that what you think you remember is a past life?
:) As for me, I guess it is because I wanted to. I wanted to remember so badly so I remembered. In the summer of 2001, I suffered a big loss of my life. To drive the emptiness away I walk in a park morning to night. Then a connection between me and the place emerged. Usually people would not notice this kind of subtle connections. But I was so empty and needed sth to hold on. I remembered really hard, read and searched a lot.

It took several years to get 70% of the picture, piece by piece. I could not say it is a good thing or not. Knowing better can't change what happened and what will happen. But you will definitely be less surprised.
It is a good question Confused2....

"Why do you remember??"

Because simply put it is time and I am ready to remember them. I sincerely believe that all things come to those that wait. It is truly my belief that when one is truly ready to remember a past life circumstances in one's current life will be shaped so you can remember. It has been my experience that one never receives anything in life that one cannot handle or deal with in some fashion. It is time is all, I can't say it more simply than that.......

"Or how do you know that what you think you remember is a past life?"

I get past life recollections and re-experiences mostly in my sleep, though it has happened when I was awake also. I know a past life memory is just that by many things, most importantly on how strongly the emotions are when I have them. In addition I also search for collaboration threw experiences, views, and interest (as well as fears) in this life. I also look for any sign's which might point the way that they are valid so to speak......

Also doing historical research helps if a past life memory is detailed enough. If there is documented accounts to validate a past life memory than that too goes a long way in "proving" the validity of said memory. These are just a few ways I personally come to terms with a past life memory, though I must admit that doing historical research to "prove" a memory can be a bit daunting......

Good question and thanks Deborah for suggesting that Confused2 post her questions here. Anyone else have anything to add or say?

I don't know that everything I remember about past lives is accurate, or even reality. However, without reincarnation as an axiom, it would be very hard for me to explain away why I know words in a language not spoken by anyone I've ever met, or why I could correctly describe a rifle suitable to the time period I "remember" owning it. It's the inexplicable bits of knowledge that make me believe.

As for why I remember, who knows? There are lots of theories. A Buddhist friend says the older or more mature a soul becomes, the more able it is to reflect on past lives and learn from them.
Why do I remember?

Twenty years ago I found myself having flashbacks of not one past life - but many. My mother was experiencing the same, and we would compare notes when it would happen. Never was there a regression involved. The experiences were spontaneous unless we were doing a meditation together. Mom and I have shared four life times. Ancient Egypt, Judea, China, and India.

The beginning was in Ancient Egypt - we lived through very intense training. Training that required us to be balanced, from WITHIN. There was thirty-three years of training that challenged every fiber of the physical body; every essense of the ethereal body; and an eventual transcending into the Light Body. We were taught there were three bodies, and to become aware of the senses in each would bring an expanded awareness.

When I meditate I am In The Light within a few minutes and sometimes in a few seconds. I seem to remember how to let go and merge with the Light. So without getting into my stuff too much - that's why in a nutshell. :)
Hi Confused,

In my case, I was not looking, but at two different moments I received the same information about my life as Prince Charles Edward Stuart during contacts with spiritual entities. In the first, I was 15, in the second, when I was 30 (I am now 45) in a place and with an entity that had nothing to do with the first time, the same info was given to me and it hit me like a slap in the face, as it was an impossible coincidence.

My "remembrance" of my last life, as a German airforce pilot in WWII by the name of Karl Heiss, came to me in a sequence of dreams over a very short period of time. I believe this "memory" came to me as a way of explaining something I was going through at that time (the separation from my first wife), and it helped me understand what was behind it all.

Another "memory" I had, of a life as a Knight's Templar by the name Ezequiel fighting in the Crusades, came to me during a Regression Session. ;)
why I remember specific past lives is because certain people have triggered the overwhelming feelings and memories and htoughts in me...
I know that these are past life memories because, unless I am just wildly crazy, they are as real to me as my memories of childhood... and match up perfectly to who I am today....
it's just completely undeniable and undisputable in my mind... and I don't think I'm too crazy because others seem to feel the same... even none beleivers at times...
How amazing Deborah! I would assume you and your mother have a natural closeness deeper that what maybe others do? Were you mother and daughter in past lives?
I've always remembered certain aspects of different lives and the people in them that were closest to me. My Grandma wrote down many of the things I said as a little girl, and showed it to me when I was older, so I could easily match up a lot of what I said to various lifetimes.

My family did not believe in reincarnation, nor did they encourage my spirituality or interest in different beliefs. I cannot count the number of times my mother took paranormal and spiritual books away from me because she considered me too young. However, from the time I was around nine, I actively sought out others who had similar beliefs to my own. Luckily I met a wonderful family who encouraged me and listened to what I had to say. I learned a lot from them (and they had a great collection of books :laugh: )

Why do I remember these lives? Well, my answer is very personal to me, but I will say that I believe it has something to do with healing -- and helping others to heal. ;)

Ailish :)
I'm not sure I know the full answer to this question. I believe in part it's to show me where I've been and illuminate things that I need to work on to heal or to be a better person, and to indicate goals I should set, but I also know that is just a part of the reason in the overall scheme of things. :)
HI Confused2,

Mom and I were very close in Egypt - but not related. We lived across the path from each other in Judea - we were - best friends. We were sisters in India - and I was her son's governess in China. Thanks for the question. I just realized - in all four - we were both women/girls. Although we both remember other lives as men...it's an interesting side note.

As far as being close; yes........the non-local knowing between us is pretty cool too.
I think that when we have compassion - for ourselves and others - we no longer carry the baggage. I think - that when we find balance within -we can embrace our past with Love and understanding and embark on a future with conscious intent. I think - that - when we express it in the world - our reflections become whole.
HI Crissy2,

I have been following along on the forum with your experiences and am curious - you never answered this question regarding yourself.

Care to share?
I believe you learn about PL, in part, in order to solve problems in our current lives. While there may well be other reasons details of our PL are revealed to us, I've had several major decisions made partly based on PL information. I didn't fully realize that PL was involved until later, but it obviously was. A move out of state was a needed life lesson, once it had been learned I was able to return home.

Why do we have to remember?

I'm asking this question: why shall we remember? Not why we are remembering! But why are we forced to remember (may it be by flashbacks, dreams, vivons, on a regression.....)Why???!!!

Sorry about the emotional strained question but lately haunting memories filled with oppressing emotions are coming back!! But I don't want to remember, not if it is to feel this endless void and loneliness again! Until now everything came back on their own. Now I'm asking myself also why should I see all this?! Even
I don't want to!!:(
good question rynen.

well, my most logical answer would be to learn from the past. I mean, a lot of the memories I had at first were really tramatic, and the lifetimes I had to deal with were ultra painful, but in the end, dealing with these lifetimes helped me move on in this life, as before I was on the same path as these lifetimes and would just be repeating my mistakes.
I think sometimes too they provide explanations that are most needed, and also happy memories give us an example of what we've done right.
Hope this helps some :)

Although I am grateful, I often wonder why I have remembered. It's caused me nothing but heartache and confusion. I remember the people I loved, but I don't seem to have found them again. I have noone to talk to of my experiences and it often feels as if I am alone in my memories. Yet when I begin to feel this way I wonder how my life would be if I had never remembered. It is then that I realize that I would not give up my memories. Though they have come with a price, it is a price that I am willing to pay. We must remember to know who we were. True, that often brings suffering, but suffering is necessary to learn.
I've always felt that we learn of PL not only so we can be taught lessons from the past, but also to prepare us to touch and help others. While many of your memories might seem harsh, they might actually be meant to soften your heart, so that you can reach out to help someone.

I really like your explanation as well, John. It definitely makes sense to me -- that our most difficult experiences are meant to give us the knowledge -- and compassion to help another. :thumbsup: Awesome.

Rynen -- remember, that whatever memories you are having are in the past. It's good to acknowledge them, accept them and move on -- this is a different life and basically a fresh slate. Whatever you want in this life -- is within your grasp. ;)

elese said:
happy memories give us an example of what we've done right
Very well said, elese :D

I haven't made it all the way through this thread, as I'm getting ready to leave for an appointment. I do plan to come back and read it later this evening, as I find this interesting and have asked this question, myself. I did have a thought and wanted to relate it, and I apologize if I'm repeating something that someone else has said.

Why do we remember past lives? I have two thoughts.

First, in young children, I believe it's because their most recent life is still "fresh" to them and rather than feeling like something "long ago and far away," those memories probably feel to them, like our own (current life) memories from last week, last month, and last year.

Which brings me to the second thought:
Why do we remember specific memories from our current incarnations??? For me it is triggers: smell or taste, a scene or event, a song, etc.

There is no way I could sit here and recall my current life's memories in great detail from beginning to end. Even when remembering a specific event, I may not remember every detail. Sometimes I will talk with a loved one about "remember when ..." and relate what I'm thinking. Then they say, "Oh yeah! And remember that such and such thing that happened?" and up until that "prompt," that particular memory wasn't in my thoughts.


I may have a trigger that prompts a specific memory but leaves out some forgotten detail until a future prompt triggers that detail for me, as my previous exampled loved one did.

Sorry if that's a repeat of anything anyone else has said. I just wanted to get it out of my head before it left forever.
Why did I remember? I had no choice...over several years of visions, dreams, deja vu, synchronousities and just weird, weird feelings it all came crashing through. A light switch went on. The swirling tempest of thoughts, "memories" and emotions were turning this sane man inside out. When the word reincarnation showed up, it was like pulling a dank and dirty old tarp off of a beautiful vintage car. I could see so much clearer. The sense of it all was perfect.

I think I remembered, practically speaking, because of intense emotions: sadness, infinite love of a woman and hatred of God for taking her. I'd say thats a pretty good crop of karma goblins to come knocking, relentlessly, on my door!

As I accepted the tenant of past lives I could see the shadows of other lives lurking...lurking in habits, tendencies, likes/dislikes, the archetypes of me. I have three memories, though I've never pursued any of them. They crossed the river because it was time...and, I guess, because I needed them.

Maybe we only remember past lives that are relevent to issues that we are dealing with in our current life.

In some cases, maybe remembering an event from a past life could be harmful to a persons progress in this life. So the memory is blocked until the person can deal with the issue in a progressive manner.

Personally, my past life memories are very similar to my childhood memories; just a vague scene with an emotion attached. It would be a major overload if I could remember every detail of this life, much more so if I included every life I have ever lived!
I'm not a new member, but I'd like to expand on the post I made six months ago when I was new. I think we recall past life memories for a variety of reasons, which I think pretty much apply to us all. We remember so that we accept reincarnation as a fact, which will then help us use those memories to learn lessons, and to resolve issue and heal. But beyond that we're then able to better understand ourselves. This allows us to use those lessons to grow both personally and spiritually, as we evolve from life to life.

that's a really difficult question for me, it's like I can feel the answer but I can't put it into words it if that makes any sense. I see my past life mostly in my sleep, it's the intense emotion that goes with it more than what I "see" that convinced me they were memories until I got the validation, then I knew they were real memories. This is hard to explain, but i hope some of you may know what I mean, it took me my whole life to get it... when I experienced the death of my past life for the first (and hopefully the last) time a few weeks ago, I was scared....oh so scared, I cried off and on for hours after and I didn't quite know why, I was feeling all these emotions from the perspective of my other life and not my own, I was letting it all go ...or beginning to heal, and i've felt like a changed person ever since, like John said, I now understand myself much better. So I think that is why I remembered or was meant to remember, I feel as though facing my fears (and my death) in that life has lifted a curtain on this life.
Thanks for sharing that Chris. Seeing the change in you here, I can imagine how much better life is for you now. The unsolvable mystery is why it took you so much longer than it did me. Some things I seemed to be born knowing, and the last real issues I had to deal with occurred 20 years ago. Rather than the old saying "better late than never", why not " the sooner the better"? That would seem like a better system to me.

So.................How do you know why you remember your past lives?

I know why I remember my past lives. It's the same reason why I remember what I've done in this life:

They are my memories.

What else would I do with them other than remember them or refuse to remember them?

Or how do you know that what you think you remember is a past life?

I don't "think" that the memories I have are of a past life.

I know they are.

I've accepted that reincarnation happens, and my memories are my inheritance from myself.

It was either that or accept that I'm crazy. And I'm not crazy.

I am a bit leery of answering such big questions as 'why' in any definitive way this week, but I am operating under a number of theories that some of us seem to be better at remembering our past lives than others because:

1. We just have really good memories - it's just one of those things like bendy back fingers.
2. We want to break a pattern we keep repeating and we can't find any other way to do it. So we make a deal with ourselves before incarnating that we will remember so that hopefully we can learn to avoid them with this knowledge.
3. We have a lot of time on our hands and a general interest in the supernatural, so we seek out information on how it is done and practice with assiduity - like learning the bagpipes.
4. Memories just surface like messages from our 'higher being' when we are having a dilemma in our present life that we cannot otherwise solve.

I have always just had memories since childhood, and I think it is for a combination of all 4 of the above reasons.

As Phoenix says, these memories have a very distinct 'memory-like' quality that makes it simple to distinguish them from regular thoughts or fantasies. They feel exactly like present-life memories, except people tend to be wearing period costume and so on.
tanguerra said:
They feel exactly like present-life memories, except people tend to be wearing period costume and so on.

Period costume...that makes me wonder if I'll be confused in my next life because of all the re-enacting I've done in this one. I have lots of memories of being in period costume (medieval) and arguing about which Star Trek captain was better.

I also have a very vivid image memory from the first (and only time) I went to a world war II re-enactment. The first person I saw when I got there was a man in a Waffen-SS uniform, authentic to the last stitch. Talking on a cell phone.

Those memories are going to be interesting in my next life because of the inherent anachronisms, such as the Kirk vs Picard vs Janeway vs Sisko discussion in the middle ages, or the cell phone in world war II.

Anyone else had some funky memories in this life that are likely to be confusing when you remember them in your next?

Meaning of reincarnation

What is it's nature and purpose?
Are you going to reincarnate as every living form, every different person once in your life time?
Or are we all different souls on individual paths and the same person is never born again?
Hi ISelf,

From my point of view -- the soul is here to experience and to learn and grow from those experiences.

I do not believe that the same personality continues from life to life.

I believe that consciousness creates the circumstances we are born into -- so in essence, we are responsible for everything we create. ;)

You might enjoy reading this thread: "personality" of souls from life to life?

Ailish :)